Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Raising The Rainbows

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring Mandy from Raising The Rainbows, I love Mandy's blog and have been reading it for around a year now, I started reading her blog to follow her weight loss journey as I too am trying to lose weight. I also enjoy the reviews she does as she seems to review a lot of toys that I know my own children would love. She also writes about autism as three of her four children have been diagnosed with autism and my own daughter has recently been going through assessments for this. 

UK Parent Blogger Raising The Rainbows

So let's find out more about the family behind Raising The Rainbows. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family ? 

We are a family of 6, myself and Dave have been together nearly 15 years and have no plans to marry. We have 4 children, 3 of whom are diagnosed with autism. Our life is busy but never boring!

2.) Where do you live ? 

We live in South Manchester.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live ? 

We enjoy early morning trips to our local park. It's got a fab petting Zoo, historic hall, cycle track and park. It's all free and there is lots of green space for the children to run around in.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you ? 

We would love to live in St Anne's On Sea, it's a place we visit often and we would love to live there one day.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now, what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up ? 

I live a 10 minute bus ride from where I was born and 5 minute walk from where I grew up. I enjoyed playing in the woods and going to the local pond growing up. The woods are mostly full of rubbish and the pond full of weeds and no animal life. It makes me sad as I have so many happy memories playing hide and seek in there.

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead ? 

Myself and Dave are both going back to college! We have both been carers for our 3 autistic children for a few years. Now all the children are settled in their school environment we are able to have a little time. I am training to become a Teaching Assistant. It's going to take a lot of juggling and adjusting to a new routine for us all, I am sure it will be worth it for all of us though.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life ? 

There is never a dull moment, life is busy but always full of surprises. We love nothing more than all snuggling up on our big corner sofa, shutting the blinds and watching a movie. You can't beat family time.

Thank you so much for taking part Mandy, I loved reading your answers and totally agree that you can not beat family time. I hope that yourself and Dave both enjoy going back to college and I am sure that the juggle will so be worth it for the whole family.

To find out more about Mandy and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media

Twitter RTR_Blog
Instagram rtr_blog

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Me, Him, The Dog And A Baby if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives please send me an email at , you don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted.



  1. Always interesting to read about other bloggers. It sounds like you are busy with your boys, I bet life is never boring!

    1. I know it sounds like she is full of busy, I struggle with just 3 children xx

  2. Great interview. It was a fab read. South Manchester is not too far off from where I am.

  3. I love reading interviews like this as it is so interesting to read about other bloggers and find out about their lives

    1. Me too, you often find new blogs to follow or find out things you did not know from blogs you are aware of xx

  4. Fabulous
    Love reading and following raising the rainbows

  5. Nice interview, it's always nice to get to know other blggers.

    1. Thank's Joanna, it really is nice to get to know other bloggers more x

  6. Fab interview, hope their college studies go well x

    1. Me too, I bet that it will be worth it once they qualify though xx

  7. Well very interesting family here and it should be tough job for them to take care of their kids but it should feel really great to have that kind of accomplishment as parents.

    1. It really does sound like they are doing a fantastic job doesn't it

  8. I love reading about other bloggers and this interview was so interesting. We aren't too far from you really up in Lancashire!

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed reading Laura. Ah I had no idea that is where you lived x


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