Friday, 15 January 2016

Slimming World Weigh In One

Regular readers will know that last year I joined Slimming World as I had gained a lot of weight (4 stone to be exact) since having my son. I have never really been the skinny type and have always been a bit overweight and my weight has yo-yoed over the years, but gaining that extra four stone really got me down as none of my clothes fitted and I just did not feel very good about myself any more.

 I knew I had to do something about my weight so I joined Slimming World, a diet plan that I had used in the past and that I knew worked without having to count calories and starve myself. I went on to lose almost 2 stone (1 stone 13lbs) over the few months I was following the plan, but I started missing groups and seemed to lose and gain the same few pounds every few weeks. I honestly think that it was just not the right time for me to lose weight as my youngest was not sleeping and after over a year of sleepless nights I was exhausted, I lost all my motivation and often found myself reaching for the chocolate and crisps for comfort.

slimming world week one

So I stopped going to group for a while and I could feel myself slipping back into bad habits of eating buttery toast for breakfast and not eating as much fruit as I should be, my clothes were getting tight again and I did not like it. I knew that in order to feel happy with myself again I had to get back to group and actually stick at it this time as the only way to lose weight is to put some effort in, as no one else can do it but me. 

I know that I struggle to try to lose weight on my own and always tell myself I will start a diet on Monday and I never do. So the first Monday of 2016 (last week) I re-joined my local Slimming World group, I thought that a clean slate and re-joining was the best approach. I was welcomed back to the group by my lovely consultant Karen and facing the scales for the first time in about six weeks was not to bad as I had only gained almost half a stone, so I am still over a stone less then I was when I first started back in the summer.

Listening to the new member talk really made me realise that I need to write down what I am eating as I am guilty of eating little treats then not writing them down, sometimes I eat 20 worth of syns a day but kid myself I have had 10 and things like that need to stop or I will just keep yo-yoing. My first week back on plan was good I felt like I knew what I was doing and even though I did stick to simple meals and had the odd chocolate bar thanks to the temptation of all the Christmas sweets, I was amazed to find I had lost 5.5lbs in my first week!

Already I am finding I am feeling so much better I have more energy and I am able to stay awake later in the evenings and my clothes don't feel as tight any more. I have decided that every single week I am going to commit to going and staying in group, even if I have had a bad week. I will also be recording my weight loss here on this blog every single week, even if I have had a bad week and gained weight. Last summer I blogged about my weight loss from time to time but the posts were all over the place and a bit boring really, so I have decided that each week on a Wednesday (weigh in is a Monday Night) I will share how my week has been on Slimming World. I will write about how my week has been if I have gained or lost weight and also include a weekly meal plan of what I have been eating that week.

I am hoping that sharing my weight loss journey each week will help motivate me to stick to the plan and will also help others who may be reading these posts, hello if you are. I find that I always stick to the same meals so I have also decided to share a recipe each weekend on this blog too, in the hope this will encourage me to be more adventurous in the kitchen.

So if Slimming World is your thing make sure to check back here every Wednesday morning to see how my week has gone and my weekly meal plan. I will also be sharing my meals on Instagram starting next week in a bid to keep me on track, you can view my Instagram profile here. After spending the last few years either pregnant or with a young baby, due to having two children so close in age (14 months apart) I feel like this is the year that I start to be kinder to myself and start to look after myself a bit better. I would love to be one of those people that lose six stone in six months but the reality of the happening is very unlikely as I love my food to much, my weight loss journey will be a long one and I hope you will stick with me as I shift this weight once and for all. 

If you have ever been on a diet what helps keep you motivated to lose weight? I would love to know in the comments below as I need all the help I can get on this weight loss journey ahead. 


  1. Well done on your first loss!! My hubs is following plan too - me, not so much as I'm pregnant, but once baby comes I'll be on it to get back to normal as quickly as possible! Weekly meal planning is a great start - breakfast, lunches and snacks included :) xxx

    1. Thank you Steph, oh enjoy your pregnancy and the treats while you can I would lol. xx

  2. I have been following slimming world since march and its been so good for me. Good luck on your journey x

    1. Thank you April, wow almost a year I am hoping I can stick at it and lose weight this time around xx

  3. Well done on getting back into it and your first loss! I am really keen to lose some weight after this baby, I dread to think what I am going to weigh once he's born! Xx

    1. Thank you, try not to worry and just enjoy your little man when he arrives ( I know that is easier said then done at times ). It has taken me until my son is one to have the time and energy to really be in a position to focus on losing weight. xx

  4. Well done lovely. I lost the same in the first week. My second weigh in is on Tuesday - hoping for another loss but doubt it'll be as great as we are off out for my sister birthday tomorrow so first day binging off plan - oooops

    1. Well done Beth, how weird we both lost exactly the same. I bet you do great again this week, I am just hoping for a loss this week as we have ate out twice this week so I am not feeling confident for the scales tomorrow xx

  5. well done on joining SW. I have been on it since Sept 2014 (after a few years off the wagon!) and my weight has been up and down but mostly down which is good. I think it is an eating plan which never seems like a diet, which is good! All the best and good luck!! x

    1. Well done Jenny, that is amazing that you have been going so long and I bet you feel so much better for it ? I know I do when I stick to it. I totally agree that it does not seem like a diet at all as you can eat so much and no need to count calories etc xx


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