Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Pop Pop Snotz Toy Review

Like most young children my 4 and 6-year-old love tiny collectable surprise type toys and slime - thanks to Youtube! My daughter has so many collectable surprise type toys and her little brother always wants to join in but there are not many available for boys that appeal to him. So when we heard about Pop Pop Snotz I knew these would be something that he would really enjoy as they have sets that will appeal to boys and girls. 

We were sent the green ones which are called Pop Pop Snots and are little balls you pop, kind of like bubble wrap and when you pop them green slime comes out. Some of the Pop Pops have just green slime in them and some of them have a small collectable snotz toy in them. These are probably more appealing to little boys, although my daughter liked them just as much as her brother; they do Pop Pop Pets which are pink and purple too. 

toys from pop pop snotz


Friday, 17 May 2019

April 2019

Life has been busy lately (isn't it always?) and I keep forgetting to write these monthly updates on the month gone by, which is a shame as I love looking back on them. I feel like I have so much going on lately that this blog is majorly neglected which is a bit frustrating as I had worked so hard to build it up over the years. But with a wedding to organise - I had no idea it would be so time-consuming the closer it got, plus the eldest doing her GCSE's and taking the little two to after-school activities I just have no free time.  Anyway, I am going to try and post on here more often again, famous last words! So here is a little look back on what April 2019 was like for us. 


Wednesday, 8 May 2019

A Family Day Out At The Gate Newcastle With Young Kids

Advertisement feature.

Now that all three children are in full-time school and the other half has weekends off work we make sure that weekends are family time. We like to have a day out somewhere but we find that we normally end up visiting the same places all of the time. So when we were recently invited along to The Gate complex in Newcastle city centre for an afternoon of family fun we knew this would be a nice change for the children. We visited with our 4 and 5-year-old on Saturday afternoon after Jacob had finished football, as the teen was out with her friends. 

The Gate complex in Newcastle

The Gate is somewhere that I have such fond memories of, I partied there with my friends in my 20s, I visited for first dates with my soon to be husband, I met up with friends for a cheeky Nando's and catch-up and it is also somewhere I regularly visited with my teen when she was younger for cinema trips in the school holidays. However it is not somewhere we have visited much with our younger two children (aged 4 and 5 years old), we have taken them for a few meals at Pizza Hut over the years but until recently they were too young to take to the cinema or to enjoy a relaxed family meal with. 

Friday, 3 May 2019

Things I Loved April 2019

Just like that, another month is over, April was a month full of illness (again), lots of wedding planning and a few nice family days out. Now that the weather is getting a bit nicer I am hoping that we get a break from illness and we can crack on with getting everything sorted for the wedding and enjoy some family time in the sunshine. May is always a good month for us as it is Sophia's birthday and she will be six soon, which is crazy as in my head she is still about three. So here is a look at some of the things that I loved in April 2019.

1.) School Holidays

I love when it is the school holidays and I have all three children at home, it is lush having lazy mornings at home and a break from the school run. We did not do a lot during the school holidays as Sophia had a really bad sickness bug which lasted almost a week and which she passed onto Jacob. We had a few days out, spent some time with family and the children enjoyed playing out in the garden most days. 


Thursday, 2 May 2019

Two Months Until I Say I Do

Time really is flying by as it is now just two months until I get married, having booked our wedding two years in advance it feels a bit surreal to now think it is just a matter of weeks away. This month has been a bit stressful, we haven't heard back from some of our suppliers and we still have quite a lot to pay off as I booked loads of little extras we don't really need but which I like. I was feeling really overwhelmed by it all but I am feeling much more positive about everything now. The closer we get to the wedding the more things are happening, it feels like every day we have something wedding related to sort out at the moment. 

wedding planner book and wedding magazine
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