Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Country Heart And Home

Welcome to another week of Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week will be my last interview of the year as I am taking time off over Christmas to spend with my family and I am sure you all will be too. I will be back in the new year on the 4th of January featuring lots more lovely bloggers. Anyway back to this week and I am featuring another local North East blogger Debbie from Country Heart and Home. Debbie is another blogger who I have met a couple of times in real life and she is really lovely and friendly, her blog is full of crafting and baking with her children and going on adventures. 

Blogger Country Heart and Home

So let's find out more about the family behind Country Heart and Home. 

Sunday, 18 December 2016

MOD Pizza At The Metrocentre - Review

Edit * MOD Pizza has now closed*

A couple of weeks ago we were invited along to MOD Pizza which has recently opened in the Metrocentre, after hearing great things about the opening in November I could not wait to try it out for myself. Located upstairs in the Qube where all the restaurants are near the cinema you will find MOD Pizza, if you are looking for somewhere quick, affordable, family friendly and delicious to dine then this is the place to visit. 

Before they opened in the Metrocentre I had not heard of MOD Pizza before, they first started in Seattle USA in 2008 and have quickly grown and now have five UK restaurants. As well as the Metrocentre they also have branches in London (Leicester Square), Leeds, Nottingham and Brighton.

MOD Pizza Metrocentre review

Frozen Northern Lights Elsa Doll Review

Can you believe that it has been 3 years since Frozen was released at the cinema? I remember going to see it with my eldest and Frozen fever is still as strong as ever with little ones all over the world. My three-year-old daughter has always liked Frozen but ever since she went to see Disney on ice Frozen a few months ago she has become Elsa crazy. She sings "let it go" non-stop, she constantly asks to watch the film and she even has a Frozen Elsa coat. So imagine her utter delight when we were recently sent an amazing box full of Frozen goodies to celebrate the release of brand new Lego animation Frozen Northern Lights on Disney Junior.

Frozen Northern Lights Elsa doll review

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Give The Gift Of Books This Christmas

As a child, I adored reading and every Christmas I would receive some new books to read over the holidays. I loved locking myself away in my bedroom and getting lost in a good book, Enid Blyton books about the famous five, Amelia Jane and the magic faraway tree were by far my favourite. As I have such fond memories of reading as a child I always buy my own children a selection of books for Christmas, as I think they make such a lovely gift. My teen will be getting the latest Zoella novel and my two and three-year-olds will be getting some new bedtime story books to add to their bookshelf. 

Book Gifts For Toddlers

We were recently sent a package containing some lovely Children's books from Penguin Random House to give as presents this Christmas. The three books we were sent were Max and Bird by Ed Vere, The Dinosaur that Popped Christmas by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter and The Little Elephant Who Wants To Fall Asleep by Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin. 

Friday, 16 December 2016

Find Cool Stocking Fillers For Him From Red5

Can you believe that it is just a week until Christmas? This year I am not at all organised and still have so much Christmas shopping still to do, especially for my other half as he is so hard to buy for! If you too are struggling with what to buy the man (or woman) in your life then fear not as I have recently discovered RED5 a brilliant gadget shop selling perfect gifts and stocking fillers. They stock so many fun and quirky gifts at pretty good prices so you are bound to find the perfect gift for someone this Christmas. 

Searching the website I was amazed at just how much choice there was, I literally spent ages trying to decide what to get. Eventually, I decided on a few stocking fillers that I just know my other half will enjoy. 

stocking fillers for him from RED5

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Aladdin At Whitley Bay Playhouse - A Great Family Panto

At Christmas time you just can't beat a family trip to the panto to get you in the festive spirit. This year we were invited along to see Blue Genie's production of Aladdin at Whitley Bay playhouse, starting Shane Lynch from Boyzone. It really is a show not to be missed. Located close to Whitley Bay town centre and beach front the modern theatre is the perfect venue for a family pantomime, with lots of free on site parking and local transport close by. With a well-priced bar selling a range of drinks and snacks and stalls selling flashing wands for little ones that won't break the bank (we paid £6 for a fairy one) you won't mind buying a few little treats to enjoy the show with. 

Aladdin at Whitley Bay Playhouse

My First Scalextric Review

When I was a child I always remember the year that my brother got a Scalextric for Christmas, he was so excited and spent hours racing whoever would race him. Being a mum to a little boy myself now I always imagined buying my son his own Scalextric set when he was older, as they are such a classic childhood toy. I had no idea that they actually had My First Scalextric sets which are aimed at younger children aged 3 and over, making them the perfect introduction to Scalextric for slightly younger racers. 

My First Scalextric review

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Adventures Of A Monkey Footed Mummy

Welcome back to Other Bloggers Family Lives, I have not been running this series for a few weeks as I simply have not had the time to blog since moving house last month. I will be back posting every Wednesday again now that we have settled into our new home and I have lots of lovely bloggers lined up over the next few weeks. This week I am featuring fellow North East parenting blogger and mum of three Karen from Adventures Of A Monkey Footed Mummy. Karen blogs about all things parenting, reviews, days out and dining out with her daughter's allergies, she is a truly lovely person who I have met several times. 

adventures of a monkey footed mummy

So let's find out more about the family behind Adventures of a Monkey Footed Mummy. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Give Him A Movie Gift This Christmas - Plus Giveaway

I don't know about you but buying gifts for the men in my life is so damn hard, I never know what to buy them. My dad never wants anything, my brother always asks for something daft and my partner never seems to know what he wants. This year is no different and with less than two weeks to go until Christmas I still have no idea what I am buying them and have not brought them a single thing yet. Then I realised they all love watching films, so what better gift than some action packed blockbuster films to enjoy over the festive season. 

Warner Bros have some great must-see DVD's out at the moment that I just know they will love. Films such as Batman Vs Superman, Creed, Black Mass, Point Break and Mad Max Fury Road. All films that received rave reviews and I wouldn't mind watching myself. 


Monday, 12 December 2016

Nuby Giveaway

A few weeks ago we were contacted and asked if my two-year-old son Jacob would like to become a Nuby brand rep. I agreed as we love Nuby products, not only are they local (ish) to us - they are based in South Tyneside but they also make fab products. Jacob's most loved baby toy was a little Nuby teething dog, he loved it for the first few months of his life and we have kept it in his baby box. He also loved the soothers, they were the only ones he would use and as he has grown and become a little boy he loves the bath toys and the beakers and cutlery are perfect for him. 

Nuby toddle products

November 2016

Once again I am super late writing my monthly round-up post, I was going to skip this months post as I have so many other things to be writing about but I love having these posts to look back on someday. November was such a busy month for us as we moved home and things are only just starting to return to normal now a whole month later! The month just seems to have gone by in a blur and I can not believe that we are just under two weeks away from Christmas. I am so disorganised for Christmas this year so I think I am going to have a super busy few week ahead of me getting organised for the big day. 

Anyway, let's have a look at what we got up to in November. Apologies for the lack of photos as I have hardly taken any at all recently. 


Sunday, 11 December 2016

Biscuiteers Christmas Circus Biscuit Tin

When I was younger I always remember that my mum used to buy my Nana a nice tin of biscuits each year for Christmas, looking back I think it was a lovely gift idea. If someone brought me a tin of biscuits for Christmas I would certainly be happy as they are a nice alternative to chocolates and can be enjoyed with a nice mid-afternoon cup of tea. Recently I was lucky enough to be sent the most beautiful festive tin of luxury biscuits from Biscuiteers that truly tasted as good as they look. 

Biscuiteers review

Friday, 9 December 2016

Win Prizes With The 12 Days Of Plenty

Hands up who is ready for Christmas ? I'm not at all, everything is still a bit crazy after our recent house move with boxes still to unpack and things to organise. I am planning on spending this weekend getting organised and putting the Christmas tree up (once I have brought a tree that is) writing some Christmas cards out and making some shopping lists of what we need to buy. I still have so many gifts to buy and also the 'big' Christmas grocery shop, you know the one when your trolley is overflowing with food and drink because the supermarket will be shut for two whole days! 


Thursday, 8 December 2016

Christmas Gift Ideas For A Three-Year-Old Girl

As Christmas is fast approaching I thought that I would do a quick gift guide on things that are perfect for a three-year-old girl. Obviously, my little girl is three so I have decided to include a mix of things that we have reviewed throughout the year and she has really loved and things that she has asked for off Santa herself. Hopefully, you will find this useful if you are looking for a gift idea for a little girl this Christmas.

gifts for a 3 year girl


Classic Tiny Tears Doll Review

When I was a little girl I loved playing with my doll and pram, I always remember that I had a Tiny Tears doll and I used to love dressing it up and pushing it around the garden in its pram. Fast forward over 30 years later and Tiny Tears is still going strong, in fact she celebrated her 50th birthday last year as she was launched here in the UK in the 1960's. She was the first fully functioning feeding, crying and wetting doll with closing eyes, moveable arms, legs and head. 

Tiny Tears Doll Review


Monday, 5 December 2016

Dr Beckmann Bundle Review & Giveaway

I don't know about you but every year just before Christmas I have a huge clean up of my house ready for Santa coming. Obviously this year we have only just moved so I have already had a huge de-cluttering mission and lots of things in the house are all sparkly and new. I will still be giving everything a good clean though, especially things like my cooker and kitchen appliances which if I am honest often get a  bit overlooked when I am doing my daily cleaning. I am also trying to get through the mountain of laundry that we have, I always seem to be just doing half loads as you can guarantee I will only have a few whites and a few darks to go in the wash and I obviously never wash them together. 

Dr Beckmann Bundle Review & Giveaway

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Baby Born Interactive Happy Birthday Doll Review

Can you believe that iconic doll Baby Born has celebrated its 25th year this year? It is a doll that has really stood the test of time and generations of children have enjoyed. My eldest daughter who is now 14 received a Baby Born doll for her third birthday and it was such a loved and very much played with doll that she treasured for many years. So when my three-year-old daughter Sophia was offered a Baby Born doll to review I just knew that she would fall in love and have hours of fun with this classic doll, just like her big sister did over ten years ago!

To celebrate the 25th Birthday of Baby Born they have released a special Happy Birthday doll, which is such a lovely idea. The Happy Birthday Baby Born doll comes dressed in a beautiful pink party dress, matching pink shoes and complete with a birthday crown. She also comes with lots of accessories to celebrate her birthday party in style, which little ones can join in with. Like all Baby Born dolls she is very lifelike and can drink her bottle and then wee on her potty, she can cry real tears too. 

Baby Born Interactive Happy Birthday Doll Review

Friday, 2 December 2016

Thomas & Friends Glowing Musical Thomas Review

My little boy Jacob is crazy about Thomas & Friends, all he has asked for this year for Christmas is two things and one of them is a Thomas & Friends green train. He loves Thomas so much that he has Thomas bedding, Thomas pyjamas and a couple of Thomas toys. At only two-years-old, he is still a bit too young for most of the toys as they are mostly aimed at slightly older children. 

Golden Bear toys have launched a new range of Thomas & Friends toys aimed at younger fans, suitable for ages 10 months +. They have a Glowing Musical Thomas (RRP £24.99) which plays the iconic theme tune, makes sounds and says popular phrases and his cheeks also light up and glow different colours. The Large Talking Thomas & Friends (RRP £14.99) are large soft-bodied trains that say popular phrases from the show. You can choose from Thomas, James and Percy and they are perfect for little hands to hold, or you can get the regular Talking Thomas & Friends (RRP £9.99) which is exactly the same just a bit smaller in size. Thomas & Friends Beanies (RRP £4.99) would make the perfect stocking filler and are ideal for carrying around or collecting, again you can choose from Thomas, James or Percy characters. 

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