Are you ready for your teenager heading off to university for the start of term? My 19-year-old daughter is about to start her second year of a four year degree in education (she want's to be a primary school teacher). Her first year at university was a bit of a strange one as it was still mostly online due to the pandemic, so she lived at home and travelled to university one day per week. This year things are back to normal so she is planning to move out for the first time and we have been trying to get her prepared.
If you have a child at uni then you will probably know that they don't actually get their student loan until after they have started their course. Meaning a lot of the stuff they will need to buy to move into student accommodation or to study will have to be bought beforehand. So we have had to buy a lot of things, stationary, laptops, text books and if they are moving out basic household items such as kettles and toasters.