Newcastle Family Life is run as a business and as such sometimes we do receive compensation to write content or share things via social media. We also often get sent products to review or we are asked to attend events, review hotels, attractions or restaurants free of charge in exchange for a review on this blog. All posts that fall within these categories will be clearly marked as such.
If I have been paid for a post I will state that is is a collaborative post. This means that I have been paid (normally in cash) to create this post by the brand. However, all thoughts and opinions will be my own and I will have written the post myself.
I sometimes post Guest Posts, these are posts that have been written by somebody else. Normally another blogger or very rarely a brand themselves. These posts will be marked as a guest post and it will state clearly who has written it and if it is another blogger or if I have been paid for the post by a brand.
If I have been sent a product to review I will state that I was sent this product within the post. Unless I state otherwise review products have normally been sent to us free of charge in exchange for an honest review on our blog.
We often get asked to review restaurants, attractions, theatre shows and hotel stays etc free of charge in exchange for a review on this blog. Again I will mention we have been invited to review and will always provide a completley honest review based on our personal experience.
If we share something via social media for a brand and are being compensated for the social media mention we will clearly state so by using the #AD hashtag and on Facebook by marking the post as paid.
This blog does not use any affiliate links so any link we share for products etc will not earn us any money.
This blog is a personal blog which is written and edited solely by myself, Lindsay if you have any questions then please feel free to email me at
Please do not copy any content from this site as it is owned by myself, unless I have personally agreed otherwise. Also please do not take or re-use any photographs from this blog without prior permission from myself, most of the photos contain my children and legal action will be taken if you take these photos without permission.
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