Thursday 28 August 2014

Introducing baby Jacob Oliver

You might have noticed I have been quiet on my blog and social media recently and if you follow me on twitter you will have seen that baby Jacob Oliver arrived on Tuesday at 9.31pm after a super quick labour (40 minutes) weighing 8lb 6 1/2oz at 39 weeks pregnant.

Jacob had hypothermia at birth so we had to spend a few days in hospital so he could warm up in a heated cot. But he is totally perfect and we are all in love with him. I can not believe he is now nine days old. We have spent the last nine days getting to know him. 


Thursday 14 August 2014

Week 37 Pregnancy Update

Today I am 38 week's and 2 day's pregnant and I now only have less than one week of pregnancy left. It feels so strange knowing that in a few days time I will have my baby and that I won't be going overdue this time around. I am starting to get very nervous about the birth now, I am not sure why as I have been lucky and had two normal straightforward easy birth's with the girls and I have also been induced before in my first pregnancy so I know what to expect. I guess it is just last minute nerves and the fact I am a born worrier in life, I just hope everything goes o.k and everything is o.k with the baby.

Bump has grown a lot in a few weeks!


Thursday 7 August 2014

Review - Bakerdays Letterbox Cake

AD - Review Item

Recently Bakerdays asked me if I would like the chance to review a one of there letterbox cakes and of course I said yes, what pregnant woman would turn down cake! I went on the website and was impressed with all the different designs and types of cakes on offer they do everything from birthday cakes, new baby cakes to cupcakes and if there is not a ready-made design you want you can even just send them an image of what you would like and they will make it for you.

Bakerdays letterbox sponge cake with hearts pattern on
The cake we received


Week 36 Pregnancy Update

I am now 37 +2 weeks pregnant and I only have at most two weeks of pregnancy left! Week 36 was a busy week so let me tell you what my pregnancy was like at 36 weeks.

If you saw my pregnancy post last week 35 update you will have seen that I had a hospital appointment to see my consultant and for a growth scan when I was exactly 36 weeks pregnant. All was well on the scan and baby has had a bit of a growth spurt and is now no longer small, they estimated his weight to be around 6lbs and told me to expect a 7 and a half pound baby at birth. If that is true then he will be my smallest baby as the girls were 8lb3 and 8lb2, I am still expecting him to be a big baby for some reason even though my bump is not that big.


Friday 1 August 2014

Week 35 Pregnancy Update & 36 Week Growth Scan

I am now 36+3 day's pregnant and I can not believe that I am so close to the end of my pregnancy now, in a few day's time I will be classed as full term and baby could arrive at any time. Lot's has been going on since my last update last week so here is what happened when I was 35 week's pregnant and how I got on at my 36-week growth scan and consultant appointment.

I had no midwife or hospital appointments when I was 35 weeks as I was booked in for a growth scan and an appointment with my hospital consultant when I was exactly 36 weeks pregnant. In some ways I have still had an easy pregnancy in that I have had no sickness, cravings, heartburn etc. But this week I have really started struggling with pregnancy. The heat is getting unbearable and I am constantly hot, bothered and sweaty and I hate going outdoors in the heat as I just feel so uncomfortable in it. I am also feeling really tired but I am struggling to sleep on a night time due to the heat.

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