Monday, 18 April 2016

Blog On Mosi 2016 Ice Breaker

In just under two weeks time I will be off to Manchester with fellow North East bloggers Sam from North East Family Fun and Karen from Monkey feet to attend my first Blog On Mosi event. I attended Britmums last year and I remember spending most of my time staring at peoples name tags, as I struggled to put names to blogs. So I think this icebreaker linky is a great idea so that not only will I know who is going but also so the other attendees know who I am too. 

If you do see me at the event please do come and say hello as I am rather shy but I am very friendly (I hope). 

1.) Share a picture of yourself.

Me & My Boy Last Week

2.) If you had to describe yourself in three words...

Friendly, shy, honest. 

3.) How long have you been blogging and what made you start? 

I started 2 years ago in March 2014 and I had no idea at all what I was doing. I started as a way to record my pregnancy with baby number three as I never recorded my first two pregnancy's and wish that I had of done, I also wanted it to be a place to record my children's childhood and family days out. I never imagined that I would still be blogging two years later.

4.)  What was your favourite TV show as a child? 

Oh I had so many I use to like button moon as a child apparently and rainbow and playschool ( I think that is what it might have been called). I also loved SMTV, Byker Grove and all the American shows like Saved by the bell, Alex Mac, Sister Sister, Sabrina, I could go on and on listing all of those. 

5.) Something you may not know about me? 

I spent two years at college training to be a beauty therapist before realising that it was not for me and having a total change and doing a degree in Health & Social care specialising in Mental health. 

6.) What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? 

I am such a fussy eater and don't like trying unusual things but as a child, we use to go abroad quite often and my dad never told us what we were eating or would say it was something else so we would try new foods. I often say now I have never tried something and my dad says yes you have you ate it as a child. 

7.) What was your biggest fashion faux pas?

Oh gosh, I have so many from my teenage years! Popper pants, pedal pushers, those awful platform trainers, big hair scrunchies and kicker shoes. 

8.) What are your pet peeves? 

Oh gosh, we could be here a while I have so many! Manners are a big one as they cost nothing at all but mean everything, I also hate bitchiness as there is just no need for it. I also hate it when people don't clean dog mess up, swearing and smoking around children, people who park in parent and child spaces with no children. And on Facebook when people list their job as being a full-time mammy or put things like Lindsay ILoveMyKidsChloeSophiaJacob or whatever on Facebook, I am pretty sure most people who have children love them and being a parent is not really a place of work. 

Clearly so much annoys me. 

9.) Who would you be your 3 perfect dinner party guests (dead or alive) and why? 

This one is easy my mam, my brother and I am cheating here but mine and my brother's children. I would love for me and my brother to see our mam again as we were still young when she died and I would love nothing more than for her to have met her grandchildren as I hate that she never got to meet them. 

10.) If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would play the part of you? 

Oh, this one is hard, I honestly don't know obviously some kind of boring sleep deprived mum film as nothing exciting really happens in my life. As for which actor? I honestly don't have a clue, someone funny though as I love a good rom-com. 

11.) If you could live in any sitcom, which one would it be? 

I don't watch any sitcoms so I don't know, I would love to live in New York though and have amazing clothes so I will say Sex in the city. 

12.) Name a famous person you have met.

I Interviewed Myleene Klass last year at a Mothercare event for my blog. It was a disaster as I was new to blogging, I arrived late, Jacob was a tiny baby screaming and I ended up interviewing her whilst trying to feed a baby at the same time and trying and failing to not look like a total frazzled mum! 

13.) Which social media platform best describes your personality and why? 

Pinterest, as it is full of good ideas that no-one actually ends up doing. A bit like me I am always full of good ideas regarding eating healthy, doing stuff with the kids, decorating my home, this blog etc but I just never find the time or energy to get around to doing any of them. 

14.) What picture do you have on your locks screen on your phone/computer? 

I just have the default ones they came with, probably should get around to changing them at some point. 

15.) How many pairs of shoes do you own? 

I have so many nice 'going out' shoes, I have no idea how many as there is that many of them. Since having my little two I have not worn any of them as I never go anywhere and can no longer walk in heels. I have one pair of boots I wear all the time and one pair of flats and a pair of trainers. I think that is an excuse to buy some more flats. 

16.) What period of time from the past would you have most liked to have lived ? 

You know what I don't think I would like to live in another time period, I quite like living in the here and now. 

17.) If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? 

There is so many places I want to go. I obviously want to go to Florida with the children as I loved visiting as a child, we have plans to go in a few years which I can't wait for. I also really want to visit Thailand, Italy, The Maldives, Mexico and New York, hopefully, we will get to visit these places when my little ones are a bit bigger.

18.) What is your guilty pleasure? 

 Reality TV shows like Celebrity Big brother, I'm a celebrity and Ex on the beach.

19.) What is your favourite tipple? 

I love a fruity cocktail. 

20.) If you had a magic lamp and genie what would be your three wishes? 

That my children all grow up safe, happy and healthy. To own our dream forever home. To finally be skinny please! 

I am looking forward to seeing you all at Blog on as there is so many people I can't wait to see again and people who I am eager to meet. If your going to Blog On make sure you link up to the Blog On Icebreaker on Chelsea Mamma too. 


  1. Really look forward to catching up! xx

  2. Platform trainers? Really? *snigger*
    I think everyone feels awkward when they meet celebrities, even if you aren't personally in awe of them!
    I swear I already replied to this - so my apologies if I have commented twice :D

    1. Haha yep I was a big spice girl fan. Don't worry your not going mad you have not commented twice, I wrote another post mentioning I was going to blog on that you commented on xx

  3. I ma so late to the party and only booked my ticket last week, I am so excited. i love your answers and am so sorry about your Mum that is so unfair. Cant wait to meet you xxx

  4. Oi, oi, I'm going too!
    I also had platform trainers; I fell off the sides so many times I ended up having to throw them away because they ripped!

    1. It was so lovely to meet you again, wish we could have chatted longer. We really must meet up sometimes as we live so close xx

  5. Looking forward to meeting you. I loved Saved by the Bell and Sabrina too. I am sure Myleene, as a parent of two would have understood x

    1. They were brilliant programs weren't they. You looked lovely at the event, loved your outfit xx

  6. I agree with you, being a mother (I'm not) is not a job. I'm going to BlogOn too, it's exciting, isn't it?

    1. It was such a wonderful event, I hope that you enjoyed it xx

  7. I can completely imagine you trying to interview Myleene while feeding! I loved Sabrina too (remember when she went to college?) x

    1. I know it was a disaster I could not even write her answers down or anything xx


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