Wednesday 6 April 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Twinderelmo

Welcome to another week of my guest series Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am pleased to be featuring the lovely Beth from Twinderelmo. I love Beth's blog it is one of my all time favourites and I have been reading it more or less since I started blogging two years ago, I have laughed at her posts about Peppa Pig and double buggy's, cried at her posts about losing her beloved mum and related to her posts about life with toddlers. I have met Beth in real life and she is just as lovely and funny in real life as she appears on her blog. 

Twinderelmo blog logo

So let's find out a bit more about the family behind Twinderelmo. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family ? 

I'm 30 and have been married for 3 and a half years. We have a 7 year old son and identical twin girls who will be 3 in June. I am now a stay at home parent following voluntary redundancy after maternity leave.

2.) Where do you live ? 

We live in Shropshire near the Midlands and I live in the same little town I was born in!

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live ?

There are so many fields and little woods nearby that we love going for a long muddy walk of a weekend in. We also have so many gorgeous little shops and cafes near the river, it's lovely to be a tourist and visit them when the sun is shining.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you ? 

Dorset. It's such a special place as my Mom and I used to take trips down there together to visit our favourite place Monkey World. It is such a beautiful part of the country and has so many memories.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up ? 

My parents brought our family house plot and watched it be built. Dad still lives there now over 36 years later! I lived in the house until I had Charlie, but have only ever moved a few minutes away. The fields we used to play in as kids are where I take my children now and Charlie attends the primary school I did - some of the same teachers are still there!!

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead ? 

It'll be all change come September when the girls start nursery. As they do this, Charlie will start year 3 so will go over to the Junior part of the school meaning a new building and I don't wait on the playground. It's sad but exciting that my babies are growing up. I'm also on a health kick so I'm excited to see where I'll be come the end of 2016 (Clue - SKINNY please!!!)

7.) What is the best thing about family life ? 

When I look out in the garden and see my husband and kids laughing and playing I realise that whilst it is bloody hard at times these four people are always there for me. To pick me up when I'm down and put a smile on my face. I'm so lucky to have a healthy and happy family and that is more important than anything else.

Thank you Beth I have loved reading your answers, my dad still lives in my childhood home too and it is lovely to go 'home'. I love that your children are growing up in your home town and go to the same school you did. I bet you will be lovely and skinny by the end of the year too (Jealous!). 

To find out more about Beth and her family you can visit her blog 

You can also visit her on social media

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Dot Makes 4 if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please send me an email at , you don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. Thanks for having me - and everything crossed for skinny!!!! xx

    1. Thank you for taking part, I loved having you. Skinny will happen as your doing blooming brilliant so far, unlike me I like crisps and bread to much haha xx

  2. I love finding out a bit more about the person behind the blog. I really enjoyed reading all about Beth and her lovely family x

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it Laura, it was lovely to feature you the other week too xx

  3. Dorset is also a place, I'd love to move too. But since Cornwall is as lovely as Dorset, I'm okay where we are too :) Love finding out more about other bloggers. x

    1. I don't think I have ever been to Dorset before, I really must visit sometime xx

  4. Love reading these each week :-) great to find out more about the blogger. x

  5. Great introduction to Beth, having twins must be tough work I bet she'll enjoy the bit of a break when they go to nursery x

    1. Thank you, her twins are adorable and look so cheeky I totally agree it must be hard work at times.xx

  6. I love finding out about all these different bloggers - some I haven't heard of and are new to me so its brilliant! H x

    1. I am so glad you are enjoying reading and finding new blogs to discover, I love discovering new blogs too xx

  7. I love finding out about bloggers. These posts are always good. I too hope to be skinny by the end of the year lol. X

    1. Me too although I need to learn to stop eating takeaways and crisps first haha xx

  8. Oh! Dorset is stunning my foster mum has family there and in Devon and they are meant to be beautiful x Beth sounds like a wonderful mum.

    1. I have never been to Dorset or Devon, unless I went as a child and don't remember (we use to visit the south coast a lot when I was young) xx

  9. It's lovely to read more about other bloggers. I've met Beth too, so it's nice to find out more in her own words.

    1. It really is nice to find out a bit more about her in her own words, she is so lovely isn't she ? one of the nicest bloggers I have met xx

  10. Fab post, great to get an insight into the lives of other bloggers, have to check out Beth's blog now :-)

    1. Thank you, oh I hope that you enjoy her blog as much as I do xx

  11. Lovely post, I love a good nosey into other peoples lives haha I live in the same place I was born but only because I moved back here, I can't imagine living in the same place all them years, I am a real home bird so I like to stay where I know

    1. Me too that is why I set this series up haha. I am the same I love living near to what I know and have only moved to the next village from where I grew up xx

  12. A great post and a great blogger :) I love reading these and getting to know more about some of my favourite bloggers :)

    1. Thank you Nikki, I know I loved reading more about Beth and her family. I am looking forward to featuring you in a few weeks xx


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