Monday, 2 June 2014

26 week's pregnant

I am late in writing this post as I am now actually 27+6 day's pregnant, this pregnancy really is going by so fast ! When I was 26 week's pregnant I was so busy as my youngest daughter had her very first birthday! Also my eldest daughter went on holiday to Spain - it was a last minute holiday with her grandad so I had a mad rush of getting her passport renewed in time and getting her holiday clothes and everything else sorted in time. 

I have been feeling so tired lately also I think its a mix of being pregnant and being so busy, I just feel so exhausted.

 I still don't have any cravings, even though I have been a willing baby to want something nice to eat . I would love a chocolate or Chinese craving, then I would have an excuse to eat them all the time.

I have not had any hospital or midwife appointments this week but apart from the tiredness, I am feeling pretty good - no sickness or heartburn or any nasty pregnancy side effects. I have been sleeping loads better no more insomnia in the middle of the night. 

Baby is moving loads now but all of the kicks are really low down still so I think the baby might be breech at moment, there is still plenty time for it to turn so I'm not worrying yet. We still haven't picked a girls name and even though we do not know what baby is I am pretty sure  it is another girl. We still haven't done any baby shopping yet either, I am so disorganised third time around. I think I am a lot more relaxed this pregnancy, I feel like I know what to expect and I am just finding this pregnancy so easy and straightforward and enjoyable compared to my previous two.


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