Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Everything's Rosie And George

Welcome to another week of my blog series Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am featuring Rosie from Everything's Rosie And George. Rosie is fairly new to blogging and her blog is all about life with her toddler George, beauty and little snippets of her life in Carlisle. She writes in such a lovely friendly way and it feels like you are chatting to a friend when you read her posts. 

So let's find out about the family behind Everything's Rosie And George. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family? 

My family is made of me, Rosie, my adorable two-year-old son George and my lovely boyfriend Frankie. I work part-time a couple of evenings and spend the rest of my time playing games and talking dinosaurs with G. 

2.) Where do you live? 

We live in a two-bedroomed terraced house in Carlisle, Cumbria. A lot of my friends seem to feel that Carlisle is the most boring place on Earth, to be fair it isn't exactly a hub of culture, but I like it. It's generally a pretty quiet and small city with easy access to the Lakes, Scotland and the North East, meaning the lack of local activities can be easily remedied by a short road-trip! I'm not sure if Carlise is where we will live forever, we're only renting our house at the minute and where we end up will probably depend on where Frankie's career will take us. 

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

I always end up feeling guilty if George doesn't stretch his tiny legs outside once a day, so we love visiting our local parks where he can run around to his heart's content and feed all the ducks he can find - it's a super cheap activity as well. It usually only costs the price of bread and maybe a 99 ice cream cone in the summer. Any wide open space is usually a hit, so lovely long dog walks with Frankie's family on a weekend is a regular favourite, we particularly enjoy visiting a small lake from Carlisle called Talkin Tarn. It only takes about 20 minutes to walk all the way around (or a bit longer if G is walking) so it is a lovely morning activity to fit in before George's nap. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you? 

I would love to live in Toronto, Canada. I studied at the University of Toronta for a year while I was at University and I adored it there. The city itself was amazing, always bustling, but you never felt rushed, it was filled with lovely Canadians who are even more polite than your stereotypical Brit. George loves snow too, so even the freezing cold winters would be enjoyable.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what is your favourite childhood memories where you grew up? 

We currently live just around the corner from my Mum and Stepdad's, and down the road from the house I grew up in with my parents and older brother. Until I was 14 I lived in a quiet tree-lined avenue where all the local children were friends and our parents were comfortable enough to let us roam in and out of each other's houses and play happily together on the street outside. I love the memories of racing my friends on our bikes and having sleepovers fuelled by popcorn and laughter.

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead? 

George turned two in February so the most exciting event has already passed! George and I have a lovely holiday to Spain planned in April with my mum so we're looking forward to that, we have not got any big family plans (yet).

7.) Do you wish there were certain family activities closer to you that are not available? 

I sometimes find myself struggling of things to do in Carlisle, especially if it is raining! We have a pretty good soft play centre near to our house called Aztec, but George is a bit of an in-between age/size at the moment where he is too big for the 'baby' soft play and too small for the 5 + area. I am always scared he's going to get trampled by those big rowdy kids! If anything I would love to be able to take him to the natural history or science museums, he's really into dinosaurs at the moment so I'm sure he'd be interested in looking at the exhibitions about them, it would be enjoyable for me and Frankie too which is always a plus. More than anything I just wish the Cumbrian weather was a
bit better than it is, we have the Lake District on our doorstep but it's not quite so appealing when it's pouring down. 

8.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

I have loved watching George grow and develop into a loving, intelligent and all-around amazing little boy over the last two years. Equally, I've been amazed by mine and Frankie's transformation into the (hopefully) successful parents we are now, our relationship is stronger than ever and we've really settled into our family life very happily. I enjoy our family breakfast, our naptime coffee breaks and bedtime snuggles with George, they all sound a bit routine but the little things are my favourite part of our family life!

I loved reading your answer's Rosie, it sounds like you are really enjoying being a mummy to George and treasure all those special little moments. I hope that you have a fantastic holiday in Spain and continue to enjoy watching George's personality develop and make lots of lovely memories along the way. 

To find out more about Rosie and her family visit her blog 

Or follow her on social media 

Twitter @everythingsrg

Don't forget to check out last week's post featuring Sam from Travelling With Our Kids if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives just send me an email at , you don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. I've lived in three different countries for most of my adult life. Would love to be able to live in a place where my parents and family are just down the road. Soon! ;) Lovely interview.

    1. Oh wow have you, that must be so interesting. I have never really moved and still live close to where I grew up xx

  2. Canada sounds amazing. I lived overseas for 17 years and loved it but I also love the uk too. Thanks for sharing this blogger. :)

    1. I have never lived anywhere but the North East , must be so interesting living abroad xx

  3. Canada sounds amazing I'd love to be able to go there. I hope u have a lovely time in Spain Rosie.

    1. It really does sound rather amazing doesn't it xx

  4. Love getting to know other bloggers. I'd like to visit Canada but don't know if I could live there (too cold). I know Carlisle well, I grew up in Dumfries, it's come on lots since I was younger! Xx

    1. I am glad you enjoyed reading Rachel, I live so close to Carlisle but I have not visited since I was a child. xx

  5. This is such s lovely relaxing post to read. I love those ordinary moments of family life too they are just as important as the big exciting days. We took our kids to the Lake District last summer and it was AMAZING! We spent so much time outdoors, we were very fortunate with the weather. We didn't go to Carlisle but I think we might have been close when we went tongue South Lakes zoo (which we loved so much).

    1. I am glad that you have enjoyed reading Sarah. I love the ordinary moments of family life too. I really need to visit the lakes with my children as it is not to far from Newcastle xx

  6. Lovely post! It is great getting to know more about other bloggers :)

    1. Thank you Claire, I am glad that you enjoyed reading xx

  7. i love Rosie's answer to question 8, the happiness and contentment just comes right off the page

  8. I hope you have a lovely holiday ... At least you know the weather will be nice enough for George to get out and about every day. It's so tough here when you never know if the next day will be dry so you can get out of the house.
    Alana x

    1. I hope she had a lovely holiday too, It really is tough it is nearly always raining here in the north east too so we can never plan any outdoor days out as it rains a lot even in summer xx

  9. Aw I am glad she treasures the small pleasures and good choice Natural History museum is perfect.

    1. She really does treasure all the lovely small things, such a lovely way to be. I have never visited the National History Museum but keep hearing great things about it xx

  10. A great post, I noticed that Rosie lives in Cumbria, I hope they didn't get affected by the flooding in the Winter. Watch your child grow and develop the joys of parenting. A great interview.

    Thanks for Sharing

    John M

  11. I think spending time talking about dinosaurs is amazing, what a lovely introduction x

    1. Me too, she sounds like such a lovely friendly person who adores her son xx

  12. Nice to meet you Rosie :) I went to cumbria years ago and it was beautiful and my son loves Dinosaurs too - it's amazing how many of their different names I'm learning :)

    1. My son is just starting to get into dinosaurs too but all he calls them are Raaas xx

  13. Rosie sounds like such a down-to-earth blogger. You're right she does come across and friendly and warm, can't wait to read more about her adventures x

  14. What a lovely blogger and blog name. It sounds like she is busy with keeping little George busy. I know what she means about rainy days, I don't think it's only Carlisle that has a problem

    1. Really is such a lovely interview, Rosie is so lovely and friendly. I know the north east is always wet and cold too xx

  15. Rosie looks and sounds like a really lovely blogger and I would love her village, I am not big on cities villages are my thing but I also love Canada

    1. She really does sound like such a lovely person, so friendly. xx

  16. We visited Carlisle once and had a great time and it was actually sunny - I think we are all suffering with the weather at the moment

    1. I really need to visit Carlise soon as it is not far from me and I have not visited since I was a child so don't really remember xx

  17. Nice to 'meet' you Rosie, will have to pop over to your blog! I love this series lovely! I really should get in touch to join in :) I say this every time I'm sure! Will try remember to email you over the weekend xx

    1. Her blog is lovely Clare, I am exactly the same I keep meaning to take part in your guest post then forget to email lol xx


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