Friday, 9 December 2016

Win Prizes With The 12 Days Of Plenty

Hands up who is ready for Christmas ? I'm not at all, everything is still a bit crazy after our recent house move with boxes still to unpack and things to organise. I am planning on spending this weekend getting organised and putting the Christmas tree up (once I have brought a tree that is) writing some Christmas cards out and making some shopping lists of what we need to buy. I still have so many gifts to buy and also the 'big' Christmas grocery shop, you know the one when your trolley is overflowing with food and drink because the supermarket will be shut for two whole days! 


One thing that I will be sure to remember to add to my grocery list is plenty of Plenty kitchen roll as it really comes in useful at this time of year. I will be honest I am normally so busy piling my trolley high with pigs in blankets and boxes of frozen party food - that will still be in my freezer come July, that I totally forget about household necessities. Things that we actually need like washing liquid, foil for the turkey and kitchen rolls, things that when they run out you could kick yourself for forgetting. 

Having a teenage daughter, two messy toddlers and one extremely messy partner means that kitchen roll comes in super useful in our household. We really do use it for everything as they are just so handy to have, when something gets spilt it is much easier to just grab a sheet of Plenty, mop the spillage up and then chuck it in the bin. The good thing about Plenty is that it is super-absorbent and does not rip like cheaper alternatives that just leave a soggy mess everywhere. 

We use it for spillages, cleaning messy toddler hands and faces, collecting sprout (and vegetable) peelings ready for the bin and even for wrapping the Christmas tree baubles before they get boxed away - as it stops them shattering everywhere if they get smashed. The possibilities of uses are endless. 

If you are a Plenty fan then be sure to head on over to their Facebook page where there are currently running the #12DaysofPlenty, a fun Christmas competition with a daily prize. Each day until the 12th of December they will post a riddle and if you get the riddle right you could win a lovely prize to get you in the festive spirit. So far the prizes have included vouchers, coffee machines, hampers and Lego, all perfect for a Christmas treat. It really is worth a try as every now and then I enter the odd competition and I have won some amazing prizes over the years and you never know you could win a fab prize too! 

Good Luck! 

Disclosure this is a collaborative post. 



  1. I am definitely not ready for Christmas, its coming up too fast. Good to know about the competition

    1. I am glad I am not the only one not ready for it, everyone seems to be so organised apart from me this year. xx


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