Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring The Mental Parentals

Welcome to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring the super lovely Steph from one of my most favourite blogs The Mental Parentals. I have been reading Steph's blog for ages, I love reading about her family life in the Lakes, life with her two boys and the days out they go on. I have met Steph in real life and she is just as lovely and likeable as you would imagine her to be from her blog. 

UK parent blogger The Mental Parentals

So lets find out more about the family behind The Mental Parentals. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family ? 

I'm Steph, a 28 year-old wife to hubs A and a mummy of two boys, O aged 4 years and Q aged 3 months.

2.) Where do you live ? 

Cumbria, on the outskirts of the Lake District.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live ? 

Living in the Lakes, you'd probably expect me to say 'fell walking' or something similar. Although we have so many beautiful landscapes literally on our doorstep we don't make much use of them. Hubs has just brought a map and waterproof and keeps promising to buy O some walking boots ...... Anyway, I digress. Our favourite thing to do as a family is finding new places to visit for day trips out and family friendly restaurants! Both my husband and I absolutely love food and dining out, we have so far passed that on to O too. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you ? 

I have contemplated living abroad in a warmer climate. Maybe Spain, I do love the Spanish culture (and food). The warmth would help hubs with his arthritis too. But, and it is a big 'but'. Neither my husband or I could love so far away from our families, so we will just stay in the Lakes!

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up ? 

Yeah I grew up in a town just over 10 miles away and lives there until December 2013. My favourite memories are of my friends and I playing out on the streets around our houses, playing kerbsy and riding our bikes around the estate. I hope that O and Q will have a childhood similar to mine, with plenty of outside play when they're a bit older. 

6.) Have you any exciting family plans for the year ahead ? 

We're off to Majorca for Q's first holiday in August which will be fun! This year if full of firsts as Q was born in March, so we've got our first Christmas with two kiddies too. O can't get his head around that Santa knows about Q, even though he wasn't here for Christmas last year. But it's ok, O says he'll share his presents. * Heart eyes emoji*

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life ? 

I am loving the school run. I've never been able to do it as I've been at work until February. Even though O just hates getting ready for school in the mornings, I absolutely love taking him to school and picking him up. His school is just at the end of our road, so it's only a short walk away. There's no traffic and irresponsible parking for me to get wound up over, and O often takes his scooter with him which he enjoys. Maternity leave is awesome as I get to spend so much more time with mu babies and see them grow, without rushing through the every day. 

Thank you so much for taking part Steph I have loved reading your answers. I hope that you have an amazing time in Majorca and I think that it is adorable that O will share his Christmas presents with his little brother in case Santa forgets him, so sweet! 

To find out more about Steph visit her blog

Or visit her on social media

Twitter mentalparentals
Instagram mentalparentals
Pinterest mentalparentals

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Three Days Later if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an email at, you don't need to be a parent to take part as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. I have never read this blog before, thanks for introducing me to new blogs :) We love to visit the places like the Lake District, so many beautiful places to walk and so much to see..

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, love this blog. xx

  2. Thanks for featuring me! Xx

  3. It sounds like Steph has a wonderful family, I will definitely be checking her blog out. It's lovely to discover new blogs to read x

    1. It really does doesn't it. I hope that you enjoy her blog as much as I do xx

  4. I love the Lake District and always imagine what it's like to live there. Heading off to her blog right now to find out ;)

  5. What a great idea, love finding out about new bloggers

    1. Thanks Kizzy, I am glad that you enjoyed reading xx

  6. This was a lovely read. Thanks for sharing Steph.

  7. What a lovely family.
    Love your blog series by the way, such a fab way to get to know other bloggers :) x

    1. They really are such a lovely family. Thank you so much, I am glad that your enjoying it xx

  8. What a lovely family I hope they havw a lovelg time on holiday in majorica

    1. They really are a lovely family, I hope they have a great time too xx

  9. Lovely to meet you! We love food and dining out too, a favourite pastime :) x

  10. We love the Lake District, sounds like a lovely family x

    1. I really should visit the Lakes more as I live not too far away. Such a beautiful part of the country xx

  11. I have always wanted to visit the Lake district, so I am hoping I get there one day x

  12. Hope you have an amazing holiday x


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