Friday 22 May 2015

Slimming World Week Six

I can not believe that I have been on the Slimming World diet plan for six weeks now, it has gone by so quickly! Anyway, last week I was over the moon to have lost 4lb and I was determined to lose 2lb this week which would have meant I had lost a stone and I really wanted that one stone certificate and sticker. So this week I was really good and had no cheeky takeaways and all my meals were 100 % Slimming World friendly, I drank loads of water, ate more fruit and I even swapped the sugar in my hot drinks for sweeteners. My clothes have been feeling a lot looser so I thought I may have lost 2 lb this week and had my fingers tightly crossed. 

On Thursday I stepped on the scales and I had only lost 1 lb. I admit I was gutted as I really wanted my one stone award. I know I should be happy I have lost weight but it is just a pound and that's not much especially when I had been so good all week. I think I also think because I have a lot of weight to lose that I should be losing weight quicker, but that does not seem to be happening at all. 

Anyway, I was unable to stay to class as I had to rush off for Sophia's hairdresser's appointment, I left the group feeling a bit deflated about my small loss. And I ended up doing what I always do when I'm a bit down I went home and ate, I had a KitKat chunky and two bags of quavers. Did it make me feel better? no not at all. I then went on to eat a turkey sandwich made on white bread with lashings of butter and some of the girl's chicken pop pops and a cheese dunker. 

Thankfully I came to my senses and stopped eating before I could do any more damage and had a Slimming World friendly tea of baked potato, salad and grilled pork. After my little blow out I felt rubbish and I realised that my taste buds have changed so much over the last six weeks as I did not like the taste of white bread anymore, it tasted like it was full of sugar and I ended up thrown most of it away. I use to love bread that was one of my biggest weaknesses so maybe I am starting to break my old eating habits. 

This week I am expecting a gain, I have had my blow out yesterday and I also have my daughter Sophia's birthday this week as she is two on Monday. We are having a party on Sunday at the local soft play and we will probably have lunch out somewhere afterwards. Then on her actual birthday we are going out for a meal and then we are having a small tea party with birthday cake and I know I will be eating a slice or two of cake and probably won't resist the party food. But I am hoping if I can stick to the diet the rest of this week then it won't be to much damage. 

I am also planning on giving it 100 % again next week and keeping my fingers crossed for that first one stone award. I brought the new magazine which is available to buy in class before it hits the shops and it is full of lots of yummy looking recipes, so I am planning on trying lots of new meals out this week too. 

 To find out more about the Slimming world plan or find your nearest class then visit the website 




  1. Losing 1lb is way better than gaining 1lb, right? Well done missus!! Thanks for linking up with Slimming world Sunday! x

  2. Well done on your loss, at least it's the right way, hey?! I used to love bread too but not too fussed any more x #slimmingworldsunday

    1. Thank you Stacey, i use to eat so much bread now i rarely eat it and do not miss it at all and feel so much less bloated since i stopped eating so much of it xx


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