Friday, 22 February 2019

Glam Goo Review

Like most children my little two love slime, they think it is great fun so were happy when I was recently sent a Glam Goo set for BFF day. As we were sent the kits to celebrate BFF day we were sent two kits, one for Sophia and one for her friend. Our parcel was a bit late in arriving so we missed BFF day but we had some fun during half-term getting creative with this kit. 

glam goo deluxe box unopened

So what is Glam Goo? 

Glam Goo is slime that you can decorate to make it glam, you can add colours, sparkles and even scent to the slime to create a slime that you love. We were sent the Deluxe set which contains a tub of slime, two colours, three different sprinkles, one scent, a mixing spoon, a ring and a case/bag to keep the slime creations in. The set retails for around £25 but is currently on offer in Argos for less than twenty pounds. 

contents of glam goo deluxe set

What do you do? 

Opening the box we laid everything out on the table and the children got to work creating Glam Goo creations. The slime is in a big container and when we first got it out it was really sticky and messy, however, if you play with it in your hands for a while it changes texture and is easier to manage. The children got to work adding colours, glitter sprinkles and some of the violet scent provided. They had so much fun playing with the slime and creating different combinations with the colours and sprinkles provided. They must have spent a couple of hours happily sitting at the table playing with the Glam Goo. 

making glam goo slime

When the children had made the slime they put each one into the case provided as it has compartments to keep the different slimes separate and a lid to stop the goo drying out or leaking. We also put some slime into the ring for Sophia to give to one of her school friends. 

glam goo slime filled toy ring

What did the kids think? 

My children are 4 and 5 and they really liked playing with Glam Goo, they enjoyed creating different types of goo and were happy they could store it in the case. My daughter really liked that the case also doubled up as a bag/necklace so she could carry her goo around with her. 

glam goo bag

What did I think? 

I was worried that it would be really messy and was pleased that it was not too bad, however, be aware that the slime is really sticky when you first get it out the tub and you need to knead it in your hands before letting the children lose with it. My son grabbed some out the tub and it was sticking everywhere when we first opened the kit. We also didn't think that the scent smelt very strong and we could barely smell it in the goo. 

The kids seemed to enjoy being creative and playing with the goo though and it kept them entertained for a few hours during half-term. I liked that it comes with everything you needed to create different types of goo and that it came with a handy storage case that doubled up as a fashion accessory. 

glam goo storage bag case

As it was half-term we didn't get a chance to try this set out with Sophia's friend but she did enjoy playing with her brother and sister with it and we will give the other set to her friend now they are back at school as a belated BFF treat. 

Glam Goo Deluxe set is available to buy now from leading toy retailers. 

Disclosure we were sent this item for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own. 


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