Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Odd Socks And Lollipops

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am featuring Jenni from Odd Socks And Lollipops. I have been a fan of Jenni's blog for quite a while now as I love reading about her adventures with her toddler Boo, toddler crafts and reviews. If you have a toddler you really should check out Jenni's blog as it is full of lots of lovely ideas and so many posts you will relate too. 

So let's find out more about the family behind Odd Socks And Lollipops. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family? 

I am Jenni, a 30-year-old mum to a two-year-old daughter Boo. We live with my husband who is Danish. My husband has two sons C, who is 12 and M who is 10 from a previous marriage - they live in Denmark and visit as often as they can. 

2.) Where do you live? 

We live in the Midlands.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

We love to go walking and exploring our favourite places are Cannock Chase and The Wolseley Centre - We are lucky they are both only a short drive away from us and they are amazing places.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you? 

I would love to live close to the seaside - it would be amazing to be able to take Boo to the beach all the time! Though I know my husband would love to move to Canada - which I think would be exciting! 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what is your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

I was born in Yorkshire and spent my childhood there and then in Durham - we moved there when I was 10. My husband spent his childhood in Denmark and Canada. My favourite memory from my childhood was playing in the tree house that all the children in our tiny village had made - it was just the best place for adventures! 

6.) Have you got any exciting plans for the year ahead? 

We are going away for a weekend for my mum's 50th birthday. It will be my husband and Boo and me, my mum and step-dad and my brother, his wife and their little boy. We are also hoping to take Boo to Denmark for the first time too.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

Every day is different and lots of fun, we have so much to look forward too and each day is just wonderful fun - Boo and I get up to lots of lovely things and the weekends are always fun as my husband is home and we go out on bigger trips.

Thank you for taking part Jenni, I loved reading your answers. I love Yorkshire and Durham and had no idea you grew up in the North East. I hope that you enjoy your weekend away with family and that you get to take Boo to Denmark to see where her daddy is from. 

To find out more about Jenni and her family visit her blog 

Or visit her on social media

Twitter BabyChaos11
Instagram baby_chaos11
Pinterest babychaos11

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Everything's Rosie And George if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please send me an email at , you don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. You're brave to consider upping sticks and moving to a different country. I suppose it's easier for your other half because he's lived there. It sounds lovely where you are at the moment!

    1. I know I always wonder how people can move to a different country, I don't think I could but I like the idea of it xx

  2. It's always lovely to hear a bit more about bloggers, I think. And how great to have family in another country too to help you discover it.

    1. It really is nice finding out more about bloggers isn't it. xx

  3. What a great idea of featuring your favourite bloggers. I've never heard of Jenni's blog before, but going to check that now. Thank you for sharing. x

    1. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I do xx

  4. It's strange when you read people's blogs not realising about the family life story behind it!

    1. It really is isn't it, sometimes we think we know people just by reading there blogs and then we find out something that suprises us xx

  5. What a lovely memory! A treehouse built by all the neighbourhood kids. That's just precious :) x

    1. It sounds like such a great memory, I wish I had a treehouse to play in as a child xx

  6. Awesome, I love posts like this. So interesting!

  7. Based not far from me and I too would love to live by the seaside.

    1. I live not far from the seaside (5-10 min drive) and I think I forget how lucky I am xx

  8. A lovely interview. Always nice to find more about the family behind the blog. Have a lovely time celebrating your mums birthday X

    1. Thank you Laura, it really is nice finding out a bit more isn't it xx

  9. I love finding out more about bloggers and the family story.

    1. Me too, I love reading everyone's answers every week xx

  10. That tree house sounds awesome! We had a lovingly made 'den' as kids which was mostly a pile of sticks and old crates - we thought it was the bees knees though. :)

    I'd love to live by the sea too. At least until sand started getting everywhere... x

    1. It does sound amazing doesn't it ? I wish I had of had a one as a child. I bet your 'den' was lots of fun to play in. xx

  11. Thank you so much for having me over on your blog today! They were lovely questions to answer - it's always nice to have a reason to look back and think about happy childhood memories!

    1. Thank you so much for taking part Jenni, I loved finding out more about you and your family xx

  12. What a great idea - so interesting to hear about other people's families. I grew up in Yorkshire too! Funnily enough, I do now live on the coast and it doesn't really hold that much appeal for me! Never been much of a beaches and sea person!

    1. Thank you, I love Yorkshire we visit often and I love the countryside xx

  13. This is fab - I love blog exchanges where you can read about other bloggers, I already know Odd Socks and Lollipops but I sometimes get to read about a blog I've never read before! H x

    1. Thank you Harriet I am glad that you enjoy reading this xx

  14. There is always a story behind each bloggers life and I find these type of blog posts very interesting.

    Thank you Sharing.

    John M.

  15. It's always lovely learning more about the bloggers and their family life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It really is I am glad that you enjoyed reading Elizabeth x

  16. I do love her she is such a sweet and kind blogger and her blog is lovely too. By the way did you ever get my email that was answering all the questions you sent me? xx

    1. She really is a lovely blogger, very friendly. Yes I did , did you not get my reply? Your post is all scheduled in for in two weeks time xx

  17. I love these blogs and hearing about other people. My hubby is from the midlands we are in the north west now, im from north wales so miss living by the sea, would love to visit Canada. Marie :)

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed it Marie, I have never really moved and still live close to where I grew up xx

  18. I love this question and answer. Jenni and Boo's blog seems like fun! I'd also love to live by the seaside x

  19. I never knew you had two step sons - nice to learn the background behind a blogger

    1. I never knew that either, it is nice finding out a bit more about bloggers xx


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