Thursday 5 June 2014

28 week scan and we found out baby's sex!

As you may know, I have been suffering from pregnancy-induced high blood pressure this pregnancy and I was put on blood pressure medication by my hospital consultant when I was 13 week's pregnant to try and control this, so far my blood pressure has been perfectly normal thanks to these tablet's. However due to me being on this medication there is a risk that they could be making baby small and as I am at risk of pre-eclampsia (due to my blood pressure and suffering it in my first pregnancy) and having high blood pressure there is also a risk that my placenta could stop working properly so I have to have extra scans in my third trimester just to check baby's size and the function of my placenta. So on Tuesday when I was exactly 28 week's pregnant I went to the hospital for my first growth scan and an appointment with my consultant to see how things were.

I had my scan and everything was perfect with the baby and also with the placenta function, although they did mention that baby was a bit smaller then they would expect. I have to have another scan at 32 week's to see if it is still on the small side or if things are o.k.

We were also able to find out the sex of the baby at this scan. I was in two minds about finding out baby's sex with my first daughter Chloe I never found out what she was and it was lovely to have the surprise of finding out she was a little girl when she was born as I had been so sure she was a boy! But in my second pregnancy, we asked to find out what baby was and we found out Sophia was a girl at my 20-week scan. I loved being able to buy little girl outfits and girly bedding for her and I also felt closer to her when she was born as we knew she was going to be Sophia and she was just how I imagined she would be.

So at my 20-week scan, this time around we agreed to find out what baby's gender was. However baby had other idea's and not only did it have its leg's crossed but also its cord in the way and a hand, it clearly did not want us to find out. So when it came to my 28-week scan I was in two minds if I wanted to find out or not as I was getting used to the idea of having a surprise.

So at my scan I mentioned to the sonographer that I was convinced baby was a girl, I don't know why I thought this as I have had a totally different pregnancy this time around but I was just convinced baby was a girl. I have been so tempted to buy little girl outfits and worrying about a girls name. The sonographer looked at me and said well your wrong look and baby had its legs wide open and it was a little boy!!

blue baby booties

The other half was over the moon I think he secretly wanted a little boy after being stuck in a house with 3 girls, he never stopped smiling all day. So we are having a little boy in 12 week's time and he is perfect. I don't know how I didn't guess it was a boy this pregnancy has been so easy and so different to the girls and he is a lot lazier then the girls were. I am still a bit shocked but I am so happy that we are having a little boy. We already have his name picked out and I now can not wait to go and buy lot's of little boy outfits and start baby shopping. I am really happy that we were able to find out what we are having as it has made this baby seem more real. He will complete are family and we are all so excited and cant wait to meet him in August. 



  1. Congratulations m'love! He had you well fooled! ;-)


    1. thank you , i no i was so sure it was another little girl i am still finding it hard to believe that it is a little boy xx


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