Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Rock And Roll Pussycat

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives, I did not post last week as we are in the middle of moving. This week I am featuring another of my favourite bloggers the super lovely Cat from Rock And Roll Pussycat. Cat is a fellow northern blogger and I have actually met her a few times before at local blogging events and she is so lovely and friendly in real life and her little boy is adorable. Cat's blog is full of family days out, travel, reviews, parenting posts and beautiful photographs. 

rock and roll pussycat blog

So let's find out more about the blogger behind Rock And Roll Pussycat. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family? 

I'm Cat, I'm a wife of three and a bit years to 'Hubby' and Mammy to 'the little man' who is 2 and a half. I work part-time for the local Police force and Hubby owns a computer game shop. 

2.) Where do you live? 

We live in a smallish village between Durham and Newcastle. 

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

We're lucky to live very close to Beamish Open Air Museum and visit often (at least once a week!). Saltwell Park and Chester-Le-Street park are both local favourites and make for a fun and purse friendly day out. I'm always scouring Tripadvisor and local blogs for fun and unusual days out. We love to try new things and create lots of family memories. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you? 

I lived in Thailand for a while pre-hubby and child and absolutely loved it. I think I was made for warmer, more laid back climates. I'd like to move abroad again a little later in life and perhaps open a small hotel or bar, I'm not fussed where as long as it's hot and has a relaxed way of life. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

Yes, I grew up in a small village near Durham. I have wonderful childhood memories of going on adventures with friends (there were 5 of us in a short street who were of a similar age), coming home at tea time, filthy dirt before falling into bed exhausted. We also spent hours exploring the farmer's fields and huge muck heap at the rear of my house (now a massive housing estate) and playing kerby in the street. 

6.) Have you got any exciting plans for the year ahead?

We've already had a holiday abroad this year (our first cruise) but we've got a week in Scarborough this month and a few overnight stays booked. I'm thinking we might have a camping or glamping trip and lots of family days out. We definitely need a trip to The Forbidden Corner in Leyburn and to head up to Berwick and Alnwick in Northumberland. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

I love seeing the little man grow and turn into an independent and adventurous soul. He's such good fun to be around and learns something new every day. I'm still in awe that Hubby and I created him. He's my little sidekick and I'm trying to cram in as much fun before he disappears off to nursery and school. 

Thank you so much for taking part Cat I loved reading your answers, I am jealous you live so close to Beamish as that is one of my favourite places to visit in the North East. I also really want to visit Forbidden Corner soon, so you will have to let me know what it is like. I would love to visit Thailand someday and the idea of moving abroad and running a little bar or hotel sounds blissful. I hope you enjoy every second with your lovely little man before he starts nursery school next year. 

To find out more about Cat and her family visit her blog

Or visit her on social media 

Facebook rockandrollpcat
Twitter Catherine212
Instagram catherine212

Don't forget to check out the last post featuring Family Fever if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an e-mail at 



  1. Love Cat and her blog too so enjoyed reading this. I've not heard of Forbidden Corner so going off to google that now. We love Beamish too. We have so much on our doorsteps right now!

  2. How cool is that, a police woman! ;) I'm also liking the sound of her blog's name: Rock & Roll pussycat :) I love her childhood memories of roaming farmer's fields with friends and even the muck and all that. Sounds really idyllic to me.

  3. I love visiting different places local to us too its always fun to the name of cats blog I'll certainly will have a read.

  4. Great post! I hope they have an amazing time on their cruise if it's the first one they've been on!!!

  5. How nice to have lived in Thailand for a bit. Furthest we have lived is Wales.

  6. I love this <3
    What an absolutely fabulous idea for a post.
    Love finding out new things about people

  7. Lovely post. i agree watching your children grow up is so special :)

  8. I've never heard of someone visiting a museum once a week. I'm so curious. It must be excellent!

  9. I bet living in Thailand for a while was amazing. I keep dreaming about moving to Bali for a short period of time.

  10. Oh that's so nice you have quite a few things booked to do and especially the cruise!

  11. Another new blog for me to discover :-) I would love to visit Thailand, everyone I know whose been says how laid back it is and a must see place. I'm in awe of my girls too X

  12. It's so lovely meeting other bloggers. I bet Thailand was an adventure. Lovely that he's the little side kick, enjoy - times flies, but it only gets better!

  13. Love her blog name. Off to check it out. Great interview.

  14. this interview is lovely! Btw I've visited Durham and I think that area is lovely :)

  15. Love Cat's blog and it is lovely to find out more about the blogger behind the blog

  16. OOh a police lady what an usual job for a blogger, she says having an unusual job herself x

  17. Lovely interview Cat, Nice to have discovered your blog.
    I used to love playing Kerby too! It was awesome.

    Fab series Lindsay x

  18. How fascinating to know she lived in Thailand. Love this series for finding details like that out. I bet that was amazing x

  19. Thanks for having me lovely, I really enjoyed taking part

    Cat x

  20. We also had farmers fields behind our house which resulted in cows in our garden a few times! I loved going out exploring through the fields & woods. My grandad was from Malaysia so one day the hubby & I will head out there & travel to Thailand too

  21. I would so love to live in Thailand, bet it was amazing experience, great post!


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