Tuesday, 19 May 2015

I'm Going To Britmums Live 2015

Last June I saw Twitter go crazy with talk of Britmums Live a two-day blogging event in London and I wanted to go. I never went last year as I was very new to blogging and had no idea these kind of events even existed,  I was also heavily pregnant with baby number three. I vowed to go this year and I actually brought my ticket when they went on sale last year and my hotel has been booked for weeks.

 But if you follow me on social media you will know I have been having huge doubts about going as I have never attended anything like this before and I am very nervous. And also because I have never left my little two before and my baby is only nine months old. I have been thinking of selling my ticket and just not going, but after talking to some lovely ladies on Twitter today who I have arranged to meet before the event I have changed my mind and decided to be brave and go, as I know I will regret it big time if I don't go. So here is my I'm going to Britmums post and if you see me then please do come say hello as I will be the nervous Geordie girl.

Name: Lindsay

Blog: Newcastle Family Life

Twitter: @nefamilylife

Height: 5'7

Hair: Currently long straight and ombre but will probably be back to being dark brown by June.

Eyes: Grey

Is this your first blogging conference? Yes, and I am terrified as I know no-one and have no idea what to expect. Although I have arranged to meet up with some lovely people when I arrive in London. Here is hoping don't get lost when I get off the train!

Are you attending both days? Yes, I am arriving on Friday morning and staying overnight as I live miles away in Newcastle. I will be going home on the Saturday tea time as I want to get home to my children.

What are you most looking forward to at Britmums live 2015?
Actually learning about blogging as I have no idea about any of it at all and I have to google everything which takes forever at times. Also meeting other bloggers who I speak to daily and having a full nights sleep, as having two children so close in age means I haven't had a full nights sleep in over two years!

What are you wearing? 
I have no idea at all as I don't know what you wear to these kind of events. I will probably buy something new for the Friday and then just wear jeans on the Saturday for travelling home in.

What do you hope to gain from Britmums? 
So many things such as making new friends, learning about things I have no idea about. Also meeting brands as when I have met brands face to face in the past I have found it much better than via e-mail.

Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
I have never been before so I have no tips. 

So if you see me then please do come say hello and don't let me near the wine as I haven't drunk in years so I will probably pass out drunk after one glass. 



  1. Replies
    1. Yes i will see you there , so glad we are all meeting up beforehand it will make things far less scary xx

  2. Yay great post and it's ok I'll drink your wine :) lol

  3. Aww! I'm so glad you have changed your mind and decided to go! I saw today you were having doubts!
    You are braver than I am! Maybe next year I will build up the courage to buy a ticket. I'm sure you'll have a great time as everyone going seems so lovely x

    1. Thank you Kim. You really should go next year and then we can be train buddies! i will tell you all about it when i get back and it might tempt you to go xx

  4. So glad you have decided to go, it's gonna be so much fun! Great post, I need to get my arse in to gear and get mine done x

    1. I know i am so glad i am meeting up with you all beforehand, and as you are a fellow geordie you will understand me haha. xx

  5. Oh yay I can't wait to meet you, so glad you're not selling the ticket! x

  6. Oh I am so glad that you chatted on twitter and arranged to meet with some bloggers beforehand - that will help calm your nerves, I'm sure. There's also the BritMums Butterflies who will be around if you find yourself lost at any point during the weekend. Twitter will be your best friend, if you feel lonely and unsure, send out a tweet and find out where people are and what they're doing and ask if you can join them :) Everyone is super friendly, so please don't hesitate to jump in and join the conversation - if I see you I'll say hello!!

    1. Thank you so much for the tips Amanda i am feeling rather nervous about it all as i have never been to anything like this before. x


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