Wednesday 21 December 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Country Heart And Home

Welcome to another week of Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week will be my last interview of the year as I am taking time off over Christmas to spend with my family and I am sure you all will be too. I will be back in the new year on the 4th of January featuring lots more lovely bloggers. Anyway back to this week and I am featuring another local North East blogger Debbie from Country Heart and Home. Debbie is another blogger who I have met a couple of times in real life and she is really lovely and friendly, her blog is full of crafting and baking with her children and going on adventures. 

Blogger Country Heart and Home

So let's find out more about the family behind Country Heart and Home. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family? 

We are a family of 8 and love every minute! Everyone thinks big families are crazy but this is what we have always wanted. Me and hubby met on a Thursday had our first date on Friday and he proposed the following week - our first son was born a year to the day we met. Our eldest is now almost 21 and is now a daddy himself.

2.) Where do you live? 

We live in Durham and don't think we would ever move. The town is beautiful and there is everything you could ever need on the doorstep .... from shops and places to eat to a picturesque cathedral and riverside walks.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

We love to go for family walks or eat out - usually one after the other! There are so many great places to eat in and around Durham so we are always making the most of having such a fabulous places on out doorstep. The riverside and countryside provide so many different routes to walk with the kids and I know the children love being beside the water, so riverside walks are always top of the list.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

Right here! Ok so the Maldives is on the list but realistically we are happy where we are.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up?

I grew up around 10 miles from where we live now and all our family live on the other side of Durham. Coming through to this side and visiting Beamish etc always seemed like it was a million miles away when really it is pretty local.

6.) Have you got any exciting plans for the year ahead?

Spending lots of time with our new grandson and having just renewed the contract on our rental home we are looking forward to making some changes - having moved from a month by month contract to a 2 year one is really exciting and the kids are looking forward to decorating their rooms! We also have lots of days out planned.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

My favourite thing about family life is knowing there is always someone there! Whether that be hubby for a cuddle when he comes in from work after a tough day or someone to share ice cream with while sitting in the garden. Watching the children we created become grown up and spending each day with lots of people you love is what family is all about for us. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions Debbie, I bet it so lovely having a grandson and you are all looking forward to his first Christmas. I hope that you all have a magical Christmas in your home now that you have been able to make changes to it and fully settle in with the long term lease. I am looking forward to seeing what crafts and recipes you come up with in the new year. 

To find out more about Debbie and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media

Twitter heartnhomedeb
Instagram countryheartdeb

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Adventures Of A Monkey Footed Mummy if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an email at 



  1. Love these kinds of posts from bloggers - great to see who they are behind the screen!

  2. I love it when I hear how happy people are to live where they are....and agree on the always knowing there is somewhere can never feel lonely!

  3. Maldives would be on my list too. Lovely interview x

    1. I so want to visit the Maldives it looks like paradise xx

  4. What a lovely honest interview. I enjoyed reading about Debbie's life.

  5. Ahh I love this interview. My husband and I met very similarly, we were married with a baby in our arms in just over a year. When you know, you know!

    1. Amazing! I totally agree when you know you know, I knew with my other half pretty early on xx

  6. Durham certainly is one of the more picturesque places I have ever been to. Great interview.

    1. I live so close to Durham but have only ever been to the passport office or travelled past on the train. I really need to visit someday xx

  7. ah I adore Durham - it is one of my fave places in the UK - very luckt to live there x

  8. Wow a family of 8, you deserve a medal. Congratulations on your new grandson, I hope you get lots of time to enjoy cuddles in 2017.

  9. Wow a family of 8? I am so impressed that she blogs and looks after an extensive family that is incredible. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. I know I don't know how she manages to blog so often, craft/ bake and everything else xx

  10. I love having plans for the coming year. I hope it's a good one for you

    1. It is nice having things to look forward to isn't it xx

  11. What a lovely post. I can imagine having a family of 8 as it is not to far from us at 6. Always lots of fun :):)

  12. Wow, that's a massive family! and congratulations on the eldest being a parent. I like family walks too (although it's a puppy with us and not children haha)

  13. Family of 8!!! She is my hero!

    1. Impressive isn't it? I struggle with just 3 children xx

  14. You sound like a wonderful family. I love Durham and often stay in the area as my sister lives there. Have a great Christmas xx

  15. I love hearing about other peoples lives. It sounds like you live in a really beautiful place. A family of 8 is amazing, Christmas must be so much fun at your house. x

    1. I always imagine big families have Christmases like on Home alone xx

  16. Nice to meet another family of 8 - I love being a big family :)

  17. Family of 8?! This woman is an inspiration !!!


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