Sunday, 3 May 2015

Slimming World : Week Three

Last week I got my half stone award at Slimming World and was over the moon, but this week I have not followed the plan as well as I should have and I actually gained weight. I won't lie I was a bit disappointed when I stepped on the scales and seen that I had gained 1lb as I have been feeling slimmer as my clothes are getting loser. I was tempted to go out and buy some chocolate after my class, but I resisted temptation although I did eat a bag of Walkers crisps.

The last week has not been so great both my little ones have been unwell and my baby boy has been waking up every hour during the night screaming and then is wide awake at 5.30 am. I have been having lots of coffee this week with sugar in. I have eaten all slimming world meals this week but with the little ones being unwell I have actually missed a few meals and just had fruit instead, I feel like I have not eaten as much this week. And I may have eaten toast with butter on almost every day for breakfast. 

I never wrote down what I was eating or kept track of my syns each day, so it is no surprise I gained weight really. But it is only 1 lb, it's not much and I am sure that if I stick to the plan this week then I will lose the pound I gained, plus hopefully a bit extra too.

This week I am going to plan my meals in advance, write everything down and drink more water as everyone says this helps them to lose weight. And I am also going to eat more as I seem to lose the most weight on the weeks I eat a lot of fruit and more filling meals. 

Meal wise I have been eating more or less the same as previous weeks lots of salads, roast dinners, and diet coke chicken. I also tried the Slimming World meals from Iceland and I was surprised at how nice they are and they are really big portions, and best of all they are all syn free. My favourite meal I cooked is the salt and pepper chicken it is delicious and so quick and easy to make and my other half and oldest daughter even love it too, I have included the recipe below. 

Salt & Pepper Chicken.

salt and pepper chicken and rice

You Need

  • 2-4 Chicken breasts
  • 1 Large onion, sliced
  • Green, red & yellow peppers, sliced.
  • Few mushrooms
  • 1/2 tsp Chinese five spice
  • 1 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1-2 tbsp garlic salt
  • 1-2 tbsp chilli flakes
  • Frylight spray.
  • Spray your pan with frylight and cook the chicken
  • Add the onion, mushrooms and peppers and cook until soft
  • Add the chilli flakes, garlic salt, pepper and Chinese five spice (season to suit your taste)
  • stir it all together and then serve.
I serve this with plain boiled rice but you could have it with noodles, egg fried rice or chips. It is so quick to make it only takes around 20 minutes and it is all free and so filling and tasty. 

To find out more about Slimming World and to find your nearest class visit the website  




  1. That looks lush! Well done for getting back on the wagon xx

    1. It really is lovely, fingers crossed i don't mess the diet up again this week xx

  2. I find writing my food down - even if it's bad - really does help to keep me focussed. x

    1. I think i need to go back to writing everything down as i have probably ate about 20 syns a day or something and not even realised xx

  3. Don`t worry about your gain. I have become so hung up on what the scales say that I sort of lost my way on SW. I`ve now realised its more important about how you feel than seeing the numbers go down. I`ve always said muscle is heavier than fat per cm2 so if you are increasing your fitness you are increasing muscle mass thus weighing more!!!!

    1. I think i need to start measuring myself as loads of people say they lose inches and i have no idea if i have shrunk or not . I think i need to get motivated again xx

  4. For me (fully appreciate it's not for everyone) I find it easier to lose weight if I try to lose weight for a couple of weeks, then just try to maintain it for a couple of weeks before I try to lose weight again. I think it's psychological, I can tell myself it's not forever when I'm trying to be good! It sounds like you're doing fabulously though, 1lb is nothing really to gain, I'm sure that will be off again before you know it.x

  5. 1lb is nothing you can easy shift that next week lovely! If your feeling better in yourself then just keep going the scales will catch you up

  6. Well done you for getting back into SW and that S&P chicken looks SO good!! Thanks for linking up #SlimmingWorldSunday

  7. Well done you for losing half a stone so quickly but really don't worry about that pound you'll have it back off in no time.

    Thanks for linking up to #slimmingworldsunday

  8. Ooh I really must try it! when i finally get round to meal planning again I will stick it on. x #slimmingworldsunday


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