Thursday, 28 February 2019

Bride To Be Box Review


In just a few short months time I will be getting married and everything is in place now for the big day, the venue has been booked for a long time, I have my dress, notice of marriage has been given and invitations have started to be sent out. We are on the final count-down to the big day and it is all so exciting thinking that soon I will be a Mrs and someone's wife! 

So when I heard there was a subscription box service for us brides to be I was eager to find out more as it sounded right up my street (I love a good subscription box). Bride To Be Box is a newly launched subscription box service that celebrates the major milestones when planning a wedding. There are six boxes available, each one themed around one of the milestones in the wedding planning process. The six boxes are 'The You're Engaged', 'The Planning Begins', 'Bridal Bootcamp', 'Happy Hen-do', 'The Big Day' and 'Happily Ever After'. 

contents of the bride to be subscription box

Founder of Bride To Be Box Harriet Jelley says that 

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Finding Childcare Is Easy With


Like most families these days finding someone to watch our children is hard, grandparents often work these days, families live miles apart and everyone is leading busy lives. Myself and the other half rarely have any time apart from the children, date nights are rare in our house and we have only had one child-free night together in the past six years. If we want to go out for a meal just the two of us we have to book one of the grandparents weeks in advance around everyone's work schedules which can be challenging. We don't even have childcare in place for our upcoming wedding in just a few months time so we have been looking into childcare options. 

kids looking out hotel window in newcastle

Monday, 25 February 2019

Boxy Girls Dolls & Fashion Pack Review

My five-year-old daughter is really into surprise toys, any kind of blind bag type toy really interest her as she loves the surprise element of opening things up and discovering what is inside. So when I heard about Boxy Girls which are fashion dolls that come with surprise boxes of accessories I knew these would be a huge hit with her. She could not contain her excitement when she saw we were sent two dolls and a fashion pack to review, as she had seen these dolls on YouTube and was eager to have some of her own. 

Boxy girls dolls and fashion pack

We were kindly sent Riley and Brooklyn dolls (£17.99 each) plus a Fashion pack (£9.99), there are also two other dolls to collect called Nomi and Willa. Boxy Girls are rather cute dolls, they look childlike with big heads and huge box-shaped eyes, long brushable hair and fully moveable arms and legs. They come in nice outfits and each doll comes with four small surprise boxes which contain accessories. 

Friday, 22 February 2019

Glam Goo Review

Like most children my little two love slime, they think it is great fun so were happy when I was recently sent a Glam Goo set for BFF day. As we were sent the kits to celebrate BFF day we were sent two kits, one for Sophia and one for her friend. Our parcel was a bit late in arriving so we missed BFF day but we had some fun during half-term getting creative with this kit. 

glam goo deluxe box unopened


Tuesday, 19 February 2019

An L.O.L Surprise Games Night

My 5-year-old daughter is a huge L.O.L Surprise fan, she has built up a collection of dolls, baby sisters and pets and she will play with them for hours making up games and changing their outfits. She really is L.O.L crazy and whenever anything new and L.O.L Surprise related comes out she is always eager to have it. So when we were sent a box full of L.O.L Surprise games she was super excited! It was also perfect timing to keep the kids entertained during this cold and wet February half-term. 

We were sent a parcel that contained L.O.L Surprise: Surprise Makeover game (RRP £25), plus some L.O.L Surprise trading cards, a L.O.L magazine, a L.O.L scratch art set and some treats for the winner. Sophia couldn't wait to play the game and even got her little brother to join in the fun too.

playing game


Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Safer Internet Day With Project MC2


Today, Tuesday the 5th of February is Safer Internet Day and in today's digital world it is something that all of us parents need to be aware of. When I was growing up there was no WI-FI - just super slow dial-up, so children never really went online very much. Nowaday's children, like my own, are growing up from a young age being able to work tablets and smartphones and watch YouTube videos of children opening surprise toys and making slime. It is all new and us parents need to ensure that we keep our children safe online, as a parent to a 4,5 and 16-year-old myself keeping my children safe online is something that I do worry about and try and be aware of especially as my teen uses social media herself. 

With this in mind Project MC2, who you may be familiar with from the Netflix show or from the great range of S.T.E.A.M toys have produced some top tips for keeping children safe online. Something I think all of us parents should read and familiarise ourselves with. 


Saturday, 2 February 2019

January 2019

Can you believe it is February already? In some weird way it feels like January lasted forever but in another way, it feels like it passed in the blink of an eye. Time really does fly by when you're having fun, not that I had much fun in January mind it was just an ok month I guess. January is always a bit boring as it is so long between paydays and the weather is always freezing cold, I am really not a fan of the cold. It wasn't bad though, we had a few days out, done some wedding planning, binge-watched Luther, kept the kids entertained, usual family life. 

river at preston park with ducks and swans swimming in winter

Friday, 1 February 2019

5 Months Until I Say I Do

We are now just 5 months away from our wedding date and things are now all full-steam ahead. We have had a busy month, buying and planning stuff for the big day, all our spare income is now going on the wedding and we have had a few problems crop up this month too. I can't believe how fast it is coming around and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all, I have been tempted to cancel the whole thing and run away and elope to Gretna Green (is that even still a thing?) on more than one occasion the past few weeks. I have also started writing a monthly wedding planning article each month for Your North East Wedding magazine and my wedding will feature in it later in the year, which is a bit exciting but nerve-wracking! The pressure is on to make it Pinterest perfect which will never happen as everyone who knows me knows I am more of a Pinterest fail kind of girl, haha. 

wedding planning book and magazine
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