Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Country Heart And Home

Welcome to another week of Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week will be my last interview of the year as I am taking time off over Christmas to spend with my family and I am sure you all will be too. I will be back in the new year on the 4th of January featuring lots more lovely bloggers. Anyway back to this week and I am featuring another local North East blogger Debbie from Country Heart and Home. Debbie is another blogger who I have met a couple of times in real life and she is really lovely and friendly, her blog is full of crafting and baking with her children and going on adventures. 

Blogger Country Heart and Home

So let's find out more about the family behind Country Heart and Home. 

Sunday, 18 December 2016

MOD Pizza At The Metrocentre - Review

Edit * MOD Pizza has now closed*

A couple of weeks ago we were invited along to MOD Pizza which has recently opened in the Metrocentre, after hearing great things about the opening in November I could not wait to try it out for myself. Located upstairs in the Qube where all the restaurants are near the cinema you will find MOD Pizza, if you are looking for somewhere quick, affordable, family friendly and delicious to dine then this is the place to visit. 

Before they opened in the Metrocentre I had not heard of MOD Pizza before, they first started in Seattle USA in 2008 and have quickly grown and now have five UK restaurants. As well as the Metrocentre they also have branches in London (Leicester Square), Leeds, Nottingham and Brighton.

MOD Pizza Metrocentre review

Frozen Northern Lights Elsa Doll Review

Can you believe that it has been 3 years since Frozen was released at the cinema? I remember going to see it with my eldest and Frozen fever is still as strong as ever with little ones all over the world. My three-year-old daughter has always liked Frozen but ever since she went to see Disney on ice Frozen a few months ago she has become Elsa crazy. She sings "let it go" non-stop, she constantly asks to watch the film and she even has a Frozen Elsa coat. So imagine her utter delight when we were recently sent an amazing box full of Frozen goodies to celebrate the release of brand new Lego animation Frozen Northern Lights on Disney Junior.

Frozen Northern Lights Elsa doll review

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Give The Gift Of Books This Christmas

As a child, I adored reading and every Christmas I would receive some new books to read over the holidays. I loved locking myself away in my bedroom and getting lost in a good book, Enid Blyton books about the famous five, Amelia Jane and the magic faraway tree were by far my favourite. As I have such fond memories of reading as a child I always buy my own children a selection of books for Christmas, as I think they make such a lovely gift. My teen will be getting the latest Zoella novel and my two and three-year-olds will be getting some new bedtime story books to add to their bookshelf. 

Book Gifts For Toddlers

We were recently sent a package containing some lovely Children's books from Penguin Random House to give as presents this Christmas. The three books we were sent were Max and Bird by Ed Vere, The Dinosaur that Popped Christmas by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter and The Little Elephant Who Wants To Fall Asleep by Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin. 

Friday, 16 December 2016

Find Cool Stocking Fillers For Him From Red5

Can you believe that it is just a week until Christmas? This year I am not at all organised and still have so much Christmas shopping still to do, especially for my other half as he is so hard to buy for! If you too are struggling with what to buy the man (or woman) in your life then fear not as I have recently discovered RED5 a brilliant gadget shop selling perfect gifts and stocking fillers. They stock so many fun and quirky gifts at pretty good prices so you are bound to find the perfect gift for someone this Christmas. 

Searching the website I was amazed at just how much choice there was, I literally spent ages trying to decide what to get. Eventually, I decided on a few stocking fillers that I just know my other half will enjoy. 

stocking fillers for him from RED5

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Aladdin At Whitley Bay Playhouse - A Great Family Panto

At Christmas time you just can't beat a family trip to the panto to get you in the festive spirit. This year we were invited along to see Blue Genie's production of Aladdin at Whitley Bay playhouse, starting Shane Lynch from Boyzone. It really is a show not to be missed. Located close to Whitley Bay town centre and beach front the modern theatre is the perfect venue for a family pantomime, with lots of free on site parking and local transport close by. With a well-priced bar selling a range of drinks and snacks and stalls selling flashing wands for little ones that won't break the bank (we paid £6 for a fairy one) you won't mind buying a few little treats to enjoy the show with. 

Aladdin at Whitley Bay Playhouse

My First Scalextric Review

When I was a child I always remember the year that my brother got a Scalextric for Christmas, he was so excited and spent hours racing whoever would race him. Being a mum to a little boy myself now I always imagined buying my son his own Scalextric set when he was older, as they are such a classic childhood toy. I had no idea that they actually had My First Scalextric sets which are aimed at younger children aged 3 and over, making them the perfect introduction to Scalextric for slightly younger racers. 

My First Scalextric review

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Adventures Of A Monkey Footed Mummy

Welcome back to Other Bloggers Family Lives, I have not been running this series for a few weeks as I simply have not had the time to blog since moving house last month. I will be back posting every Wednesday again now that we have settled into our new home and I have lots of lovely bloggers lined up over the next few weeks. This week I am featuring fellow North East parenting blogger and mum of three Karen from Adventures Of A Monkey Footed Mummy. Karen blogs about all things parenting, reviews, days out and dining out with her daughter's allergies, she is a truly lovely person who I have met several times. 

adventures of a monkey footed mummy

So let's find out more about the family behind Adventures of a Monkey Footed Mummy. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Give Him A Movie Gift This Christmas - Plus Giveaway

I don't know about you but buying gifts for the men in my life is so damn hard, I never know what to buy them. My dad never wants anything, my brother always asks for something daft and my partner never seems to know what he wants. This year is no different and with less than two weeks to go until Christmas I still have no idea what I am buying them and have not brought them a single thing yet. Then I realised they all love watching films, so what better gift than some action packed blockbuster films to enjoy over the festive season. 

Warner Bros have some great must-see DVD's out at the moment that I just know they will love. Films such as Batman Vs Superman, Creed, Black Mass, Point Break and Mad Max Fury Road. All films that received rave reviews and I wouldn't mind watching myself. 


Monday, 12 December 2016

Nuby Giveaway

A few weeks ago we were contacted and asked if my two-year-old son Jacob would like to become a Nuby brand rep. I agreed as we love Nuby products, not only are they local (ish) to us - they are based in South Tyneside but they also make fab products. Jacob's most loved baby toy was a little Nuby teething dog, he loved it for the first few months of his life and we have kept it in his baby box. He also loved the soothers, they were the only ones he would use and as he has grown and become a little boy he loves the bath toys and the beakers and cutlery are perfect for him. 

Nuby toddle products

November 2016

Once again I am super late writing my monthly round-up post, I was going to skip this months post as I have so many other things to be writing about but I love having these posts to look back on someday. November was such a busy month for us as we moved home and things are only just starting to return to normal now a whole month later! The month just seems to have gone by in a blur and I can not believe that we are just under two weeks away from Christmas. I am so disorganised for Christmas this year so I think I am going to have a super busy few week ahead of me getting organised for the big day. 

Anyway, let's have a look at what we got up to in November. Apologies for the lack of photos as I have hardly taken any at all recently. 


Sunday, 11 December 2016

Biscuiteers Christmas Circus Biscuit Tin

When I was younger I always remember that my mum used to buy my Nana a nice tin of biscuits each year for Christmas, looking back I think it was a lovely gift idea. If someone brought me a tin of biscuits for Christmas I would certainly be happy as they are a nice alternative to chocolates and can be enjoyed with a nice mid-afternoon cup of tea. Recently I was lucky enough to be sent the most beautiful festive tin of luxury biscuits from Biscuiteers that truly tasted as good as they look. 

Biscuiteers review

Friday, 9 December 2016

Win Prizes With The 12 Days Of Plenty

Hands up who is ready for Christmas ? I'm not at all, everything is still a bit crazy after our recent house move with boxes still to unpack and things to organise. I am planning on spending this weekend getting organised and putting the Christmas tree up (once I have brought a tree that is) writing some Christmas cards out and making some shopping lists of what we need to buy. I still have so many gifts to buy and also the 'big' Christmas grocery shop, you know the one when your trolley is overflowing with food and drink because the supermarket will be shut for two whole days! 


Thursday, 8 December 2016

Christmas Gift Ideas For A Three-Year-Old Girl

As Christmas is fast approaching I thought that I would do a quick gift guide on things that are perfect for a three-year-old girl. Obviously, my little girl is three so I have decided to include a mix of things that we have reviewed throughout the year and she has really loved and things that she has asked for off Santa herself. Hopefully, you will find this useful if you are looking for a gift idea for a little girl this Christmas.

gifts for a 3 year girl


Classic Tiny Tears Doll Review

When I was a little girl I loved playing with my doll and pram, I always remember that I had a Tiny Tears doll and I used to love dressing it up and pushing it around the garden in its pram. Fast forward over 30 years later and Tiny Tears is still going strong, in fact she celebrated her 50th birthday last year as she was launched here in the UK in the 1960's. She was the first fully functioning feeding, crying and wetting doll with closing eyes, moveable arms, legs and head. 

Tiny Tears Doll Review


Monday, 5 December 2016

Dr Beckmann Bundle Review & Giveaway

I don't know about you but every year just before Christmas I have a huge clean up of my house ready for Santa coming. Obviously this year we have only just moved so I have already had a huge de-cluttering mission and lots of things in the house are all sparkly and new. I will still be giving everything a good clean though, especially things like my cooker and kitchen appliances which if I am honest often get a  bit overlooked when I am doing my daily cleaning. I am also trying to get through the mountain of laundry that we have, I always seem to be just doing half loads as you can guarantee I will only have a few whites and a few darks to go in the wash and I obviously never wash them together. 

Dr Beckmann Bundle Review & Giveaway

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Baby Born Interactive Happy Birthday Doll Review

Can you believe that iconic doll Baby Born has celebrated its 25th year this year? It is a doll that has really stood the test of time and generations of children have enjoyed. My eldest daughter who is now 14 received a Baby Born doll for her third birthday and it was such a loved and very much played with doll that she treasured for many years. So when my three-year-old daughter Sophia was offered a Baby Born doll to review I just knew that she would fall in love and have hours of fun with this classic doll, just like her big sister did over ten years ago!

To celebrate the 25th Birthday of Baby Born they have released a special Happy Birthday doll, which is such a lovely idea. The Happy Birthday Baby Born doll comes dressed in a beautiful pink party dress, matching pink shoes and complete with a birthday crown. She also comes with lots of accessories to celebrate her birthday party in style, which little ones can join in with. Like all Baby Born dolls she is very lifelike and can drink her bottle and then wee on her potty, she can cry real tears too. 

Baby Born Interactive Happy Birthday Doll Review

Friday, 2 December 2016

Thomas & Friends Glowing Musical Thomas Review

My little boy Jacob is crazy about Thomas & Friends, all he has asked for this year for Christmas is two things and one of them is a Thomas & Friends green train. He loves Thomas so much that he has Thomas bedding, Thomas pyjamas and a couple of Thomas toys. At only two-years-old, he is still a bit too young for most of the toys as they are mostly aimed at slightly older children. 

Golden Bear toys have launched a new range of Thomas & Friends toys aimed at younger fans, suitable for ages 10 months +. They have a Glowing Musical Thomas (RRP £24.99) which plays the iconic theme tune, makes sounds and says popular phrases and his cheeks also light up and glow different colours. The Large Talking Thomas & Friends (RRP £14.99) are large soft-bodied trains that say popular phrases from the show. You can choose from Thomas, James and Percy and they are perfect for little hands to hold, or you can get the regular Talking Thomas & Friends (RRP £9.99) which is exactly the same just a bit smaller in size. Thomas & Friends Beanies (RRP £4.99) would make the perfect stocking filler and are ideal for carrying around or collecting, again you can choose from Thomas, James or Percy characters. 


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Festive Day's Out With Toddlers In The North East This Christmas

This year my little two children - aged two and three years old are super excited for Christmas. This is the first year that they have both realised what is going on and it is so amazing watching the sheer joy on their face whenever they see a Christmas tree or sparkly lights. As this is the first year that they are understanding the magic of Christmas we are planning lots of day's out to really get them in the festive spirit and bring the magic of Christmas alive for them. If you have a young child and are wondering what to do with them this December, read on for some inspiration and to see what we have planned. 


Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Thing's I Loved In November

November has been a totally crazy month for us, we finally moved house which was the most stressful thing ever! The children have been constantly ill, poor Sophia even ended up in hospital with dehydration a couple of weekends ago as she has just been so unwell these last few weeks. I just feel like the whole month has been utter chaos and I have not had time to do anything, I have so much unpacking to do and a neverending to-do list. This month really has just passed by in such a crazy blur and it seems such a long time ago since I wrote last months post. However amongst all the madness that was November lots of lovely things happened too. So let's have a look at what I have been loving in November 2016. 


Friday, 25 November 2016

Noddy Remote Control Car Review

Noddy is such a timeless classic children's TV character, isn't he? I remember him from my own childhood, my teen loved him when she was a toddler and now my two-year-old son loves him too. He really is such a well-known character that everyone seems to love. Recently we were sent a remote control Noddy car to review from Spinmaster, aimed at children aged 2+ I knew that it would be perfect for my little boy to play with. 

Noddy remote control car toy

Lily's Driftwood Bay Toy Review

My little girl, Sophia loves watching TV in the morning before nursery, as we have recently moved we did not have Sky reinstalled until a few days ago so I had to find new shows for my normally Disney Junior loving little ones to watch. We have been watching a lot of Milkshake in the morning, on channel 5. One show that my little ones really seem to have fallen in love with is Lily's Driftwood bay, which is showing daily on Channel 5 Milkshake, Netflix and also Nick Jr. 

Lily's Driftwood Bay is about a little girl called Lily who lives at the seaside with her dad and has a big imagination and makes up amazing adventures that she takes us on in each episode. It is the perfect show for little ones to watch as it is full of adventure and really captures my three-year-old's imagination. 

Lily Driftwood Toys

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

A Little Update - We Have Moved House

So things have been a little quite on here and on my social media for the last couple of weeks, we finally moved just over a week ago. When people say that moving is the most stressful time of your life they are so right, it was the most tiring and testing weekend I have had in a long time. I honestly never want to move again. We moved on my birthday of all days, so I did not celebrate my birthday at all or get any presents this year but I suppose a new house is a pretty good birthday present.

The week before we moved was crazy, packing the old house up was nigh on impossible with two toddlers. The other half was working long shifts at work and only had a few days off to actually move house and was back at work the day after we moved, so I felt like I had to do so much of it on my own and was still actually packing boxes as we moved. Sophia was ill, she had a sickness bug and was sick every day and night in the week leading up to the move, so we were all exhausted with lack of sleep.

new home sign


Sunday, 20 November 2016

Justin's House Playset Review

My little boy Jacob is crazy for Mr Tumble, it is his favourite T.V show and he has only asked for two things for Christmas and one of them is a Mr Tumble Car (which was sold out everywhere but we have eventually managed to get for him). Jacob is such a big Mr Tumble fan that he also adores Justin who plays him, he always shouts "It's Justin" when he sees him on T.V and he has also started watching Justin's House on the Cbeebies channel. 

 Justin's house is a show hosted by Justin Fletcher (Mr Tumble) and his friends such as Robert the robot, Little Green Monster and is non-stop singing, dancing, mishaps and laughter from the young children in the audience. My three-year-old daughter also loves Justin's house ever since we seen it live at the Justin and Friends arena show last year. So when we were recently sent a Justin's House playset from Golden Bear toys  I knew that both of my children would love playing with it.

Justin's House Playset Review


Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Sophie & Lily

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Sophie & Lily, which is a UK parenting and lifestyle blog. Sophie is a mum of two and is currently heavily pregnant with baby number three - how exciting! Her blog is all about her family life, pregnancy, reviews, interiors and general lifestyle posts. 

Sophie & Lily Logo

So let's find out more about the family behind Sophie & Lily. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

The Book Of Everyone

With Christmas fast approaching and with us moving house in a matter of days I have been trying to get organised for Christmas early this year. I actually started shopping for my children's gifts back in the summer as I knew that I needed to get organised as the house move is costing a lot of money and taking up all of our time at the moment. While I love shopping for my children and find it really easy to think of things to buy them I do struggle when it comes to the adults in the family, especially my dad. Every year I ask him what he wants and every year he says he does not need anything and he normally ends up with socks, hankies and a bottle of brandy. 

Recently I heard about The Book Of Everyone and I just knew that this would make such a special gift for my dad this Christmas. The Book Of Everyone is a brilliant idea that helps you create a book all about the person you are making it for, each book is individual to them and full of interesting facts about the year they were born. 

The Book Of Everyone review

Monday, 7 November 2016

PlaySkool My Little Pony Toddler Toys Review

My three-year-old daughter is really starting to enjoy playing games with her toys these days, she makes up little games and it is so adorable watching her imagination grow as she plays. As she is still only three I find it hard finding toys that will capture her imagination, she is still a little too young for some toys but is obviously too old for baby ones. I also have to be very careful what kind of things I buy for her as her little brother will often put small objects in his mouth, meaning we normally stick to chunky figures and role play items.

So when we were recently asked if we would like to try out some new PlaySkool My Little Pony toy's aimed at children aged 18 months to 3 years old I thought these would be perfect for her, as she has recently started showing an interest in My Little Pony. We were kindly sent three toys from the range to try out, Pinkie Pies Ride 'n Slide Ramp (£29.97 Asda and Amazon), Applejacks activity barn (£16 Debenhams and Asda) and Bumblesweet & Cheerilee friends Go-Round (£9.97 from Asda) all aimed at children aged 18 months and over.

PlaySkool My Little Pony Playset

Pizzastorm Newcastle

EDIT *Pizzastorm Newcastle has now closed*

If you're from Newcastle you will probably have noticed that lots of new restaurants have been popping up in the recently redeveloped Grey's Quarter in Eldon Square. One of the new restaurants is Pizzastorm who create custom made pizzas in just 3 minutes! I think the best way to describe Pizzastorm is like Subway but for pizza instead of sandwiches. We were recently invited along to the very recently opened Pizzastorm which is located upstairs in Grey's Quarter to see what we thought.

Pizzastorm Newcastle review


Friday, 4 November 2016

October 2016

Can you believe that it is November? I am well and truly on the countdown to Christmas now. I really love this time of year, yes it is busy and stressful with Christmas shopping and lots to do before the big man in red arrives but it also a bit magical too, with the air full of excitement. We have a super busy month ahead for November, it is my birthday on the 11th and we are also moving house on the 11th too! I am hoping the other half arranges some kind of belated birthday for me instead. Anyway enough of me waffling on, let's have a look at what life was like for us in October 2016. 

Personal Life


Thursday, 3 November 2016

Lunch At Le Raaj Chester Le Street

As a family we love Indian food, it is my teenager daughter and dad's most favourite food ever. Those who know us will know that every year for the last eight years we have actually gone to our local Indian restaurant for Christmas dinner instead of having traditional turkey. So when I was recently invited to Le Raaj Indian restaurant in Chester-Le-Street, near Durham I knew that I would have to take my dad and teenage daughter with me and my dad's partner Linda.

Located in Chester Moor, near Chester-Le-Street on the A167 you can not miss Le Raaj housed in an old Victorian chapel. With plenty of free on-site parking and a bus stop right outside (although I have no idea which buses go past) getting to Le Raaj was really easy and only a half an hour drive from our home near Newcastle.

Le Raaj Lunch menu

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Does Your Family Have a Superpower? If So npower Want To Know

Does your family have a hidden superpower? You are probably sitting reading this and thinking no we are just a normal family, that's what I thought too when I was first asked that very question myself. However, after thinking about it I realised that every family has hidden superpowers, and npower seem to agree as they have just launched a new campaign to celebrate Britain's hidden superpowers. With the help of Peter Andre npower want to celebrate all of the fun, quirky, clever, practical and entertaining everyday superpowers that we everyday families like yours and mine may have.


Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Noah And The Girls

Welcome to another week of Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am featuring Kerry from gorgeous blog Noah & the girls. Kerry's blog is full of interior, recipes, travel and parenting posts that are oh so stylish. It really is a lovely blog that you could spend hours reading. 

So let's find out more about the family behind Noah & The Girls. 

Monday, 31 October 2016

Win A Copy Of The Journey Home DVD

Tomorrow is the 1st of November and I am now officially on countdown to Christmas! I love Christmas and every year I try and get my children into the festive spirit nice and early. One way that I  normally do this is with DVD's, nothing beats snuggling up on winter nights with a DVD in the lead up to Christmas. A new DVD called The Journey Home launched on DVD today (31st October) that promises to melt your frozen heart this festive season. 


Twirlywoos Interactive Musical Chick & Dance-Along Peekaboo Toys Review

My little boy Jacob loves the Twirlywoos, he is not normally a fan of sitting watching TV but he loves watching CBeebies show the Twirlywoos. Whenever this shows come on the TV he will get all excited and sits fascinated watching them, he really really loves it. We recently reviewed some Flying Twirlywoos which he adored, he laughs his head off whenever they fly. As he loved them so much we were planning on buying him some more Twirlywoos toys for Christmas this year, however, we were very kindly sent some new Twirlywoos toys to review. We were sent an Interactive Musical Chick and a Dance-Along Peekaboo from Golden Bear Toys, as soon as Jacob seen them his face lit up and he could not wait to get them out the box. 

Interactive Musical Chick and Dance-Along Peekaboo Twirlywoos Toys

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Thing's I Loved In October

I can't believe that it is almost the end of October, once November starts I will be on the countdown to Christmas. Every month I record things that I have loved from the month gone by, a sort of happy list for me to see what I have been loving that month. Last month I did not have the time to write a post as we were just so busy trying to sort this house ready to move. Typically our moving date has been pushed back and as things stand I currently have no idea at all when we will be moving, fingers crossed it is soon! At the moment we are living in chaos with boxes all over the place. Anyway, let's have a look at what I have been loving this month.


Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring A Slice Of My Life Wales

Welcome to another week of Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring another blog that I really enjoy reading, A Slice Of My Life Wales written by Leanne. I first discovered Leanne's blog last year when we were both following the Slimming World plan and I used to read her weekly meal plans for inspiration. I am now a regular reader of her blog and love to read all about her family life in Wales with her adorable little one-year-old girl Aria. 

A Slice Of My Life Wales

So let's find out more about the family behind A Slice Of My Life Wales 

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Kids Parcel Review

Update 2019 - Kids Parcel have now shut down.

Do you ever struggle with what to buy children for their birthdays or Christmas? I do, with my own children and also with my nieces. Sometimes it is hard to know what to buy a child, you may not be sure what they like or they may just have so many toys that you have no idea what else you could possibly buy them. With Christmas just around the corner you may be starting to worry about what to buy the little people in your life, well fear not as I have discovered a brilliant new gifting service for children aged between 3-10 called Kids Parcel.

kids parcel box review


Friday, 21 October 2016

Ariel Colours Of The Sea Bath Doll Review

Like most people I have loved Disney films ever since I was a child. The Little Mermaid is without a doubt my all time favourite Disney film, I remember going to see it at the cinema when it first came out and when I went to Florida a year later all the parade was The Little Mermaid theamed. I especially adore the much loved 'Part Of Your World' song that Ariel sings. I know all of the words and sing along whenever I hear it, which is quite often these days as my three-year-old daughter, Sophia has also taken a bit of a shine to The Little Mermaid film too. 

colours of the sea ariel doll

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Belle Du Brighton

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring a blog that I love to read, Belle Du Brighton. I discovered Lauren's blog a couple of years ago now back when she was pregnant with her little boy Arlo (adore that name), I have loved seeing him grow from bump to toddler. Lauren's blog is all about her family life with two young children and is a great mix of travel, interiors and review posts. 

Belle Du Brighton

So let's find out more about the family behind Belle Du Brighton. 

Saturday, 15 October 2016

September 2016

I am so late writing my monthly round-up post this month, I normally write them at the start of the month and now it is almost the end of October! I was not going to bother writing a round-up this month as things have been a bit chaotic these last few weeks. I do love having these little updates written down here on my blog though as they are so nice to look back on for us as a family. It feels like forever since I wrote my august update.

Anyway, enough of me rambling on here is what we got up to in September 2016.

jellyfish scarborough seaife

Friday, 14 October 2016

A Family Meal At The New Derwent Crossing Brewers Fayre

On Saturday we were invited along to the all new Derwent Crossing Brewers Fayre, located near the Metrocentre, to enjoy a family meal and try out the brand new play area. As a family we love dining out at Brewers Fayre, having visited the Royal Quays and Stonebrook branches in the past. My children love pub type meals as they are such fussy eaters and we love the relaxed family friendly atmosphere.

Derwent Crossing Brewers Fayre Dennis


Thursday, 13 October 2016

Juice Festival October 2016 - 4 Fun Activities for Babies & Toddlers

This October will see the Juice Festival returning to the North East and from the 21st - 29th October families and under 25s will be able to enjoy the arts, dance, hip-hop, theatre and more at a wide range of venues across Newcastle / Gateshead. Today Samantha from North East Family Fun has put together a list of 4 festival activities that are perfect for babies and toddlers.

Juice Festival


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring The Mum Diaries

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring a blog that I have only just discovered called The Mum Diaries. Written by Jaymee it is all about her family life with her three boys, recipes, reviews and general parenting posts. 

So let's find out more about the family behind The Mum Diaries. 

The Mum Diaries


Sunday, 9 October 2016

Furby Connect Review

I remember when Furbys first came out in the 90's, everyone went crazy for them! I was a bit too old to own a one myself as I was a teenager at the time, although I secretly wanted a one. Fast forward almost twenty years and the Furby is still around, there have been a few different versions of this iconic toy over the years. The latest edition is the Furby Connect which has recently launched and is set to be one of this years must have toys for Christmas. 

pink furby connect

Friday, 7 October 2016

Howard Lovecraft And The Frozen Kingdom DVD Giveaway

Now that we are well and truly into October my thoughts are starting to turn to Halloween. We don't really make a big fuss about Halloween in our house, the children do like to dress up though and we normally watch a 'scary movie'. To help get families ready for Halloween a new film has just been released by Lionsgate which promises to 'Get your family ready for Hallowe'en with this adventurous tale of mystery and magic.' 

The film is called Howard Lovecraft and The Frozen Kingdom, based on the graphic novel by H.P Lovecraft and with the voices of Ron Perlman and Christopher Plummer this animated tale is perfect for Halloween.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Rock And Roll Pussycat

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives, I did not post last week as we are in the middle of moving. This week I am featuring another of my favourite bloggers the super lovely Cat from Rock And Roll Pussycat. Cat is a fellow northern blogger and I have actually met her a few times before at local blogging events and she is so lovely and friendly in real life and her little boy is adorable. Cat's blog is full of family days out, travel, reviews, parenting posts and beautiful photographs. 

rock and roll pussycat blog

So let's find out more about the blogger behind Rock And Roll Pussycat. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Num Noms Wacky Bakers

Back in the summer, we reviewed some new Num Nom toys which are cute little scented toys that kids are going crazy for! My three year old loves them, especially the little motorised ones. To coincide with The Great British Bake Off  (am I the only one who has never watched this?) we were sent some more Num Noms in the hope that they would inspire us to get creative in the kitchen and become wacky bakers! 

Num Nom

Turn Nappies Into Rewards And Savings With Pampers Club

Being a mum of three I have changed a lot of nappies over the years, over the last three years I have had two children in nappies - even having two children in nappies at the same time for over a year! I used Pampers on my eldest 14 years ago and I use them on my youngest child now. They are the only brand of nappies that I trust to keep my little ones dry and comfortable, even overnight. 

I will be honest, though - changing nappies really is not one of my favourite things to do, I doubt it is anyones. But Pampers have come up with a great way to turn that dreaded moment when you spot that all too familiar #pooface into your favourite time of the day! They have recently launched a brilliant new rewards app called Pampers Club - it is free, easy to use and best of all it rewards you every time you buy some Pampers! 


Flying Twirlywoos Review

At the end of the summer, my little two were sent a Flying Twirlywoos toy each, however, with our imminent house move and things being a bit hectic lately I have only just gotten around to writing about them now. Sorry. My delay in writing about these toys means that my little two have had plenty of time to play with these Flying Twirlywoos and really test them out, though. 

Flying Twirlywoos are little launcher sticks that have one of the four Twirlywoo characters on, with a plastic propeller on top to help them fly. Setting the Flying Twirlywoos up and getting them to work was super simple, you simply had to put some batteries in (3 AA) then you clip the propeller onto the Twirlywoo characters head and slot it into the launcher. Then  you press the button on the launcher and watch the Twirlywoo fly away. 

flying twirlywoos toy

Monday, 3 October 2016

Lalaloopsy Glitter Hair Dough Doll Review

My little girl Sophia is three-years-old and she is really starting to notice all of the toy adverts on TV, whenever she see's something she likes she will ask for it. One toy that she has taking a bit of a shine to recently - that she has seen on TV, is the new Lalaloopsy glitter hair dough doll. Like most young girls she loves dolls, play-doh and playing with hair, so a doll that does all three really captured her attention.

lalaloopsy glitter hair dough doll review

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Project MC2 Doll Review

We are huge Netflix fans in our household, my teen watches it on her ipad every day and my two toddlers are forever watching Paw Patrol on it. I also keep hearing from friends about a new children's TV series on Netflix called MC2, a show that is about a group of friends who like things like science, maths, art, and technology. A great way to instil in young girls that taking an interest in school subjects can be cool. There is a range of dolls to accompany the show, each featuring one of the tv shows six characters with a fun activity in with the doll. 

MC2 doll review
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