Monday, 16 January 2017

December 2016

As always I am super duper late in writing my monthly round-up post, it feels like forever since I wrote Novembers post. My blog has been a bit like tumbleweed at the moment, I have so much to write about but I just have not had the chance to sit down and type, mainly due to illness and my cat putting me in hospital! Yes you read that right my cat put me in hospital, he bit me on the arm and I ended up going to the minor injury clinic as it would not stop bleeding hours later and they referred me for plastic surgery to get the wounds cleaned out and fixed and four days worth of check-ups. Typically it was my right arm and it is still a bit sore now two weeks later so blogging has had to take a bit of a back seat. Anyway, let's take a look at what December 2016 was like for us.

Personal Life

December started as a busy month for us, as I imagine is the case with most families in the countdown to Christmas. We spent most of the month getting settled into our new house, we have everything unpacked now and it truly feels like home. As we moved in November I was so disorganised for Christmas this year, the first few weeks of the month were taking up with Christmas preparation and shopping - which I secretly love. 

In the run-up to Christmas, the other half was really busy at work so we did not do much as a family, although we did go and see Aladdin pantomime which we all thoroughly enjoyed. We also went to see Trolls at the cinema which the girls loved, Sophia is Troll crazy at the moment. Sophia also starred in her first nativity play at nursery school, she was an angel and looked adorable in her costume, but it was all a bit too much for her and she cried for most of the performance - bless her. 

Christmas was by far the highlight of the month for us all, it was the first time that we have ever spent Christmas at home as a family all day and it was really lovely. Christmas day started at 5 am, thanks to my teen and it was just magical watching the children open their gifts and seeing the looks of sheer joy on their faces - priceless. Staying home and having a Christmas dinner was a novelty as we normally dine out at the local Indian restaurant with family (yes we have curry). So staying home and cooking a traditional dinner was a refreshing change. 

Having the children off school and nursery for half term is always something that I look forward to, I adore family time with us all together. The other half had ten whole days off work over Christmas and new year which was a nice added bonus. We spent most of the holidays just relaxing at home, watching films and visiting family, which to me is what Christmas is all about - quality family time. 

Blog Life

December is such a busy month in the blog-wise with reviews, I felt a bit overwhelmed if I am honest so I have decided to cut back on them in the future. Although we were very lucky and got to review some lovely toys which the children thoroughly enjoyed testing out. I took two weeks off from my blog and social media whilst the children were off and it was so nice to not be on the laptop on an evening or constantly checking my iPhone. The downside is that I just can't seem to get back into the swing of blogging again, I think I have enjoyed having my evenings back to myself again too much.

Over the break, I have also been planning some changes to my blog, something I have wanted to do for ages but have just never had the time to do. I am in the process of setting up a second blog, it will be all about my bid to lose weight with Slimming World (again). I want this blog to go back to why I started blogging, to record our family life here in Newcastle. I want to feature more days out, especially things to do with toddlers and teens and more places to dine as a family here in Newcastle too. I will be featuring more recipes as they are my most read posts and I will also be continuing with my Other Bloggers Family Lives series as I am amazed at just how well that is doing.

So that is what we got up to in December, a month full of Christmas magic and quality family time. What did you get up to in December?


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