Sunday, 1 November 2015

October 2015

Today is the 1st of November and it really does not seem like five minutes since I posted about what we had been up to in September. This year seems to have flown by so quickly and now it is November I can safely say I am on the countdown to Christmas and I have started my Christmas shopping. I love November as it is my birthday on the 11th (remembrance day) but I am not doing anything exciting as I will be 32, gosh I feel old typing that. November is also the month that this little blog of mine gets redesigned, which I am so excited about.

Anyway enough of my babbling on, I want to talk about last month and have a little recap of what we have all been up to. I like doing this as a way to remember what we have been up to each month and for my children to look back on someday. 

Personal Life 

October was the month that my eldest turned into an actual teenager as she celebrated her 13th birthday, she will always be my baby though. She celebrated by going out for a family meal and then having a meal and shopping trip out with her friends a few days later. Her birthday is always just before half term (all three children have half term birthdays) so she has enjoyed having a week off school being lazy and being a typical teenager by staying in bed each day until lunchtime. 

make up bag birthday cake

It has not all been lie-ins and lazy days for her though as she had to have surgery during the holidays, she was really brave though and I was so proud of her. Me, on the other hand, well I was in tears as I left her in the operating theatre, leaving your child in the operating theatre and feeling helpless has to be one of the worst feelings as a parent. She has recovered well though and hopefully, she will get the all clear and won't be returning to the hospital any time soon.

Sophia is still really enjoying pre-school and it is lovely watching her look so happy to be there. She seems to have changed so much over the last few months as she is talking a lot more, she also seems more grown up lately and more and more like a little girl rather than a toddler. She has fallen in love with Frozen and constantly sings 'let it go' which is super cute. 

Jacob is now 14 months, the same age that Sophia was when he was born, no way could I cope with a baby and Jacob as he is such a handful. He is such a lovely little boy who makes us laugh non stop with funny faces which he pulls on demand, but oh boy he has one hell of a temper on him and will scream if he does not get his own way. He says 'hiya' nonstop and is such a little chatterbox copying almost everything we say to him. The big breakthrough is that he has actually slept all night a couple of times this month which is amazing as I have missed sleep so much over the past few years, fingers crossed I have not jinked things by saying that. 

Nothing much has changed with me I am still doing my Slimming World but weight loss has slowed down now I have lost 2 stone, I am hoping to get my three stone award by Christmas fingers crossed. The other half is now back at work after having three weeks off with a damaged hand, he was starting to annoy me being at home all the time so I am glad he is back at work now. 

Blog Life

Last month I mentioned that I wanted to blog every day and catch up on blogging and get around to doing all those little jobs I want to do on my blog, guess what I haven't done any of those things. In fact, I am probably even more behind than I was last month as I just have not had the time nor energy to blog lately. Maybe this month I will get my act together. 

During October we completed our budget bedroom makeover and I am so pleased with the results and the room looks so much better. I now have the decorating bug and I am planning on repainting the kitchen and living room before Christmas. I got back into reading this month as I love nothing more than getting lost in a good book for a day or two and I did just that with 'A Better Man' book review.

paperback copy of the book a better man

The children reviewed a gorgeous Halloween themed book called 'Pumpkins Pumpkins Everywhere' as part of their role as Parragon book buddies. They also reviewed a great toddler toy My first Thomas and friends rail roller spiral station, they both love this and it would make a great Christmas gift idea. I was lucky enough to be sent the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers from Prestige which were utterly beautiful and again would make a great Christmas gift. 

red rose flowers

The highlight of our month was most defiantly a trip to see Disney on ice at Metro radio arena. I was lucky enough to be invited along to do a review and I took my two girls and my three-year-old niece Heidi with us. The show was amazing and we all thoroughly enjoyed it and will be returning again next year. 

Disney on Ice Cars

So that is what we have been up to in October a month filled with birthday celebrations, bedroom makeover and a fantastic trip to Disney on Ice. I failed on all of last months blog goals so I am going to make them again for this month instead, in the hope that writing them down on here will actually make me stick to them (who am I kidding). I want to blog every day this month, catch up on all my reviews and make a good start on my blog to do list. I also want to lose another half a stone this month and get my two and a half stone award at Slimming World, that's if I don't overindulge on cake and chocolates on my birthday. 

What were you up to in October did you do anything nice? 



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