Monday, 1 May 2017

April 2017

Today is the first of May, how fast has this year zoomed past? It really does not seem very long since I wrote last month's post, I know I sound like such a cliche saying this but time really does go so fast when you have children. My littlest lady will be turning four this month and we have so much planned that it is set to be a busy month for us. Anyway, lets take a look back at what April was like for us as a family and also blog-wise. 

April 2017 Beamish

Personal Life

For the last few months, all I kept saying was that I had been unwell, well this month I have actually been well for the full month! The children have all been fighting fit too without so much as a cough in site and I truly thought we had escaped the month with no illnesses, then we ended up in hospital last week. Jacob decided that he liked the look of one of his sister's toys so he ate it, we ended up going to the hospital to get checked over where he proudly told everyone he had a toy in his tummy. Luckily it was a soft rubber toy he ate so he 'should' *fingers tightly crossed* just pass it (I know TMI - I am sorry). I was mortified at the hospital as he decided to do a runner right though the hospital with me and his two sisters in pursuit, we were totally 'that family' who everyone tries to avoid. Not one of my finest parenting moments that's for sure. 

This month we have had quite a busy month, it was half-term so the girls were off school and nursery and it was nice to spend time together as a family. We had a few nice days out this month to Beamish, Whitehouse farm and Tiny Town Newcastle. Myself and my teen also went on a BBC Newcastle tour and had a girly shopping trip to Newcastle, I love when I get to spend one to one time with the children. We also had lots of lazy days at home watching films, Moana is the current favourite film in our house (it changes monthly). 

We found out that Sophia has a place at our local primary school in September, which was a relief as it is right at the bottom of our street and was recently voted one of the best in the county. We also found out that Jacob has a morning nursery place at the same school starting in September too, although he only turns three at the end of August I think he is more than ready to start nursery school. 

Jacob started football lessons with Little Kickers and he looks adorable in his little football kit, he is more interested in playing with the cones then kicking the ball but he seems to be enjoying it. I just need to find some sort of classes for Sophia now, although we do have her name on a dancing and swimming waiting list.  

Blog Life

April was a funny month blog wise, I have finally refound my blogging mojo - it has only taken me about six months! I have decided that it is about time I started making more of an effort with this blog as I have so many ideas but I just never get around to doing anything about them. So I am getting organised and I plan on blogging more regularly and really trying to make a go of this blog over the next year. I am going to give myself 18 months, (which is the time I have before Jacob turns four and starts school) to really try and make a success of this blog and a freelance career. 

Even though I have been quiet on my blog my stats are not too bad and I am still ranked 73 in Tots and my page views have stayed consistent (totally going to drop this month I bet). I have been being a lot more selective about who I work with now too and I think that is making me feel so much happier about blogging as I am no longer taking on too much work and can blog about what I want to more often. 

Yo Sushi Newcastle

This month I have worked with lots of local attractions such as Beamish, Whitehouse Farm, BBC Newcastle tours and Tiny Town Newcastle. I was also invited to the YO Sushi Newcastle new menu launch, keep an eye out for a blog post about that as it was a good night. We also reviewed a few toys, much to the children's delight. 

May is set to be a busy month for us as we have Sophia's fourth birthday party at Wacky Warehouse, which we will be blogging about. We are also going away for a few days which will be nice and we are hopefully booking are first foreign family holiday abroad in the next few weeks too. I love having things to look forward to and being busy, we always seem to do a lot more in the spring and summer. 

So that is what life was like for us in April, how was your month? 



  1. Sounds like a great month. I hope the toy passed through okay? It would be one of my biggest fears if one of the boys ate a toy! I hope your blogging plans go well as your blog is great. It was one of the first blogs I started reading! Xx

    1. It was a lovely month, nice to be out and about more now the weather is nicer. We hope it has passed, we can't be sure but so far he has not been ill. Thank you so much Sam that is so nice of you xx

  2. I seriously cannot believe how fast time is going: April seems ages ago! Looks like you had a busy month!

    1. It really is going so fast, I am sure time speeds up when you have children xx

  3. I am so glad that things are looking up. Not only did you find your blogging mojo but you also was feeling better this month which is great news xx

    1. Thank you so much Ana, that is very kind of you xx

  4. I was disappointed not to be able to go to the Yo Sushi event as they had nothing for vegans on offer. Can you believe it?! It would have been lovely to see you and hopefully we'll catch up soon x

    1. That is such a shame, they had so many veggie options so I don't see how they could not have catered for vegans if they do on the main menu. Hopefully we will see each other at another event soon xx


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