Thursday 5 June 2014

Week 27 pregnancy update

I am now 28 week's pregnant so here is a quick update on what week 27 was like. I did not have any midwife or hospital appointments this week and I have still been feeling pretty good with no heartburn or sickness, yay! 

I mentioned last week that I thought the baby was breech as all the movements I was feeling were very low down but I think baby must have turned now as I am getting lot's of kicks under my ribs and in my side's. 

I have also been feeling so exhausted lately, I have not had the energy to do anything and I have been going to bed super early each night.

I am still finding this pregnancy so easy and enjoyable compared to my previous two it is going by so quick, I do not even feel pregnant half the time. I really do feel so lucky and it is so nice to actually be able to enjoy the experience and have a nice pregnancy this time around.

That's all that's been going on this week, just a quick update as not much has been going on but I like to record my pregnancy so I can look back on it as this is probably my last pregnancy.

You can read about my 26th week of pregnancy here. 


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