Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Home Plans 2021

Collaborative post.

The past year so many people have been busy transforming their homes during the pandemic, I have witnessed on social media so many lovely transformations. From decorating whole homes, revamping just one or two rooms or creating welcoming gardening spaces that the whole family can enjoy. So many people have used the time at home to make their homes beautiful. 

And you know what I am a little bit jealous!

I wish that I had spent the past year doing something worthwhile like sorting out our garden or finishing some of the many jobs we have to do with our home. Our home still needs so much doing to it as we underestimated just how much work it would take to modernise our 50's semi when we moved in four years ago. But to be honest, the past year has been tough! having all three children home and having to home-school whilst my husband worked extra shifts and left me dealing with a very mischievous puppy was hard work! I bet I am not the only one who felt like that too. 


Thursday, 22 April 2021

10 Lockdown Activities To Inspire Creativity


For over a year now the UK has been under lockdown and restrictions due to the covid pandemic. Can you believe it has been that long? I don't think any of us thought that things would go on so long and be as bad as they were, I certainly didn't! During the first lockdown so many of us had so many good intentions, we exercised, ate healthier, baked and learnt new skills but as time has gone on so many of us have grown tired and uninspired. For the first time in a long-time, there is hope on the horizon with vaccines and the gradual reopening of thing's we once took for granted. 

For the first time in a very long time, I actually feel inspired and I want to start being creative again. I have big plans and so many ideas in my head to start blogging properly again, to help my daughter grow her craft business Rainbows and Daydreams and to get healthier and add a bit of colour to my home (it is all grey and white at the moment). During the last few weeks of lockdown, I have been inspired to get creative again and here are 10 lockdown activities that have helped inspire creativity in me once again. 

Unicorn rainbow stacker with name
Unicorn rainbow stacker personalised gift from Rainbows and Daydreams 


Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Things I Loved March 2021

I can't believe we are halfway through April already, I am sure Christmas was only a few weeks ago! Time has been zooming on by. March was another quiet month as we did not do much, nowhere has been open with lockdown (again) so we have stayed home and took the dog on lots of local walks. There is hope on the horizon though and I really do hope that this time we can maybe return to some sort of normality, as it has been a tough year. I will be honest I won't be rushing on days out or visiting beer gardens or anything like that just yet, but I am looking forward to seeing family again and the return to the children's activities and some outdoor days out hopefully. 

Anyway despite not really doing much March was still an ok month, so here are some of the things that I loved from March. 

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