Tuesday, 6 September 2016

August 2016

Today has been a bit of a rubbish day if I am honest, I woke with a really bad headache which has lasted all day. The much anticipated house move has hit yet another stumbling block and we are now back to square one of finding somewhere new to live. Sophia is due to start nursery school and we have been asked to change her sessions to mornings instead of afternoons, so she can get help with her speech; however this would mean separating her from all of her friends. It has been a one of those days where everything that can go wrong does go wrong.

whitley bay beach

Now that my little two children are in bed and the other half is searching for a giant spider that was in my teens room, I thought that I would sit down and rather belatedly write about what we had been up to in August. I love writing these monthly posts as they are normally full of happy memories and are something that I can look back on someday. 

Personal Life

August was all about Jacob's birthday as my baby boy turned two years old! We went to Scarborough for some much needed family time and had such a lovely time. We had a rather quiet August, we did have lots of lovely days out at the beach, local parks, meals out etc but we also spent a lot of time at home just being lazy, playing in the garden and spending time together as a family. Myself and the other half also celebrated are five year anniversary in August, although we did not do anything to celebrate as he was unwell. 

scarborough sealife centre penguins

My teen has loved being off school, most days she slept until lunch time! She has spent a lot of time out with her friends, when she is home it has been lovely to spend time with her. She returns to school tomorrow and I will miss her being around, as will her brother and sister. 

Sophia is such a pleasure to be around at the moment, her speech is improving and it is so lovely to be able to have an actual conversation with her these days. She has missed her little friends being off pre-school but it has been wonderful to watch her imagination grow as she plays with her toys. She is due to start nursery school at the end of September and we have all of her uniform ready, I am just feeling nervous about her settling in. 

Jacob turned two and he loved being the centre of attention on his birthday. He is so clever for his age, he chatters away nonstop and speaks so clearly. He is fully potty trained and he counts to ten, knows all his colours and he is so independent dressing himself and refusing to let us do anything for him. He is super excited about starting pre-school next week, I am terrified that he will escape as he loves to tinker with doors and safety gates so he can run off. 

Blog Life 

I feel like all of August was taken up with reviews on my blog - which I hate! I feel like I am playing catch up at the moment as blogging obviously takes a back seat when my children are off as family time always comes first. Other then a post about my son turning two I don't actually think I wrote a single post that was not a review or sponsored content last month. Hopefully I will catch up with my reviews over the next couple of weeks and be able to get back to writing about the things I want to again. 

In August I interviewed TV presenter Laura Hamilton on her amazing weight loss. I was sent along to review the new summer menu at Sizzling pubs, we visited amazing children hair salon Pikkus new store in Morpeth. We reviewed a super cute Yoyo the talking panda toy - If you are quick you can enter my giveaway to win one. We also enjoyed a family day at the sealife centre, blog post coming soon! 

I was a product tester in the recent Mother & Baby magazine awards (again) which was fun. I featured on Mum Amies blog feature Still Me. I completed my first Talk 2 Mums Mumbassador campaign which was great for getting me out the house and talking to more mums. I also attended a local North East bloggers picnic, it was nice to catch up with other bloggers especially Cat and Helena

I have a few nice collaborations lined up for September and I am looking forward to getting back into the routine of posting more of my own content over the coming weeks. September will be a month that See's Sophia start nursery school, Jacob start pre-school and Chloe go into year 9! We have two family weddings to attend this month and maybe we will find somewhere to move too, although I am so not getting my hopes up! I am also determined to get back on track with Slimming World, I lost another 2.5lbs last night which has motivated me to keep going. 

So that is what August was like for us, what did you get up to in August? 


  1. Oh no! What a day for you! I hope tomorrow is better!
    It sounds like you had a great August...

  2. Hope you are feeling better and found that spider? I don't feel i have blogger half as much in the last month, I have found it so hard between taxiing the boys about, I am glad to be getting back to normal. It sounds like you have had some lovely blog ops we have the best job ever dont we xx

  3. Sounds like you have had a good August. Days out are good fun. Jacob sounds a very grown up and intelligent 2 year old. Well done on your weight loss too. Hope September is a good month for you xx

  4. Back to normality now the kids are back. Hope September is a lovely month

    Cat x


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