Sunday, 26 June 2016

Thing's I Loved In June

As it is nearing the end of the month I thought that I would write about things that I have been loving this month. I love writing these posts as they are always full of happy memories and are nice to look back on. I know I say this every single month but it really does not seem like it was so long ago since I was writing last months post. 

June has been a fairly quiet month for us, we have not had any big days out, events or anything important happen. It has been nice to just relax and spend time at home and in the garden and have lots of family time and local days out. 

So let's have a look at what I have been loving in June. 

1.) Rejoining Slimming World. I have rejoined Slimming World for the third time and I am so happy to report that I lost 7lbs in my first week back on the plan. I feel like I have a clear head and that I am in the right frame of mind to stick to the 'diet' now and to get rid of this baby weight once and for all, after all my baby is now almost two so I can't blame it on baby weight for much longer!

2.) Date Night. For the last few months we have been having a monthly 'date night', grandma is on baby sitting duty and we get to go out and enjoy a child free meal and actually talk to each other without constant interruptions. Last week it was the other half's birthday and we celebrated by going to Mandarin Bay Chinese restaurant, we ordered a Chinese banquet for two and it was delicious! 

3.) Orange Is The New Black. I don't watch very much TV but one show that I really do like is the Netflix series Orange Is The New Black. The new series was launched last week and I stayed up late every night to finish the season in under a week. I admit I thought that it was a bit rubbish at first but near the end I was once again gripped by the inmates at Lichfield's antics. I can't believe that they ended the show on such a cliff hanger though and I was in tears when they killed of one of the much loved characters the way they did. If you haven't watched OITNB watch it as it is brilliant! 

4.) Mother & Baby Magazine. Me & Jacob feature in this months issue of Mother & Baby magazine testing out baby sleeping bags. I totally forgot all about this as I actually tested them out a few months ago but I found out today that I am in this months issue. It is pretty strange seeing my photo in a magazine to be honest. We are also M&B award testers this year which I am excited about as we took part two years ago and loved it, even if I did end up with a house full of highchairs. 

5.) Potty Training. Jacob my 21 month old decided to potty train himself this month, he kept asking to go on the potty but we thought he was just copying his sister. Anyway I took his nappy off and let him go on the potty and what do you know he had a wee, ever since he has just went on the potty and has had no accidents at all. I am totally amazed as he is not even 2 yet so potty training him had never even crossed my mind. 

6.) Operation Move House. Regular readers will know that I have been wanting to move house for ages now as are house is just way to small now we have three children. We live in an old mining village in a terrace house and it is tiny. My house is that old that it has a coal shed and the bathroom is an extension built onto the kitchen - as it was built back in the days when people did not have indoor bathrooms. Anyway this week we have finally started to get somewhere in regards to moving so hopefully we will be moving to a bigger / more modern home in the next few weeks. The whole thing is so stressful and expensive but I just know it will be worth it in the end to have a perfect family home. 

7.) Time In The Garden. Even though I want to move I adore my back garden, it is fairly big and it is south facing so it is a little sun trap. Best of all it backs on to farmers fields and it is so quiet with beautiful views, I will miss it so much when we move. It has been lovely to sit outdoors on the garden bench in the sunshine and let the children run around and play with their toys. 

8.) Blogging opportunities. This month I have had some lovely blogging opportunities, we have some lovely review items and I have also been invited to some lovely events (a spa day). We were also chosen to be Scarborough Sealife ambassadors, we love visiting Scarborough in the summer and my little two are penguin crazy so I just know they are going to love being able to visit whenever they want. We have also been selected to be GORE_TEX Big Days ambassadors too (they get shoes to review)

9.) Time To Relax. This month has been all about relaxing, I have stepped away from my blog a bit recently as I just fell out of love with it a bit. It was nice to just spend time with my family, we have had local days out and lots of days at home. I have been reading books again and watching Netflix and films and it has been nice to just relax and not really do anything. I think we all need some chill time every now and then. 

10.) Swizzels Sweets. Last month at Blog On I met the lovely people from Swizzels Matlow sweets and I was recently asked if I would like to try some of the new Bon Bon sweets - of course I said yes! I love refreshers and drumstick lollies so imagine my delight when I found out they now sell them in Bon Bon form! They taste just like refreshers and drumsticks but they are lovely and chewy just like a regular Bon Bon, infact they taste way nicer then a regular Bon Bon. Seriously if you are out shopping buy a bag to try as they will remind you of your favourite childhood sweets, they are available now from Tesco. Morrisons, Spar, B&M and many other shops.

So those are the things that I have been loving in June, what have you loved this month ? 



  1. Congrats on the weight loss! Thats great :-) You have a clever little boy toilet training himself. You must be a very proud mummy x

    1. Thank you so much Sam, he is very clever I think I often forget he is so young as I treat him the same as his sister who is three xx

  2. Oh I loved the new series of Orange Is The New Black! Some big (and very sad) twists this time.

    Lovely post about this month!

    1. Thank you Lyndsey, I know I was so shocked with the end of OITNB this series - cant believe they ended it on such a cliffhanger xx

  3. Sounds exciting. We've just made the big move recently and yes, it was stressful and expensive, but so worth it! x

    1. I am glad you are all settled now, I am dreading the move as we have so much stuff! I am amazed at how much money it is costing but it will all be worth it once we have moved and have more space xx

  4. oh my goodness those bon bons look yummy, I am looking out for them! Well done on the weight loss, amazing results x

    1. They really are delicious, you need to try some when you see them in the shops. Thank you Laura xx

  5. What a lovely month for you.
    Firstly well done on your weight loss! That's fab.
    Glad you are having some success with your house move, wishing you all the very best in your new home :)
    Oh and those bonbons are addictive! hehe x

    1. Thank you Jayne, the bon bons really are lovely although my teen is eating most of them xx

  6. Orange is the New Black is also one if the highlights of my month. I have binged watched all the episodes.

    1. I am exactly the same I stayed up watching it every night, such a cliffhanger to end it on though xx

  7. I was so sad about you know who's death in Orange is The New Black it was upsetting. Aw date night sounds lovely x

    1. It really was so upsetting wasn't it, especially the way she was then treated xx

  8. I cans see June was a busy and fun filled for you. Your little one is so smart - potty training himself. I really wished my little one was that smart.

    1. Thank you , he really is smart I guess I always forget how young he actually is xx

  9. Wow such an amazing month. Wow to the potty training!!! That's incredible. Congratulations to all the blogging opps too. It sounds like June has been so good. xx

    1. I know I am amazed he has done it all himself, so much easier then his sister she was 2.5 when she started potty training xx

  10. Oh good luck with moving house, it's such a horrible process, and hope you find a house with a lovely garden so you can still enjoy that outside time.
    Amazing potty training btw, and congrats on Mother and Baby x

    1. Thank you so much, I am stressed already with the house move lol. I know I think I forget that he is still only one and how clever he is x


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