Wednesday, 14 October 2020

L.O.L Surprise Movie Maker App Review


My 7-year-old daughter is a huge L.O.L Surprise fan, she has built up a huge collection of the dolls, pets and babies over the past few years. She also has some of the bigger items like the glamper and playset too and she spends hours playing with them all. So when I heard about the new L.O.L Surprise! Movie Maker app I thought she might enjoy it so downloaded it for her and she absolutely loves it!

What Is L.O.L Surprise Movie Maker? 

L.O.L Surprise Movie Maker is a free to download app that is available now on the app store and Google Play, you can find out more via the L.O.L website. Downloading the app was straightforward and once it was downloaded you can play straight away. My 7 year old managed to work the app on her own within minutes, it is that easy to use. 


Tuesday, 6 October 2020

What It Is Like Having A Puppy And Why We Need New Flooring

 Collaborative post.

Back in May, we welcomed an 8-week-old  puppy, Teddy, into our family and we have had him for almost five months now. As first-time puppy owners, it has been a bit of a learning curve over the past few months, however, I am so glad we got him and would recommend a dog to anyone thinking of getting a one. I have never been a dog person, I was bitten as a child and was terrified of them growing up. It has taken my husband and children years to convince me to get a dog, and I honestly think getting a dog has been the best thing for our family. Teddy brings us all so much joy, he is so playful with the children, he gets us all out the house on family walks and he makes us smile and laugh every single day. I think it is safe to say we are all a little bit smitten with him, even me!


So what has it been like being first-time puppy owners?

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