Saturday, 5 March 2016

February 2016

At the start of each month, I always like to sit down and write a little post looking back on the month gone by. These posts are my way of reflecting on the previous month as I always think I have never done anything when in fact sometimes I have. I say this every single month but it honestly does not seem like that long ago since I wrote last months update! February is normally a very quiet month for myself and my family with not a lot happening and lots of days staying at home in the warmth. 

So let's have a look at what February was like for me and my family.

Personal Life

The month started off really quiet for us with not a lot planned and lots of days at home, as it has been so wet and cold up here in Newcastle lately. I am still doing Slimming World and lost 5lb last month which is a lot less then I wanted but I will be honest and say that I have not really been committed to the plan lately, I need to change things or I will never lose weight. I also had my hair cut this month as it was waist length and just too high maintenance, it is now just above my shoulders.

My little man had his first hair cut and he is becoming such a little chatterbox lately, he is turning into such a mummy's boy who follows me everywhere shouting "Mam" if I dare leave the room. He has also started to take an interest in TV shows, Mr Tumble and Baby Jake are his favourites, he also loves Minions at the moment too shouting "Bob" whenever he sees one, very cute. 

Little miss Sophia is still really enjoying pre-school and is changing so much lately, she has calmed down and is not such a live wire any more and she is so loving and chatty lately it is wonderful to watch. She is becoming really interested in Disney princesses and she keeps calling animals "cute". She had a physio appointment this month as we were concerned she was hypermobile like me but they don't think she is and just said she has a good range of movements. She is still seeing her speech therapist once a month due to her delayed speech but she is starting to say so many words now. 

My teen has not been up to much but she had a busy half term going out with her friends, staying at her granddad's and for meals out, I don't think she had a single day at home over half term. I also took her out for the day, just me and her which we do every month, we went for lunch and to the cinema to see Goosebumps which was actually really good. 

Myself and the other half had a rare child-free afternoon, we made the most of it by going out for lunch just the two of us which was nice. 

Blog Life

This month has been fairly busy with blog work and also some nice future collaborations planned for in the coming weeks, my inbox has certainly been very busy lately. I also eventually got around to starting my new guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives which has got off to a great start. I also featured more personal type posts, although I still need to work on getting a good balance of brand work and personal. 

I really wanted to capitalise on the success I had with Pinterest in January but I never got around to it. I was really expecting a huge drop in my traffic this month as my views had doubled in January, thanks to Pinterest, however, I was pleased to see that they were only a tiny bit lower. I know stats are not the be all and end all but it is nice to know people do actually read what I write, thank you if your reading this by the way. 

That is basically what February was like for us, nothing major happened, it was just a nice normal quiet month with lots of quality family time - which I love. 

Did you do anything nice last month? I would love to know in the comments below. 


  1. February was pretty quiet here as well, it is a great month to recharge batteries. I still need to figure out pinterest

    1. It really is a great month to recharge batteries, although I seem to have no motivation since I took a break over xmas. Pinterest still confuses me too xx


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