Sunday, 31 May 2015

A Birthday Tea Party

Last week my daughter Sophia turned two and we had a soft play party for her. However, as her Birthday was on the bank holiday Monday we held her party the day before as I really did not want to face soft play on a bank holiday. On her actual birthday, we wanted to do something nice to celebrate her special day so we went out for a meal with family at lunch time and then we had a little tea party at home in the evening. 

Sophia is Doc Mcstuffins mad and we had decided that we were going to have a Doc Mcstuffins theme to her birthday, we had Doc invites and birthday cards and balloon for her already. So when we were offered the chance to try out some party products from Party Bags And Supplies I was pleased to see that they stocked Doc Mcstuffin party products and knew I had to get them to complete her birthday. 

Party bags and supplies is a UK based online party shop selling a huge range of children, adult and celebration party products. There really is so much choice on the website from Baby's first birthdays to the latest children characters. There really is everything you could need for any celebration and a design to suit everyone. 

plastic party cup


Thursday, 28 May 2015

Pikku The Best Children's Hair Salon In Newcastle

Last week I took Sophia aged two to get her hair cut at Pikku in Gosforth near Newcastle, I can not wait to tell you all about it as it was amazing and somewhere I know every child will love. As a mum of three, I have been to many children hair salons over the years and Pikku is without a doubt the best one we have been to and I honestly think it is the best one in the Newcastle area.

pikku child hairdressers

Pikku is situated on Gosforth high street opposite the Brandling Arms right in the heart of the high street, it is just a few minutes drive from Newcastle city centre. Many of the buses to and from Newcastle pass through here and stop close to the salon, it is also just a short walk from regent centre metro and there are two car parks located very close by.


Monday, 25 May 2015

Sophia You Are Two

Dear Sophia

Today you are two years old and it really does not seem very long ago since mummy sat down to write you a letter last year on your first birthday. So much has changed in the last year, you became a big sister when you were just 14 month's old. At first, you were unsure of your baby brother and you just totally blanked him for the first few months of his life, although you would sometimes steal his bottle and dummy. Now the two of you are the very best of friends and you play together and you are always giving him hugs and kisses, you do still fight over toys from time to time as you have not learnt to share properly yet. 

You still adore your big sister although you often climb all over her and pull her hair as you think this is funny. You wish she would play with you more but she is big now and wants to be out with her friends or on her phone all the time in her room. Your still a daddy's girl but not as much as you use to be as you have started wanting mummy when you are hurt or unwell lately. You adore your cousin Heidi who is a year older then you and get all excited when she comes around to play with you, it is so cute watching the two of you play together.


Friday, 22 May 2015

Slimming World Week Six

I can not believe that I have been on the Slimming World diet plan for six weeks now, it has gone by so quickly! Anyway, last week I was over the moon to have lost 4lb and I was determined to lose 2lb this week which would have meant I had lost a stone and I really wanted that one stone certificate and sticker. So this week I was really good and had no cheeky takeaways and all my meals were 100 % Slimming World friendly, I drank loads of water, ate more fruit and I even swapped the sugar in my hot drinks for sweeteners. My clothes have been feeling a lot looser so I thought I may have lost 2 lb this week and had my fingers tightly crossed. 

On Thursday I stepped on the scales and I had only lost 1 lb. I admit I was gutted as I really wanted my one stone award. I know I should be happy I have lost weight but it is just a pound and that's not much especially when I had been so good all week. I think I also think because I have a lot of weight to lose that I should be losing weight quicker, but that does not seem to be happening at all. 


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Haberman 360 Junior Beaker Review & Giveaway

My toddler Sophia is almost two and as she gets closer to her second birthday we have noticed a huge change in her, she is becoming so independent and is trying to copy everything we do. One of the things she likes to do is try and drink out of big cup like we do, but of course, she is still so young and has not grasped how to do so without spilling juice everywhere. She has sippy cups but I think she is getting a bit too big for these, so when I heard of the Haberman 360 junior beaker I was intrigued as I had never seen anything like this before.

red and yellow child beaker


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

I'm Going To Britmums Live 2015

Last June I saw Twitter go crazy with talk of Britmums Live a two-day blogging event in London and I wanted to go. I never went last year as I was very new to blogging and had no idea these kind of events even existed,  I was also heavily pregnant with baby number three. I vowed to go this year and I actually brought my ticket when they went on sale last year and my hotel has been booked for weeks.

 But if you follow me on social media you will know I have been having huge doubts about going as I have never attended anything like this before and I am very nervous. And also because I have never left my little two before and my baby is only nine months old. I have been thinking of selling my ticket and just not going, but after talking to some lovely ladies on Twitter today who I have arranged to meet before the event I have changed my mind and decided to be brave and go, as I know I will regret it big time if I don't go. So here is my I'm going to Britmums post and if you see me then please do come say hello as I will be the nervous Geordie girl.


Monday, 18 May 2015

The Perfect Scottish Family Holiday : The Isles Of Glencoe

We have not had a family holiday for three years - thanks to two pregnancies very close together. I would love a holiday abroad in the sun, but with two of my children being so young (almost two year's old and eight months old) I think it would be far to much hassle and so we have been looking for holidays here in the U.K instead. One place we love is Scotland, it holds some special memories for us as it is where myself and the other half went for a weekend away when we first got together and we fell in love with the place and each other. Scotland is also close to where we live and is only around an hours drive from where we live in the North East to the Scottish borders. 

Having such a big age gap family with a twelve-year-old, a toddler and a baby, plus parents who like different things makes finding the perfect holiday pretty tricky. But I actually think that I have found the perfect family holiday for us thanks to Parent-Friendly Stays. Let me introduce you to The Isles Of Glencoe Hotel. Situated in the Scottish Highlands this hotel ticks all the boxes for a perfect family holiday it has stunning scenery, family sized rooms that accommodate three children, delicious food and activities to suit every single member of the family. 

The website says

 "A warm welcome awaits you at the isles of Glencoe hotel. Situated in a breath-taking lochside setting at the foot of dramatic Glencoe. Almost afloat, the isles of Glencoe hotel and leisure centre nestles in the side of a peninsula reaching into Loch Leven. Our friendly modern hotel offers everything you might need on holiday, spacious bedrooms with loch and mountain views and a relaxing atmosphere."  

Sounds pretty impressive and perfect, doesn't it? If you check the website out you can see for yourself just how amazing it all looks for yourself. 

Scottish highland loch side hotel


Sunday, 17 May 2015

Slimming World Week Five

This week was my fifth week on the Slimming World plan and I am finding the plan so easy now, I feel like I know what I am doing and no longer need to keep looking up every single thing I eat. I am also getting used to not eating as much bread as I normally would which has made me feel so much less bloated. I am also drinking less fizzy pop and have cut out crisps and chocolate and I honestly don't even miss them now.

Last week I had lost 2lb and I was hoping for another 2lb loss this week, however, after my weigh in last Thursday things went a bit pear-shaped and I ended up having a takeaway for tea. I tried to be good and had a chicken kebab with salad but I also ended up eating half a portion of chips and a slice of garlic bread too. I got back on track the next day though and stuck to Slimming world friendly meals all week eating homemade burgers, salads, roast gammon dinner, slow-cooked beef stew and I also tried the big mac style meal which was delicious. I stuck to around 10 syns per day which I mainly used on things like ketchup and extra hi-fi bars. 

healthy chips, salad, mince and gherkins with thousand island sauce


Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ten Years Without A Mum

The 12th of May 2005 is a day that I will never forget, it was the day my life as I knew it changed forever. The 14th of May 2005 was the day my world was turned upside down.

 I can not believe that ten years have passed as I remember every little detail like it was yesterday. What started as a normal day ended up being the worst day of my life. I don't really talk about this but my mum had an accident and she never woke up. I did not know how serious it was, I thought she would be ok. Myself and my brother went to the hospital and we were told she had suffered catastrophic brain injury's and there was nothing they could do, it was just the machines keeping her alive and the kindest thing to do would be to let her go. 

She was only 44, no age to die. 


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Wicked Uncle Online Toy Shop Review

Being a mum of three children I love shopping for gifts for them for birthdays and Christmas, but when it comes to shopping for friends or relatives children I don't have a clue what to buy them. So when I heard of Wicked Uncle online toy shop I was pleased to see that this was an online toy shop that would make this task a lot easier.

The website is really easy to navigate and is broken down into sections by age and gender, making it so simple to select a gift for whoever you are buying for. You just click on the age and gender of the child you are buying for and a selection of toys will show up to suit a range of different budgets. There is a good range of toys available to suit any child and budget and you can even choose to have your item gift wrapped for you and sent directly to the person you brought it for, perfect for sending to a child you may not see often. It makes present buying so stress-free. 

toy bouncy cow in the garden


Friday, 8 May 2015

Slimming World: Week Four

After gaining a pound last week I knew I had to get back into the habit of writing down everything that I have eaten and plan my meals properly in advance. So I made a weekly meal plan and made sure I had all the ingredients available and started to write in my food diary everything that I had been eating this week.

 And it worked as I lost 2 lb this week, meaning I have lost 8 lb in four weeks. I know that is good but I admit I was feeling a little disappointed that all I have lost is 8 lb in four weeks, as I was hoping to lose around a stone. But all my children were 8 lb something born and thinking about it like this made me realise that I have actually lost a good amount of weight. 

singapore noddle ready meal


Thursday, 7 May 2015

Am I The Only Mum Who

My other half often says that I worry too much about my children, that I check they are okay during the night too often and that I hate being apart from them and I am too overprotective. It got me thinking that I bet I am not the only mum who does some of these things.

my teen toddler and baby


Monday, 4 May 2015

Chemist Direct : Review

As a mum of three, with two of my children being very young shopping, can be a bit of a nightmare, I avoid it as best I can these days and prefer to do most of my shopping online. Clothes, groceries, Christmas and birthday presents are all ordered online from the comfort of my own home, online shopping really is a godsend to us mums. 

So when I heard of Chemist Direct I thought oh what a brilliant idea, as it is as the name suggests an online chemist. You can order your prescriptions online and medicines if you are unwell and unable to get out of the house. You can also order everyday toiletries, beauty products, baby products and they even have a holiday and pet section. The products stocked are all well-known brands and a lot of the products available are cheaper then they are in the shops. Perfect for people unable to get out to the local chemist or for people who are just too busy to go shopping. 

box of products from Chemist Direct


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Slimming World : Week Three

Last week I got my half stone award at Slimming World and was over the moon, but this week I have not followed the plan as well as I should have and I actually gained weight. I won't lie I was a bit disappointed when I stepped on the scales and seen that I had gained 1lb as I have been feeling slimmer as my clothes are getting loser. I was tempted to go out and buy some chocolate after my class, but I resisted temptation although I did eat a bag of Walkers crisps.

The last week has not been so great both my little ones have been unwell and my baby boy has been waking up every hour during the night screaming and then is wide awake at 5.30 am. I have been having lots of coffee this week with sugar in. I have eaten all slimming world meals this week but with the little ones being unwell I have actually missed a few meals and just had fruit instead, I feel like I have not eaten as much this week. And I may have eaten toast with butter on almost every day for breakfast. 

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