I am still lucky in that I am not suffering from any sickness, heartburn, cravings or aches and pains etc. However, I am still feeling really tired and have no energy at all to do anything as I mentioned in my previous update my recent blood tests had shown that I was suffering from low iron levels which were making me so tired and breathless. I have started taking iron tablets three times a day and I do have slightly more energy but not much, I am still lacking in motivation and I am getting so tired easily of simple things like going to the shops and doing housework, although the breathlessness seems to have improved.
The heat is also really getting to me still as I am getting so hot and uncomfortable being so heavily pregnant, ice lollies and lots of water to drink have been a must. Sleeping is a struggle in this heat and cooking is also becoming a struggle if the kitchen gets too hot, so the other half has been cooking a lot more lately.
Appointment wise I had a midwife appointment when I was 31 week's pregnant and my blood pressure was actually a bit low but everything else was fine. We got to hear baby's heartbeat which was lovely as the other half actually came with me and it is rare that he gets to come to midwife appointments with me due to work. My bump was also measured and it is now measuring a week behind what it should be and has actually shrunk from when it was measured two weeks previously by 4 cm. So I don't know if the baby has just moved position, the midwife was not concerned as I was booked in for a scan at 32 weeks. I don't feel like my bump has grown much but it does feel like it has dropped down a bit and I am getting less pressure under my ribs.
At 32 week's I had a hospital appointment for another growth scan and also an appointment with the consultant. The scan went fine and baby is still a little boy (I had to double check). He was head down so we couldn't see his face and he kept wriggling about but everything seemed normal on the scan with baby and placenta, but the fluid around the baby is a little low and has went down from the last scan.
After my scan I had my blood pressure checked and everything was normal and then I saw the consultant who said that baby was still measuring a bit small on my chart but he is grown so it's not a great concern. I have to go back to the hospital in four weeks time at 36 weeks for another growth scan to check baby and to talk to my consultant about induction of labour at 38-39 weeks, they won't let me go over my due date due to being on blood pressure medication.
So because baby will probably be arriving in 5-6 weeks time instead of in 7 weeks I think it's time I started baby shopping, so that's the plan for next week as the other half has a week off work. So we are going to buy most of the baby's stuff and pack the hospital bags.
I also had my whooping cough vaccine at 32 weeks pregnant at first they were not going to give me it as I had one only 15 months ago when I was pregnant with Sophia but they said that I needed it again as it is to protect the baby. I was happy to have it as me and Sophia were fine last time I had it. I had a really sore arm for a few days after it but that was it.
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