Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring The Mummy Stylist

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am featuring the lovely Sabrina from The Mummy Stylist. I only discovered Sabrina's blog a few months ago and I am already a fan as she writes all about adventures with her little boy, pregnancy updates and lots of maternity and children fashion posts. 

The Mummy Stylist UK Parent Blogger

So lets find out more about the family behind The Mummy Stylist. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family ? 

I'm Sabrina and I work 3 days a week as a Graphic Designer in Kentish Town. I'm married to Ganesh, who I met at Woolworth's where we worked at Head office 13 years ago! We have a 3 year-old boy called Tyler and are expecting a baby girl due in June this year. 

2.) Where do you live ? 

We live in Slough, Berkshire in a new-build apartment. We just moved here nearly 2 years ago, as it's not too far from both our parents, and being just outside of London we get the best of both worlds - countryside down the road and city life just a train-ride away.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live ? 

When it's warm we do like going for family walks in Black Park or Langley Country Park, or going fruit and veg picking at Copas Farm. In the winter we love going for family lunches in country pubs, like the Red Lion in nearby Stoke Poges.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you ? 

The seaside! If my family didn't live in Middlesex, I would so move us all to Devon or Cornwall as I LOVE it there. I love the smell of the sea air, the sound of the waves and just the idea of a more peaceful lifestyle. I was born in Cornwall so have a thing about living there. But I just can't live that far away from family, they are too big a part of my life. So we'll have to stick to holidays there instead. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up ? 

Yes, I grew up in Hillingdon which is 20 minutes away by car. My favourite childhood memories are just being at home and playing with my siblings, having my cousins come over in the holidays, playing in the garden and my Wendy house. I also have fond memories of shopping with my mum and dad in Uxbridge, especially at Woolworth's and Owen Owen. 

6.) Have you any exciting family plans for the year ahead ?

Yes we're having a baby! This year is actually full of change for us, as I will not be working anymore from May, then I'm having the baby in June and then Tyler will be starting reception in September. So I'll be start doing the school run with a newborn - it's all quiet nerve-wracking! I hope I make some mum friends! Before the baby comes we are hoping to have one last family holiday with Tyler, probably in Devon, and I want is to go to Thomasland too as Tyler is totally obsessed with Thomas and Friends. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life ? 

My favourite thing is watching my boy grow up, he is full of laughter and fun the simplest things make him laugh. And I love how my husband feels like family, I feel so relaxed being around him and we can just chill out doing nothing at weekends and that's okay. 

I loved reading your answers Sabrina, it sounds like you have such a busy and exciting year ahead! It sounds so lovely where you live, being so close to the city and the countryside with lots to do in your area. I also met my other half at work and would love to live near the seaside, luckily I am only a ten minute drive away from the coast. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and I can't wait to read all about your new family adventures as a family of four. 

To find out more about Sabrina and her family visit her blog 

Or follow her on social media

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring my lovely friend Beth from Twinderelmo if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an email at , you don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. Ooh exciting to be having a baby soon. By eldest daughter starts reception in September too and I'm worrying about to many things!!! Another fab interview X

    1. I know it is so exciting when you are pregnant isn't it, such a magical time. I remember feeing the same when my eldest started school, they end up loving it though xx

  2. Oh yes, I do enjoy Sabrina's photos of her little boy and her really cute maternity outfits too :)

    1. I wish I had her style when I was pregnant, I lived in leggings and two tops as nothing fitted and I refused buy lots of outfits I would not wear xx

  3. I love reading posts like this and getting a little insight onto other bloggers lives. My pregnancy style was that of leggings and large tops lol

  4. Love reading these types of posts. I'd love to live by the seaside too. X

  5. I totally agree that if I didn't have all my family close by I'd live by the seaside too. Great to know more about fellow bloggers x

  6. That's a really interesting interview, very well done! Nice to know how other bloggers live and balance blogging in their lives!

    Oliver •

  7. Lovely interview - I love hearing a bit more about the people behind their blogs. Wishing them all the best with their new baby girl - I bet she'll be just as beautiful as her brother!

  8. That is so cool that she is a graphic designer I would love to see her illustrations, her kid is so cute x

  9. What a lovely interview! I can completely understand the lure of the sea - it won over being near my family! I couldn't not have that sea shore within walking distance.


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