Saturday 21 June 2014

Week 29 pregnancy update

I am now 30+4 day's pregnant so I am a bit late in writing up my week 29 pregnancy update as usual. I had a midwife appointment when I was exactly 29 week's pregnant and my blood pressure was fine. I also had my blood's taken to check my sugar levels, iron count etc. 

My bump was also measured and I was told that my bump is measuring four weeks ahead and I will be having a big baby, well this totally confused me as at my growth scan the week before I had been told that baby was measuring small! So I don't know what to think as in my pregnancy with Sophia my bump was small and I hardly put any weight on yet she was 8lb 2oz so I am just taking what they say with a pinch of salt. At the moment everyone seems happy with how my pregnancy is going and baby seems healthy which is all that matters, maybe I have just been eating too much or maybe the baby will be a chunky little 10lb baby only time will tell.

I am still feeling pretty good considering I am now into my third trimester which I normally find the hardest, I am still sailing through this pregnancy I still have no sickness, heartburn or aches and pains.  I still have no craving's, I am eating some thing's that I probably would not normally eat but I am just more open to trying new food's now I am pregnant as I am normally quite a fussy eater. My appetite seems to have growing I am starving when I wake up in the mornings and I am eating so much toast but I am hardly hungry in an evening.

It has been really hot this week and I am starting to really struggle with the heat, I just feel so big and tired and the heat gets to me so easily. 

In baby news, I still haven't started baby shopping but I really must start as I only have nine week's left and I have a feeling baby might arrive early mind you, he will probably be late as both the girls were overdue.

You can read about my 28th week of pregnancy here.


  1. Aw sounds like you're having a fab pregnancy hun!!
    I'm totally with you on the heat thing - I'm struggling too!!
    Love reading peoples pregnancy updates! I posted mine this weekend too if you fancy a read!
    Take care!
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

  2. Thank you yes i really am lucky to be having such a easy pregnancy. the heat is awful in pregnancy isint it, I love reading other people's pregnancy updates too will check out your blog now x


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