Having children changes your body forever, as your body grows in pregnancy to grow your child and then you have to give birth, we often assume that everything just goes back to normal but any mum will tell you that this is not always the case. Mum's often mention how they have now gained their 'tiger stripes' (stretch marks) or how they will never have a flat tummy again, how they have bags under their eyes due to lack of sleep and they shed hair for months after having a baby.
One thing that you rarely hear mentioned though is bladder sensitivity, this seems to be a bit of a taboo subject that no-one talks about.
One thing that you rarely hear mentioned though is bladder sensitivity, this seems to be a bit of a taboo subject that no-one talks about.
Always Discreet want to empower women to break this female health taboo, to realise that they are not alone as 1 in 3 women over 18 actually suffer from incontinence at some point in their lives. They want women to stop suffering in silence and to talk about it and seek help and advice, so they no longer feel held back from this condition. That is why today Always discreet has released new research that shows millions of British women are suffering from this condition and they are sharing lots of advice from GP Dr Sarah Jarvis for women with sensitive bladders.