Wednesday 30 March 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Dot Makes 4

Welcome to another week of my new guest series Other Bloggers Family Lives, this week I am featuring the lovely Laura from Dot Makes 4. I have only recently discovered Laura's blog and like myself, she has children with a big age gap, her blog is full of family day's out, reviews and free from recipes as her son has allergies. 

Dot Makes Four blog logo

Laura is a stay at home mum who has been blogging for a year and she lives in Lincolnshire with her husband and two children. So let's find out a bit more about the family behind Dot Makes 4. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family? 

I am 32, married to my best friend Mark and we have two beautiful children, Mikey 11 and Dot who is 15 months. 

2.) Where do you live? 

We live in a beautiful town in Lincolnshire. It's quite small and only takes about 5 minutes to go from one end to the other (in the car not walking).

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

Our favourite thing to do as a family is going for a walk and explore new places. I have lived here for 32 years and I'm still finding out new things!

4.) If you could love anywhere where would you? 

Both my husband and I love New York, but we also love our town too. I think I would miss it too much if we moved to NYC. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you love now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

Both me and my husband grew up in the town. I now live at the other end of it from my childhood home, but my husband only moved a street away from his! 

My favourite memories always revolve around the local park. It was 5 houses away from us and my brothers and sisters and all our friends used to spend hours playing there. There used to be about 12 kids all running to play 'Blocky'! (If you've never heard of it, you've really missed out!).

6.) Have you got any exciting plans for the year ahead? 

My son wants to explore the whole of the UK and even has a scratch-off map to show where he's been. We thought that we'd try and help his quest, so this summer we're taking a family holiday up to see Hadrian's wall. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

My favourite thing about family life is the fun we have. Although there's school, work and housework, we always try to make the most of the time we can spend together.

Thank you for taking part Laura I have loved reading your answers, although I have to admit I have never heard of Blocky before. I hope that you enjoy your trip to Hadrian's wall, I must admit even though I live so close to it I have never actually visited it properly, I really must someday. 

To find out more about Laura and her family you can visit her blog 

And follow her on social media 

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Dear Bear And Beany if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please send me an e-mail at, you don't have to be a parent to take part either as the answers can be easily adapted. 



  1. I've been blogging only 4 and half weeks and already seeing the blogging community is fantastic, collaborations galore, brilliant :)

    1. It is great you have found the community so quickly, I was so late to the party and only got involved after I had been blogging a while.

  2. Lovely series to meet other bloggers and get to know more about them.

    1. Thank you Joanna, it really is nice finding out more about them xx

  3. I love New York too, but I don't think I'd want to move there. Would love to visit again though. It's nice to find out more about the bloggers we read, isn't it? :) x

    1. I have always wanted to visit New York as I have never been before. xx

  4. I love posts like this. Such a great way of getting to know the blogger behind the blog.

    That is a really big age gap between children! I can't imagine getting one all the way through to pre teen and then starting back at the nappy stage. Such a brave lady!

    1. Thank you Tori. I have a 10 year gap between my eldest two children too and it is so strange going back to sleepless nights after a big gap x

  5. I've been blogging for over a year and honestly, I've met some of the nicest people through my blog! They're also some of my best friends now!

    Oliver •

    1. That is so lovely that you have made such good friends via your blog

  6. I love being introduced to new bloggers and finding out a bit about them.
    We have a large age gap between 1 and 2 our eldest is 19 then the next is almost 4 :)

    1. I have a big age gap too, although not as big as yours xx

  7. I love NYC and often dream of moving there - but I think I'd miss home too!

    1. I have never visited NYC I would love too though xx

  8. I love reading about other bloggers, I love finding out about their lives x

    1. I am the same it is so nice just finding out things you wont really know from reading their blog xx

  9. Aw how sweet is this, it is lovely that you see your husband as your best friend. You seem like a caring and genuine person and that is always nice to find in the blogging world

    1. It really is nice to find people who are caring and genuine in the blogging world I could not agree more xx

  10. aw I love to read these as you really get to know the person behind the blog

    1. You really do get to know the person behind the blog don't you. I love your interview series too for the same reasons xx

  11. What a lovely interview. New York is very different from Lincolnshire though, what a contrast. I like New York too but think I will keep it to visitng

    1. Thank you Zena, I so want to visit New York someday as I have never been xx

  12. What a lovely series to share other bloggers lives, I am yet to visit Lincolnshire and would love to one day


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