Sunday, 29 May 2016

Thing's I Loved In May

As it is nearing the end of the month I have decided to sit down and write my monthly post about thing's that have made me happy this month. I love writing these posts as they are full of happy memories and are really nice and positive. It really does not seem so long ago since I wrote about what I had loved in April and now May is almost over too! Crazy how fast this year seems to be whizzing by! 

Anyway here is a few of the things that I have loved in May.

1.) Date Night. I mentioned last month that since we had a weekend away in April myself and the other half have decided to have a monthly date night. Since having children we rarely get any time together, just the two of us and when we do we really enjoy it. This month we were lucky enough to be invited along to Jesmond Dene House to try out their new early evening menu. Luckily my mother in law was on babysitting duties and we enjoyed a few hours peace whilst enjoying some delicious food and enjoying each others company for once. 

Jesmond dene house early evening menu dessert

2.) Edinburgh Zoo. Last week we went for a day out to Edinburgh zoo for Sophia's birthday and we had a great family day out. Sophia had the best day as she is animal crazy and she fell in love with the penguins and monkeys, I admit I also really liked the penguins too. We were lucky enough to see the giant panda and the penguin parade which really made the day fun. It was nice to have a day out that everyone enjoyed and I am sure that it will be a day that we will all remember. 

The male panda at Edinburgh Zoo Outdoors eating bamboo

3.) Sophia's Birthday. A few day's ago Sophia turned three and she was so excited as this was the first year that she has understood what was going on. She had a great day and was well and truly spoilt with gifts and was over the moon that she got her Beauty and the beast toys and paw patrol toys and cake - Paw Patrol is her most favourite thing at the moment. Even though she has only just turned three she just suddenly seems so grown up and like a proper little girl now and not like a toddler any more at all. 

4.) Afternoon Tea. On Friday I was invited along to St Mary's Inn near Morpeth for afternoon tea with my dad and teen. It was really nice to spend some time with my dad without the little two around. St Mary's Inn is really nice and the afternoon tea was delicious (blog post to follow). I had a really nice couple of hours just relaxing and enjoying the yummy cakes. 

afternoon tea for two at St Marys Inn Morpeth

5.) Blog On. At the very start of the month I travelled down to Manchester to attend the Blog On event, I travelled down with Sam from North East Family Fun and Karen from Monkey Feet and we stayed over night and it was nice to catch up and have a nice child free evening and full nights sleep! The event was great and I got to meet up with so many bloggers which is always nice and while I did not learn a great deal I did still leave feeling inspired to start making some changes to my blog (If I can ever find the time that is). 

6.) Lot's Of Family Time. Recently the other half changed where he works - same company just a different location, he seems to be working much better hours now and actually has more days off and time with the children which is nice. He also had a week off work last week and it was nice to have family time, although I got zero blogging done due to him being off and we drove each other mad by the end of the week! It was still nice to have him off though and the children loved having daddy home everyday. 

7.) Being In The Garden. We are really lucky that we have a big back garden and it backs out on to lots of farmers fields. Now that the weather is slowly starting to get warmer we have been spending lots of time outdoors, the little two love running around burning energy off in the garden playing on the slide and with their toys. The garden is going to be the one thing that I really miss when we move as the views from it of the fields and wildlife are just beautiful, we often see deer and they are amazing to watch. 

8.) Reading. This month I have been enjoying reading and have read a few books, I really love nothing more then getting stuck into a good book for an hour or two. I use to read all of the time before starting blogging and it is so nice to just step away from the laptop on an evening and just read instead. 

The marble collector book by cecila

9.) Warmer Weather. I love when the weather gets warmer and you don't need to wrap up in a winter coat to go out. I love days out in the sunshine and having the windows open and the washing on the line - I sound like such a mam saying that! I think the warmer weather just makes everything happier and nicer. 

10.) Box sets. I am not normally a TV person, I rarely watch anything other then a few shows or films that catch my eye. I was flicking through sky and noticed that they had all of the Sex & The City seasons so I have been re watching them right from the start. I use to watch it years ago but I missed the first few seasons so it is nice to watch it back from the start, although I can not believe how old it all looks. 

So that is what I have been loving in May, what did you love this month ? I would love to know in the comments below. 


  1. Oh I love everything you've loved! I've loved my new iPad mini, Blog On and visiting Hadrian's wall x

    1. Oh I bet having a new ipad mini is so handy, chloe has a one and I want one of my own! I have never visited Hadrians wall since I was a child - I really should visit saying as we live so close x

  2. Looks like you fitted a lot into May. I would love to visit Edinburgh zoo, must make the time over the summer. Those cakes at St Marys inn look lush

    1. Oh you really should visit the zoo it was such a wonderful day out xx

  3. What a superb month! You've been busy with some lovely things. I love it when the warmer weather comes too - much easier and more fun. I keep meaning to watch SATC too! Yay! Have a lovely June :) xx

  4. Sounds like a great month. Glad you all enjoyed Edinburgh zoo. Blogon sounds like a good event to go to. We loved that our garden is finally finished. We can now have some more outdoor fun! x

    1. It really was Sam, we loved the zoo. You should attend Blog On next year was a great event. Yay for getting the garden sorted xx


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