Thursday, 31 July 2014

My Real Mum All Bran Challenge


If like me you think All Bran is a bland, boring cereal, that only your parents eat then you will be surprised to find that actually it is not like that at all, as I have recently discovered for myself when I took part in the #RealMumsAllBranChallenge. Brit Mums recently teamed up with All Bran to challenge some bloggers to try the new All-Bran cereals for five consecutive day's to see what we thought, here is how I got on. 

three boxes of All-Bran cereal


Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Week's 33 And 34 Pregnancy Update

I am now 35 + 1 day's pregnant - only five more weeks until my due date! I know that I say this all of the time but I can not believe how fast this pregnancy has flown over, it seems like only last week that I found out that I was pregnant and now I am only a few week's away from meeting my baby!

A lot has been happening baby wise now that I am nearing the end of my pregnancy so here is what week's 33 and 34 of my pregnancy were like.

34-week bump


Monday, 7 July 2014

Week's 31 & 32 Pregnancy update's

I am still lucky in that I am not suffering from any sickness, heartburn, cravings or aches and pains etc.  However, I am still feeling really tired and have no energy at all to do anything as I mentioned in my previous update my recent blood tests had shown that I was suffering from low iron levels which were making me so tired and breathless. I have started taking iron tablets three times a day and I do have slightly more energy but not much, I am still lacking in motivation and I am getting so tired easily of simple things like going to the shops and doing housework, although the breathlessness seems to have improved.

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