Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Finding Childcare Is Easy With Childcare.co.uk


Like most families these days finding someone to watch our children is hard, grandparents often work these days, families live miles apart and everyone is leading busy lives. Myself and the other half rarely have any time apart from the children, date nights are rare in our house and we have only had one child-free night together in the past six years. If we want to go out for a meal just the two of us we have to book one of the grandparents weeks in advance around everyone's work schedules which can be challenging. We don't even have childcare in place for our upcoming wedding in just a few months time so we have been looking into childcare options. 

kids looking out hotel window in newcastle

I had heard a few people mention Childcare.co.uk in the past and had seen it advertised so decided to have a look to see if there were any babysitters local to us that we could potentially use for the wedding day or any future date nights we plan. Using the website was super quick and easy and I had found almost 200 babysitters in my local area that were available for evening babysitting bookings. You simply add your postcode, what kind of childcare you require - such as childminders, Au Pairs, babysitters, after-school clubs, nurseries etc and that is it. You can then narrow your search down further if you wish to make things easier. The search function was so user-friendly and quick and easy to use. 

I really liked that they have profiles you can view of the childcare providers in the area, they have a photo, name, where they are based and then you can click on the profile to find out more. Things such as qualifications, if they have provided copies of relevant documents such as DBS checks and if they are Ofsted registered etc. You can also see how long they have been a member, when they were last online, how much they charge and if they have any reviews from previous clients, which as a parent I found very reassuring. 

search function of childcare co uk website

You can create an account on childcare.co.uk for free to message potential childcare providers you may find and it is a trusted site with over 2 million members. Like most parents, I am wary of who I let look after my children and only close family such as grandparents and aunts/ uncles have looked after our children for us, so finding childcare we can trust is important to us. My eldest attended a childminder when she was younger and I worked full-time but I was lucky that it was one of the mams from her school who I knew and trusted who sadly no longer childminds. So finding Childcare.co.uk and easily being able to see if a provider's qualifications have been seen and to read reviews from other parents really makes me feel reassured that I am picking someone suitable to look after my children. 

If you are looking for some childcare for your own children then I would recommend looking on childcare.co.uk as I was impressed with how easy it was to use and find a suitable childcare provider in my local area. 

Have you used childcare.co.uk before? If so I would love to know how you got on in the comments below. 

Disclosure this is a collaborative post with childcare.co.uk. 


  1. This is such a great service and one I'd definitely use myself. Hope you find childcare for your wedding -are you hoping to stay in a hotel overnight? x

    1. Thank you, we were meant to be staying in a cottage in the venue but we haven't decided if the kids are staying over or not yet x

  2. I was a childminder until last year and it was a great way of advertising

  3. Sounds like a really useful tool, I like that you can search by area. Will be useful for many parents I am sure.

  4. Its so difficult isn't it. We really struggle to and sometimes you really need that couple time. The website sounds great and the fact it allows you to be so specific with your search criteria. Will be keeping this one in mind!

    1. You really do just need couple time sometimes, even just for a couple of hours to enjoy a meal out every now and then. x

  5. I've never ever used a childminder, and the kids are now 10 and 12 ... but that's only because we've had grandparents to help on the rare occasion we've ever been out (twice in 10 years!) Sometimes we've felt the hassle of arranging childcare outweighs the trip out without them, so we didn't bother!!!

    1. Thats good that you had grandparents on hand, hopefully you will enjoy more alone time now they are older x

  6. I have heard a lot about this website. I like the sound of it. May use it in future.


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