Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Dear Bear And Beany

Welcome to week six of my guest series Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week we will be finding out a bit more about Laura who blogs at Dear Bear And Beany. I have only recently discovered Laura's blog and it is full of lovely posts about life with her girls and the reality of life with two young children.

So lets find out more about the family behind Dear Bear And Beany.

fear bear and beany blogger and her children

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family? 

I'm Laura, married to Andy and we have two girls, Alice is 3 and Holly is 18 months. I stay at home and cope with the madness of looking after two little ones and Andy gets the easy job of going out to work ... or the harder job, if he was answering. 

I blog when I can, mainly nap times and in the evening and I love it. 

2.) Where do you live? 

We live in a market town in Berkshire. We moved into our home just over a year ago and we love it. We can walk to a couple of different parks and the town if we have lots of energy, it's all uphill on the way back.

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

When the weather is being kind, we love to visit our local farms/parks. We take a picnic and spend all day seeing the animals, taking a ride on the train and enjoying an ice cream. 

When the weather isn't too good we like to go swimming. My girls love the water and its great fun splashing daddy!

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you? 

I would only want to live somewhere else if I could take all my family and friends with me, as that is what is important to me and I couldn't imagine them not being near us. So if everyone is coming, then I would love to live in Sydney, Australia. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

I have lived here all my life and I love that I can take my girls to the same park that I played in as a child, go on the same walks that I went on, swim at the same local swimming pool and share stories of my childhood with them.

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead? 

My eldest daughter starts school in September and whilst I wouldn't say I was excited about it, Alice is very excited and talks about it all the time. I am still getting over the fact that my little girl is going off to school soon. 

We are also just starting to plan our holiday for this year, which I get very excited about. We want to make it a good one this year, as it's the last time we can go outside the school holidays!

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

When we close the door on the outside world and it's just the four of us, inside our home, enjoying playing a game, doing a jigsaw and reading stories. I love it when we are all together, just being us.

Thank you for taking part Laura it was lovely to find out more about your family life in Berkshire. I too live close to where I grew up and love that I can take my children to places I visited as a child too. I totally agree that my other has the easy job going to work whilst I am home with our children too, he does not agree either. I hope that Alice enjoys starting school later in the year and that you have an amazing family holiday. 

To find out more about Laura and her family visit her blog 

Or follow her on social media

Facebook dearbearandbeany
Twitter dearbearandbean
Instagram dearbearandbeany

If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please send me an email at . You don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted.

Why not read last week's post from Mummy's Diary 



  1. It's lovely to get to know more about other bloggers through these features. x

    1. It really is, I love seeing what life is like in other parts of the country and what people get up too xx

  2. Always nice to get to know people! ☺

    1. It really is, I enjoy finding out how others live xx

  3. What a lovely little feature, great for getting to know other bloggers.

    1. Thank you Nelly, It really is a great way to find out more and discover new bloggers xx

  4. Thank you for having me, I enjoyed sharing abour our family life. X

    1. Thank you so much for taking part, It was so lovely to find out more about you and your family xx

  5. I love this series! I will defo drop you an email and see if you will have me - I'm a bit swamped right now but the email is on its way when I get a minute haha! H x

    1. Thank you Harriet, Haha know that feeling so very well xx

  6. Aw I hope she has a lovely holiday sounds like she needs it, what a lovely blogger. good luck with September.

  7. I love posts like these. I love getting to know the people behind the blog and picture. Plus it's a great way of finding new blogs to read x

    1. Thank you Kerry, I am the same I love finding out more about people so love reading interview type posts. xx

  8. I too love reading about other bloggers and their lives - it is so interesting. Kaz x

    1. I do too, I am glad that you enjoyed reading Kaz xx

  9. What a lovely interview. She is so right about being able to shut the door and appreciate the simple joys of family life

    1. Thanks Zena, I totally agree too that the simple joys of family life are the best xx

  10. i love these types of posts, i've always fancied Australia too


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