Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Candyfloss & Dreams

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring the really lovely Kat from Candyfloss Dreams. I have been reading Kat's blog for a few months now and I love the wide variety of subjects that her blog covers. 

So lets find out more about the family behind Candyfloss & Dreams.

Blogger Candyfloss & Dreams

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family ? 

I live with my partner, Adam and my daughter Mini Kat - so many people say she looks just like me! I work at home full time blogging, reviewing and copy writing as well as daydreaming about writing a book. My partner Adam works late evenings and my daughter, who is five has just finished reception at school. We have been a family for three years now and my partner is an excellent step parent and role model. 

2.) Where do you live ? 

We live in a two bedroom flat in the middle of Hampshire. It's not too bad really, five minutes drive and you're firmly in the countryside. We are surrounded by big towns for shopping and it's only just over an hour on the train to London.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live ? 

We do love a trip to the cinema, family swimming in our local pool or going for food!

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you ? 

My partner and I have both discussed moving down towards Cornwall because we love the seaside and it's beautiful down there. If I could live anywhere I would love to live in Tromso, Norway. That really is a different world! We are going to Norway in August to explore - I'm very excited. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up ? 

I am back in my hometown I first lived in with my mum and dad, I mostly grew up in a nearby village. When I was twenty I moved away and then returned when I was 23. Oh I remember building dens on the green near my house. There was this amazing hollow tree where we would sit and gossip. I loved building dens. Another was when my dad first separated from my mum and we visited his on weekends. His garden backed onto a wood that was rumoured to be haunted, I loved playing up there and in the nearby park. I sound like I am a real 'outdoors' type of person but I think I've lost a bit of that now I'm older (and too many joint problems to even think about climbing a tree or building a den).

6.) Have you any exciting family plans for the year ahead ? 

We had our first family holiday abroad in February to Disneyland Paris which was our big thing for this year. We are visiting friends in Cardiff over the summer with a group of ladies that were all first time pregnancies at the same time as me, it's great we stayed in contact! My partner and I are lucky that Mini Kat will be with her fathers grandparents for two weeks in August so we are going on a week long cruise to Norway, our first adults only holiday! We are planning a weekend in London for my daughters 6th birthday in September because she wants to go on the London eye. I would like to go to the Canary Islands for my birthday too at the end of December but we will see. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life ? 

I love feeling like I have a purpose and people to take care of in my life. I love having a companion to turn to in times of frustration and need and I love seeing my daughters successes. We have a pretty relaxed family life and we are very lucky that we get to go on lots of adventures. I am at my happiest when we are on holiday together, I love our holidays together; both as a couple and as a family. 

Thank you so much for taking part Kat, I loved reading your answers and finding out more about you and your family. It sounds lovely where you live and it sounds like you had a wonderful childhood growing up in the area. I hope that you have a wonderful time in Norway and London this summer and hopefully I will hear about your travels on your blog. 

To find out more about Kat visit her blog

Or visit her on social media 

Twitter katcandyfloss
Instagram katcandyfloss

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring The Mental Parentals if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an email at 


  1. I love this series! Quick question Kat - did you blog about DLP? We are off in November and would love to read more x

    1. Thank's Beth, glad you like it. You will love DLP, we went years ago and loved it xx

  2. Thank you so much for featuring me on this! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed my answers and I'll be sharing all about my holiday on my blog too! :) It was great to take part!

  3. I love these posts, as it is always nice to see the person behind their blog x

    1. Thank you, I am glad that you enjoy reading them xx

  4. Love this series and I'm really looking forward to being up on this soon! x

    1. Thank you Talya, I am looking forward to featuring you soon xx

  5. What a lovely series, really enjoyed reading it.
    Always nice to get to know other bloggers :) x

  6. Really great to get to know Kat. we took our children to DLP on their first trip abroad too.

    1. It really is nice to get to know her. I took my teen on her first trip abroad to DLP too! I will hopefully be taking my little two next year xx

  7. I love seeing the blogger behind the blog! You never think to answer these questions on your own blog. Lovely to know a little bit more about Kat, enjoy your trip to London and hopefully you'll get to the Canary Islands!

    1. I totally agree, you find out things you never knew by these kind of interviews don't you. xx

  8. Really nice to read about other Bloggers especially local ones to us! We live in Hampshire too!

    1. Small world! I love finding local bloggers to get to know xx

  9. Love these posts. I think I'm really going to love family holidays too, as I didn't ever have them myself.

    1. Thank you. Oh I bet you have great holidays when Erin is bigger, most of my childhood memories are off the holidays I went on xx

  10. I love this series and reading more about the person behind the blog. I am so jealous about DLP, I would love to take my girls. x

    1. Thank you Laura, I am sure you will get to DLP one day soon, I am dying to take my little two too xx

  11. I am loving this blog series. I love their blog name. Off to check the blog.

  12. She is living my dream. I really hope that one day I can work from home full time. Wonderful read!

    1. I am sure that you will get your dream of working from home soon Ana as you are a very talented writer xx

  13. Wow DLP sounds awesome and its always lovely to see the blogger behind the blog x

    1. It is awesome, I went a few years ago and loved it xx

  14. Norway is definitely on my list to explore too! I'll have to read up about Tromso 😊

    1. I have never even thought about visiting Norway, I am looking forward to hearing about it too though xx

  15. Lovely series. I enjoyed reading this interview. I like her blog name. Looking forward to reading the next post.

  16. Lovely post and I am hoping you have an amazing time in Norway x

    1. Thank you, I hope she does too - can't wait to read about it all on her blog xx

  17. I love this series. We as a family also love the cinema and going for food x

  18. Another new blog to follow - thank you

  19. Great post. I love getting to know other bloggers more. I would love to live in Cornwall :)

    1. Thank you, I would love to move to Cornwall too xx


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