Tuesday, 29 January 2019

10 Netflix Shows I Have Enjoyed Watching

As a thirty-something mam of three at the end of the day when the kids are tucked up nice and cosy in bed, I love nothing more than plonking myself in front of the telly and spending a few hours binge-watching Netflix box-sets. I'm a mam and I'm knackered at the end of the day and don't get out much so Netflix keeps me occupied. I don't normally watch a lot of TV as I always forget when shows I like the look of are on and I have never really been into films, but boxsets I really like as I can dip in and out of them when I fancy, or more often than not binge-watch them over a few days or weeks - depending on the show. 

I am always looking for recommendations of shows to watch and have a pretty eclectic mix of programmes I watch, although detective/ crime type shows worrying seems to feature quite a bit. So if you are looking for some shows to watch, here are ten that I have watched on Netflix over the past year and enjoyed. 

Monday, 28 January 2019

Things I Loved January 2019

January is a funny old month, everyone is a bit skint after Christmas and the huge gap between paydays, the weather is dreadful and everyone is breaking resolutions and feeling a bit rubbish. However I kind of like January, yeah it is freezing cold, my diet lasted a day and my bank balance is looking a bit bleak, but January is also the start of a new year filled with lots of memories to make. I also really like the cosy days at home with the heating on whilst we try and stay warm, the hearty home cooked meals, lazy weekends at home with the children and seeing them enjoy the new toys Santa got them. As cheesy as it sounds, I also feel a bit thankful that we are all safe and happy and healthy and have a year of memory making ahead of us.

So let's have a look at some of the things that I have loved this month. 


Friday, 18 January 2019

Behind The Seams Costume Exhibit At Preston Park Museum Teeside

On Sunday we were invited along to Preston Park Museum in Stockton-On-Tees, to explore the new Behind The Seams exhibition. The exhibition provides a glimpse into the world of costume design and explores the story behind Angels Costumes, the worlds greatest costume houses who have been dressing the stars of stage, screen and TV for over 175 years. As I had never visited Preston Park before I had no idea what to expect, so read on to see what I thought.


Thursday, 10 January 2019

6 Months Until I Say I Do

It is now 2019 and I can officially say I am getting married this year! I will be honest and say I feel a bit mixed about it, obviously, I am excited and can't wait to eventually marry Lee after being together for so long and it will be nice to have the same surname as my children. However, knowing that the wedding is so close I am also feeling slightly panicked if I am honest as I feel like I still have so much to do, plan and pay for. I have been so laid back with the whole wedding planning process and now I am kind of regretting that. 

busy b wedding planner and county wedding magazine

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

A Look Back On 2018

I know I am super late in posting this but the kids only returned to school yesterday and I did not blog at all whilst they were off school for the Christmas break. I love writing posts looking back on the year gone by and 2018 was a pretty good year for us a family, we had an amazing family holiday abroad, Jacob started school, the other half started a new job and we made so many memories and just had a lovely year. So here is a little look back on 2018. 


Tuesday, 8 January 2019

My 10 Most Popular Blog Posts In 2018

At the end of each year, I sit down and have a proper look at my blog analytics to see which posts I have written have been popular that year. Like last year most of my traffic still comes from old slimming world recipes that I have on Pinterest however I am getting a lot of traffic on a whole range of posts this year. Last year my top ten popular posts were all local ones but this year there is a real mix of travel posts, local content and even a few sponsored posts that performed really well too. So here are my most popular blog posts from 2018. 

sunset over the beach in Santa Ponsa Majorca 2018


Monday, 7 January 2019


I am back after the most wonderful Christmas break with my family, we have spent some much needed time at home recovering from illnesses as the children caught so many bugs over the past few months. We have had lazy days at home watching films, playing with new toys from Santa and spending time with family and it was just what we all needed and has been so lovely. The children return to school tomorrow and I have decided to take the plunge eventually and start blogging full-time (and more consistently)  now that I am getting used to having all three children in full-time education.

Santa Ponsa Beach in Majorca sunset 2018

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