Friday 30 May 2014

Penwizard - Personalised Children's Book Review

AD / Review Item 

The people at Penwizard kindly give me the chance to review a Peppa Pig My Daddy And Me book. I had never even heard of Penwizard book's before so I had a look on their website and was very impressed with what I saw. Penwizard offers a range of children's character book's which are suitable for both boy's and girls that you can personalise with the child's details, so that your child becomes a part of the story and is featured throughout the book.

Ordering the book was very easy, you simply click on the book that you want and fill in your child's details and then you can customise your character with the same skin tone, eye colour, hair style and colour etc .You can also customise your child's daddy character too, so that they look like your child and their daddy which was fun. Then you create an account and go to checkout and that's it. Super easy and very quick it took me less than five minutes.

personalise Peppa Pig book


Thursday 29 May 2014

Puddle Ducks Baby Swimming Lesson Review


A few week's ago I was contacted by the lovely people from Puddle Ducks Newcastle to ask if my 12-month-old daughter Sophia would like to attend a free trial lesson at one of there baby swimming classes. We had tried taking her swimming at the local leisure centre a few times in the past but she just cried and did not enjoy it.  However I had a look on the Puddle Ducks website which you can view here and I was impressed by what I read, as they have lot's of classes for different age's and ability's and tons of good reviews. 

Baby Sophia and her dad at a Puddle Duck Swimming Lesson


Friday 23 May 2014

Pregnancy Week 25 Update & Glucose Tolerance Test

I am now 26 week's and 3 days pregnant so I am a bit slow in posting my 25-week pregnancy update. You can read about week 23 and 24 of my pregnancy in my previous update.

I have been quiet on my blog lately as I have just been so busy, we are busy sorting out Sophia's first birthday which is soon. I have also been so busy trying to get everything sorted for Chloe's holiday as she is off to Marbella in Spain with her grandad this weekend, it is a last minute holiday so I have been trying to arrange passport renewal's for her (what a nightmare) and holiday clothes shopping etc. Both the girls have been so busy with activities the last two week's and I have had midwife and hospital appointments. 

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Week's 23 & 24 Pregnancy Update

I am now 25 week's pregnant, I really can not believe how fast this pregnancy is going by! So here is a quick update on what week's 23 and 24 of my pregnancy were like.

I have had my fortnightly midwife appointment and everything is fine my blood pressure is still normal thanks to my blood pressure medication and we got to hear baby's heartbeat, which I love. Baby is getting so much more active now I get really big kicks and I can see my belly move I even feel when baby has hiccups. Baby is defiantly getting into a pattern of kicking, normally not long after I have eaten I will get kicked for a while I think it must like being fed!


Saturday 10 May 2014

May Bank Holiday As A Morrison's Mum


A few week's ago I received an e-mail from Britmums inviting me to be a Morrison's mum for the May bank holiday weekend, which meant I would be sent £80 worth of Morrison's vouchers to do my grocery shopping and then write about my shopping experience and the quality of the food. Of course, I jumped at the chance as I love shopping at Morrison's, it is actually where we always go for our food shop. I even use to go to Morrison's every weekend food shopping with my own mam when I was a child. Morrison's have recently announced lots of new price cuts on everyday items so I was keen to see if I would notice a difference in my shopping bill. 

Morrisons shopping vouchers


Friday 9 May 2014

Gallstone's In Pregnancy

I have been meaning to write this post for a while now as ever since I suffered from gallstone's people have been asking me about it. I will start at the beginning when I was 32 week's and 2 days pregnant in my second pregnancy I suffered a gallstone attack. 

I went to bed feeling fine but I had only been in bed about an hour when I was woken up with a sharp pain under my right ribs, I just could not comfy.  I came downstairs thinking the baby was just lying on a nerve, but the pain started getting worse it was spreading right around my back and over my bump and felt like a tight band. I could not get comfortable at all and I was even finding it hard to breath as I felt so uncomfortable. I tried painkillers but they didn't even touch the pain so I got in the bath thinking that would help but the pain was just getting worse.



Monday 5 May 2014

Week's 21 & 22 Pregnancy Update

I am now almost 24 weeks pregnant and realised that I have not done a pregnancy update for a while now so I thought I would do a quick update on what week's 21 and 22 were like. As I mentioned in my last pregnancy post I now only have to have appointments with the midwife every two weeks instead of weekly, to check my blood pressure as I am on blood pressure medication as I am at risk of pre-eclampsia.  So I went to see the midwife when I was 22 week's and everything was fine with my blood pressure and urine and we got to hear baby's heartbeat which was perfect. 

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