Saturday, 28 June 2014

30 Week's Pregnant

Once again I am late in posting my weekly pregnancy update as I sit here now to type up this post I am now 31+4 day's pregnant and I am now down to single figure number of weeks until baby number 3s arrival.

Week 30 was quiet uneventful I did not have any midwife or hospital appointment's this week and we still have not started baby shopping either. I am still feeling pretty good with no sickness, heartburn, cravings or aches and pains. But I have been so tired this week I have no energy at all and I am also finding it really hard to sleep on a night time, as I keep waking up and finding it so hard to fall back to sleep again.

 Also, the heat has really been getting to me and I get so hot and bothered and seem to be sweating loads. I am still feeling really breathless as well and I am getting so tired and out of breath just of doing normal everyday things like walking to the shop or doing housework. I feel like all my get up and go has got up and gone as I have no motivation at all to do anything. 

Anyway as I mentioned last week at my 29-week midwife appointment I had a routine blood test and I got a letter from my G.P's surgery asking me to call them in regards to the blood test as they showed I had very low iron levels. They have prescribed iron tablet's for me to take three times a day plus a higher dose folic acid tablet to take daily for the rest of my pregnancy. As my low iron levels are what has been making me feel so tired and breathless. I am hoping once these tablet's kick in I will start to feel a bit more human as I really have been feeling rather dreadful. 

That's all that has been happening this week, I will update on what week 31 of pregnancy was like soon.

You can catch up on my week 29 update here.


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