Saturday, 2 July 2016

Slimming World Week 2 & 3

Two weeks ago I wrote about rejoining Slimming World for the third time, since having children I really do struggle with my weight and I know the only way that I can lose weight is by following the Slimming World plan and attending group. I was over the moon to have lost 7lb in my first week and I really do feel like I am now in the right frame of mind to lose weight, we are going abroad next year and I really want to be slimmer for that. 

slimming world main meal and pudding

I mentioned that I was going to blog about my weight loss every week but last week I just did not have time to blog as I was snowed under with brand work. However I hold my hands up and admit that I did gain half a pound in my second week and I totally know why, it was my other half's birthday and I did eat birthday cake and the night before weigh in I went out for a few drinks and a Chinese banquet. I was fine with gaining half a pound as I went out and enjoyed myself and the meal was so worth gaining a tiny bit of weight. 

The old me would have been unhappy that I had gained weight and went home and ate rubbish, I am not going to lie I was so tempted. However I didn't I just got straight back on the plan and I was pleased to see that this week I had lost another 2lb. You are probably wondering why I am writing this and letting people know I gained weight, I want to be honest and show people that losing weight can be hard it is not always like those amazing stories you read in magazines were people lose 10 stone in 6 months. Losing weight can be hard, some weeks you will eat treats or have meals out, some weeks you will gain weight but it is OK as long as you keep going you will lose weight. I want to share my weight loss journey on my blog for two reasons 1.)  because it motivates me to keep at it as I have already failed to stick to a diet three times! 2.) because I want people to know that losing weight can be hard but if I can do it anyone can (I know that sounds really cheesy). 

Anyway enough of me rambling on, as I mentioned I lost 2lb this week which I was pleased with and it means I have lost 8.5lb in 3 weeks. I have noticed my jeans feel so much bigger now and they are always falling down and I am forever pulling them up (not a good look). I also feel like I have much more energy, I don't feel as blotted, my skin feels softer and my IBS seems to be under control at the moment too. I keep thinking to myself if I feel this good after just losing 8.5lb, how good will I feel if I lose a few stone ? Amazing I hope! 

Anyway whenever I read weight loss stories I always want to know what people are eating to lose weight, so once again here is my weekly meal plan for the last week. Every day breakfast was either 2 hi-fi light bars - loving the banana milkshake ones, or two weetabix with fruit. 

Monday was weigh in day so I had weetabix and fruit for breakfast. I skipped lunch and just had fruit and a mullerlight. Tea was nando chicken with baked potato, corn on the cob and salad. 

Tuesday 2 hi-fi lights for breakfast, lunch was lean grilled bacon, mushrooms & beans. Tea was Chilli & rice, I always put lots of speed in my chilli such as peppers, onions and mushrooms. 

Wednesday 2 hi-fi light bars, Lunch was crustless quiche and salad. Tea was ham salad. 

Thursday Weetabix & Fruit, lunch was melon, crab sticks and mullerlight. Tea Pork steaks with new potatoes and salad. 

Friday Weetabix & fruit, lunch was ham salad with pease pudding and beetroot. Tea was grilled lean gammon, baked potato and salad. 

Saturday Breakfast was weetabix & fruit, lunch was bacon, mushroom, tomatoes and egg. Tea was teriyaki chicken and egg fried rice (recipe in the latest slimming world magazine and is delicious).

Sunday Breakfast was weetabix & fruit, for lunch I had jacket potato and beans and tea was tuna pasta bake (also from the magazine). 

I used my syns on sauces to go with my meals, crisps, sugar for my morning coffee and meringue nests which I use to create a delicious Eton mess style dessert with fruit and mullerlight yogurts. 

I get weighed again on Monday and I will be honest here I am not looking forward to it as I have not wrote my meals down this week or kept track of my syns. If I have a gain (which I am expecting) then I am fine with it and totally deserve it. I think I will be buying one of those clever little food diary books they sell in group next week, as I really need to keep track of what I am eating and how many syns I am having. 

If you have any Slimming World friendly recipes please do share them in the comments below as I am always looking for new meal ideas. 


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