Friday, 30 November 2018

Visiting Santa At Whitehouse Farm

On Saturday we had the most magical day at one of my favourite Christmas days out here in the North East, we were invited to Whitehouse Farm to see Santa. The children were so excited and chatted away excitedly in the car all the way there as they wondered if Santa would say they were on the naughty or nice list. Pulling up in the car park nice and early we wrapped up nice and warm and made our way into the farm to see what this years, all new Santa Experience was like and how it would compare to last years Winter Wonderland event. 


Thursday, 29 November 2018

Win A 6 Month Xbox Game Pass Subscription

Christmas is coming and I am sure if you have older children game consoles or video games feature on their Christmas list this year. If your children have an Xbox or have asked for a one for Christmas this year then I have the perfect giveaway for you to win a 6 months subscription for Xbox Game Pass worth £48. Perfect for letting gamers play a variety of games online and see which ones they enjoy, it is sure to be popular with gamers young and old. 

So what is an Xbox Game Pass subscription? 


Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Christmas Gift Ideas For Men

I don't know about you but I always struggle when it comes to buying gifts for the men in my life at Christmas time. They never ask for anything and finding something that I know they will like and that is a bit different from the usual ideas such as gift sets, socks and slippers can prove difficult at times. So I have put together a gift guide filled with some ideas that you may find useful.

the dining out gift card christmas gift idea

Monday, 19 November 2018

Harry Potter Wizard Training Wands Review

This weekend Fantastic Beasts Two, The Crimes of Grindlewood hit the cinemas and my partner and teen were lucky enough to see it on Saturday (I was meant to go but was stuck at home with a poorly child). As JK Rowling fans will know Fantastic Beasts is a spin-off to the Harry Potter films, featuring magical creatures, spells and lots of spellbinding moments. So wizard fever has been at a high recently, with Harry Potter films recently being showing on TV and a whole new audience discovering the delights of Hogwarts and magic.

My five-year-old daughter Sophia has recently discovered Harry Potter and she absolutely adores it, She has watched all the films and she has asked for Harry Potter gifts this Christmas. I think she is secretly hoping for an owl like Hedwig or a letter inviting her to join Hogwarts and meet Hermoine but the chances of that happening are rather slim. Luckily she was sent the next best thing, Hermoine's wand! 


Saturday, 17 November 2018

Christmas Gifts For Her

Christmas is coming and I for one can not wait, it really is my most favourite time of the year. The shops are full of Christmas gifts and people are starting to get Christmas gifts for loved ones. I know that sometimes finding that perfect gift can be a bit of a struggle so I have decided to do a gift guide full of gifts for the women in your life, which will hopefully give you a bit of inspiration. 

buyagift afternoon tea box

Friday, 16 November 2018

Christmas Gift Ideas For Boys Aged 4-6 Years Old

Now that we are half-way through November I am starting to get organised for Christmas, the most magical time of the year. I have been thinking of what to buy my own children for Christmas this year and we are struggling a bit with our little boy this year as all that he has asked for is a squishy, which costs a few pounds. He is four so he is also a bit too young for some toys and a bit too grown up for other toys, I think we will be getting him some lego and superhero stuff as he loves Avengers and Batman. I have also put together a Christmas gift guide for boys aged 4-6 years of age with some ideas of gifts I know my son will like. 

Crate Creature Bashers toy

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Poopsie Surprise Unicorn Toy Review

My little girl Sophia is five and like a lot of children her age she really likes Unicorns, rainbows and slime so hot new toy Poopsie Surprise Unicorn sounded right up her street. Tipped to be one of the must-have toys this Christmas it really does sound like a great idea, a surprise unicorn toy that is rainbow coloured and makes glittery slime. Her little face lit up last week when we were sent a one to review and she could not wait to get to work making slime with her new unicorn friend. 

Poopsie Surprise unicorn toy review

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Home and Horizon

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Lauretta who blogs at family lifestyle and travel blog Home and Horizon. Lauretta blogs about family life with two children, her home and travel and adventures her family have been on. So let's find out more about the family behind Home and Horizon. 

Home and Horizon blog logo


Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Santa Experiences You Can Still Book Near Newcastle

Now that we are almost halfway through November it is safe to talk about Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. My children are super excited and they have already posted their letters to Santa with gifts they really hope they will be lucky enough to receive. Fenwick's window has been revealed, the Christmas lights on Northumberland street have been switched on and the Christmas market is opening in a matter of days. Christmas has well and truly arrived in Newcastle, however, if you're a bit of a last minute planner like myself you might be wondering where you can go to see the Santa, as most of the Santa experiences and Grottos in the city centre sold out weeks ago.

Well, I have found five Santa experiences that still have availability near Newcastle this year. My lovely blogging friend Zena has also written about places you can see Santa in Nottinghamshire if live near there too. 

children meeting Santa at Whitehouse farm sitting in his grotto

Monday, 12 November 2018

Harry Potter PJs For Adults

We are huge Harry Potter fans in our house, myself and my partner have the read books and watched all the films (multiple times), my teen loves the films and now even my 4 and 5-year-old enjoy watching too. My partner is so excited about the new Fantastic Beasts film coming out at the cinema at the weekend, he has already got tickets to go and see it next week. 

So I was delighted to find out that New Look has brought out a great range of sleepwear for us grown-up Harry Potter fans, with items for both men and women. Perfect for snuggling up on the colder winter nights and re-watching the films over the festive period - something we do every year in our household. I was lucky enough to be sent a few items from the new range to see what we think.

Harry Potter Pjs, Dressing gown and every flavour beans

Saturday, 10 November 2018

October 2018

It is crazy to think it is now November, it honestly feels like it was only the start of the year just a few weeks ago and not eleven months ago. November is one of my favourite months, it is my birthday and the countdown to Christmas is well and truly underway, we have lots of lovely things to look forward to this month. October was an ok month for us as a family, it was my eldest birthday, we had a few nice days out and lots of family time over half-term which was very much needed. The reason I started this blog was to record our family life, hence the name of this blog so here is a little look at what October was like for us. 


Thursday, 8 November 2018

Little Tikes RC Dozer Racer Remote Control Car Review

My little boy Jacob recently turned four and he is really into any kind of vehicle, planes, trains, lorries, cars and trucks fascinate him and he really enjoys playing with toy ones. So he was the perfect candidate to test out the RC Dozer Racer remote control car which Little Tikes recently sent him to review. Tearing apart the box as soon as he set eyes on it as he was so eager to play with the remote control car inside, he could not wait to see what the RC Dozer Racer could do. 


Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Daddilife

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am joined by Han-Son who blogs at Daddilife and lives in London. So let's find out more about the family behind Daddilife.


Thursday, 1 November 2018

Things I Loved October 2018

October was an ok month for us, the children have settled in well at school and we are slowly getting used to our new routine now all three children are at school and we were so ready for half-term. My eldest turned 16 this month, we did a lot of wedding planning and we are now on the countdown to Christmas. I love this time of year as I am such a homebody and love an excuse to stay home now the nights are darker, we have been watching the Harry Potter films with Sophia as she totally loves them and is adamant she will be off to Hogwarts when she is older. 

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