For years now I have written a monthly post of the things that I have loved from the month gone by, a sort of happy post to record things we did and things that made me happy from the month gone by. Due to the pandemic, I have not really blogged much the past year and the last time I wrote a things I loved post was back in May and before that it was in January 2020.
2021 hasn't got off to the best of starts has it? We have started the year in our third lockdown and the children have been off school for months again. I found this lockdown so much harder than the previous two, I think it was because the weather was rubbish and home-schooling was so time-consuming this time around. Even though we have been at home and haven't been anywhere or done anything we have still had a nice time as a family, well some of the time. So here is a little look at some of the things that I loved in February 2021.