Sunday, 30 April 2017

Thing's I Have Loved - April 2017

April is almost over and it has been such a busy month for us as a family, we have made some lovely memories and we are all enjoying being outdoors now the weather is getting warmer. I can not believe that it is May tomorrow, May is always a busy month for us as it is Sophia's birthday and she will be turning four in a matter of weeks. As today is the last day of April I thought that I would record some of the things that I have loved from the month gone by, I suppose you could call it my monthly happy list. 

1.) Tiny Town Newcastle 

At the start of the month, we visited Tiny Town Newcastle which is children's role play centre in Newcastle. Sophia and Jacob had such fun playing in the different areas and dressing up and it was nice to actually see them playing together and doing something different. We will certainly be returning as we had such a wonderful time. 

2.) Vera 

I love the TV show Vera on ITV, I was born and grew up in Northumberland - where the show is set and I sometimes forget what a beautiful part of the country it is. I love spotting places that I recognise and I also love watching the show as it is perfect Sunday night viewing. 

3.) Easter 

We had a lovely Easter, we did not do a lot but it was nice just having a day at home as a family eating chocolate and enjoying a roast dinner. We also had fish and chips from the chippy on good Friday which is something we always do and is Sophia's favourite meal. The children got so much chocolate - they still have eggs left now two weeks later. 

4.) Visiting The Farm

We visited Whitehouse Farm in Northumberland just before Easter and the children had such a wonderful day. They loved meeting the animals and seeing the newborn lambs and chicks, you really can't beat a visit to the farm at Easter time. You can read all about our day at the farm and see a little video here.

5.) Half Term

I love when my children are off school at half-term, it is nice having them all home together and to be able to have family days out and lazy mornings at home. We had a few nice days out over half-term to Beamish, Whitehouse farm and on a BBC studio tour. My teen was out a lot with her friends and the little two spent a lot of time in the garden as they adore being outdoors. It was a lovely relaxing half-term and I am already looking forward to the next one at the end of May. 

6.) Gousto Box 

I recently tried out Gousto recipe kits and I was really impressed, I have heard people mention them before and have always wondered what they were like so when I was recently offered to try them out for myself I was eager to see what they were like. Gousto is a recipe kit delivery service, where you pick two meals for two or four people from their website and everything you need to create that meal at home is delivered to your door with a recipe card. It made us try new recipes and the meals we created were delicious, I will be trying them again in the future.*  

7.) Beamish

Beamish is my most favourite day out in the North East that I never get bored of visiting. Beamish is a huge open air museum showing what life was like here in the North East in the 1900s, with its very own mine, pit village, farm, town and railway. We visited over Easter weekend and we had such a lovely day out exploring the museum and spending time together all five of us, which doesn't happen often these days. 

Beamish steam train

8.) Football Lessons

Jacob loves football, he is always playing with his ball in the garden but he is too young for proper football lessons at the moment as he is still only two. We decided to enrol him onto Little Kickers Football lessons which he started last week, he has a little football strip and he seems to be enjoying it. It is nice that he gets to do something just him and his dad on a Sunday morning without his sisters being there. 

9.) Googly Fruit 

We were sent some Googly fruits recently which Jacob really likes, he adores fruit and he would eat it all day if he could. Googly fruit is a new range of tasty, healthy fruity snacks for children that have fun googly eyed fruits on that are great for getting children interested in fruit. We were also sent some googly eyes to add to our own fruit, much to Jacobs delight. Googly fruit has a range of fruit pouches, which are great for eating as a dessert or adding into yoghurt or ice cream. They also have dried fruits - the strawberry ones were a hit in this house and they have fruit flavoured 'crisps'. My little fruit monster Jacob really enjoyed trying these out, they make a great healthy snack idea that children will love and that will encourage them to eat more fruit and veg. You can find out more about Googly fruits at *

Googly Fruits

10.) School Places 

Like many other parents, we were anxiously waiting to see what primary school Sophia will be starting in September. Luckily she got a place at our first choice primary school, which is at the bottom of our street and where she attends nursery school and also where her cousin Heidi attends. A few days later we received a letter saying that Jacob has a morning nursery place there starting in September, which is where Sophia currently attends. It will be so strange them going off to school and nursery school, they really are growing up so fast and the baby days are well and truly long gone now. I am going to try and spend as much time having fun with them this summer before Sophia goes off to school in September. 

So that is what we have been loving in April, another nice month just like March. What were your highlights of April? 

* PR Sample.

A Cornish Mum


  1. That Tiny Town Newcastle looks fab, my girls would love to go to somewhere like this. Yay to school places, always such a relief when you get the news you want x

    1. It really is a great place to visit with young children, my two had the best time. It really is a relief when you get your first choice school xx

  2. Wow you've got up to lots of lovely things this month. It's such a worry over school places and great when you hear the news you wish for.

    1. We really have had a busy month, it has made a nice change after a few quiet months at home due to illness and bad weather xx

  3. That Tiny Town sounds so cute! Yay to getting the school that you wanted and it sounds like you've had a fantastic month lovely. Thanks for joining in with #LikedandLoved again.

    Stevie xx

    1. Tiny Town was brilliant, wish they had somewhere like that when I was younger! xx


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